Forever is composed of nows. - Emily Dickinson
My goodness, have I been negligent. Oops! Teehee.
So what to talk about? Right now, I am just a bit pissed. So it is hard to talk about all the more interesting things in my life when D is being a huge pain in the arse. Yeah, it’s one of those days. I acknowledge D and I have different views. I acknowledge we often say the same thing in different ways. It would just be nice if once in a while, D would acknowledge my request for a chance to calm down, instead of instigating more fights. Sighhhh…
Okay, things are better. See, just give us a chance to calm down and we can return to the table as mostly rationale adults. I said mostly… heehee.
Alright, so what has been going on in my life that is keeping me from updating my site? Well, I think I mentioned my job changed at work at the beginning of May. What I have discovered is since then, I have rarely gotten off on time. The program I am also working with (cause they never took away my other full time duties – which are still my preferred job) is so backlogged, overtime is not only encouraged, but just short of mandatory. I am trying to pace myself and not do too much, but just keeping up is becoming a trial. We are in the middle of a blitz where we work on the backlog and just keep our head down. So here I assuming (like the ass I was) this meant we were working our butts off – we borrowed staff, we dropped all other duties, so we should be getting lots down. At the meeting they said they anticipated 17% off the backlog being cleared. Somehow, I pulled a fifth of that 17%. Part of me wants to see what the total ends up being because I want to know if once again, I have put myself in risk of burnout for no reason.
So yeah – leaving late from work most days (last week alone I put in 7.5 hours of overtime). I also had holidays for a week (thank goodness!). Honestly, I left late the Friday prior, of course, but then I put work out of my mind. D and I just visited some of our favorite stores. We did some stuff around the house. It was a most wonderful week. Of course, during that time (and the week prior as D had two weeks off), I didn’t exercise. I had been in the habit of doing my workouts 4-5 days a week and suddenly nothing. And this week, due to the blitz, I didn’t do any either. So 3 weeks without exercising and I am noticing it and not just on the scale. It took a couple days of walking with fave coworker, just to get back to our usual pace. Sheesh. I am hoping this week to do more and get back into the rhythm. We’ll see.
Progress has occurred on the bookshelves. Yeah! The bulk of the painting is done. Today I started the edges. In theory, tomorrow, I will finish the side edges and then we just need to do the laminate on the shelf edges. I am hoping by next weekend we can put the shelves together. Then two weeks after that, the books can return to the shelves. Not only will this get them out of my office, but it will also make me very happy to see my books again. I swear I miss them.
Plus of course weeding – oh, the endless weeds. The small garden has had little growth, but the large garden is doing wonderful. I have to remember to put string on my poles for the peas yet.
We had a landscape designer come out and talk with us. She will have the plans developed in about 3 weeks. I am very excited. She is taking our rough ideas and expanding them, so everything will be pretty and we will have a 3-5 year plan. We met her at the Home and Garden show and she impressed me then. She continues to impress me. I can’t wait to see her drawings. Whee!
The PVR is down to 13%. It would be lower except we keep taping a movie here and there. Still, it is a grand thing it is so low. Perhaps we can work on all the bought movie watching now… teehee.
I have been trying to go out with friends here and there as well. I am finding myself dedicating my life to my house so much and I feel like I am losing my identity a bit. There is just so much to do and it is never ending. There is so much *more* I want to do. Time just seems to be slipping away. I like being a Domestic Goddess, I just wish sometimes there was less domestic and more goddess.
I have finished playing Funny Bubbles. When my mother first introduced it to me and I got over 100,000 on normal, I vowed I wanted to get over 100,000 on very hard. I got 115,880, so I am taking it off my favorites. We’ll see what I next get addicted to. Heehee.
So yeah, mostly I have been living life. That seems to be what is happening as well with all the other regular bloggers I read, who have been as tardy, if not more, than I.
Alright, back to getting things done - have gaming tonight and I need to change (poof, I am dragon) and then prep things. And of course, eat dinner, water the plants and all that other stuff too. :)
Stay sane everyone!
So what to talk about? Right now, I am just a bit pissed. So it is hard to talk about all the more interesting things in my life when D is being a huge pain in the arse. Yeah, it’s one of those days. I acknowledge D and I have different views. I acknowledge we often say the same thing in different ways. It would just be nice if once in a while, D would acknowledge my request for a chance to calm down, instead of instigating more fights. Sighhhh…
Okay, things are better. See, just give us a chance to calm down and we can return to the table as mostly rationale adults. I said mostly… heehee.
Alright, so what has been going on in my life that is keeping me from updating my site? Well, I think I mentioned my job changed at work at the beginning of May. What I have discovered is since then, I have rarely gotten off on time. The program I am also working with (cause they never took away my other full time duties – which are still my preferred job) is so backlogged, overtime is not only encouraged, but just short of mandatory. I am trying to pace myself and not do too much, but just keeping up is becoming a trial. We are in the middle of a blitz where we work on the backlog and just keep our head down. So here I assuming (like the ass I was) this meant we were working our butts off – we borrowed staff, we dropped all other duties, so we should be getting lots down. At the meeting they said they anticipated 17% off the backlog being cleared. Somehow, I pulled a fifth of that 17%. Part of me wants to see what the total ends up being because I want to know if once again, I have put myself in risk of burnout for no reason.
So yeah – leaving late from work most days (last week alone I put in 7.5 hours of overtime). I also had holidays for a week (thank goodness!). Honestly, I left late the Friday prior, of course, but then I put work out of my mind. D and I just visited some of our favorite stores. We did some stuff around the house. It was a most wonderful week. Of course, during that time (and the week prior as D had two weeks off), I didn’t exercise. I had been in the habit of doing my workouts 4-5 days a week and suddenly nothing. And this week, due to the blitz, I didn’t do any either. So 3 weeks without exercising and I am noticing it and not just on the scale. It took a couple days of walking with fave coworker, just to get back to our usual pace. Sheesh. I am hoping this week to do more and get back into the rhythm. We’ll see.
Progress has occurred on the bookshelves. Yeah! The bulk of the painting is done. Today I started the edges. In theory, tomorrow, I will finish the side edges and then we just need to do the laminate on the shelf edges. I am hoping by next weekend we can put the shelves together. Then two weeks after that, the books can return to the shelves. Not only will this get them out of my office, but it will also make me very happy to see my books again. I swear I miss them.
Plus of course weeding – oh, the endless weeds. The small garden has had little growth, but the large garden is doing wonderful. I have to remember to put string on my poles for the peas yet.
We had a landscape designer come out and talk with us. She will have the plans developed in about 3 weeks. I am very excited. She is taking our rough ideas and expanding them, so everything will be pretty and we will have a 3-5 year plan. We met her at the Home and Garden show and she impressed me then. She continues to impress me. I can’t wait to see her drawings. Whee!
The PVR is down to 13%. It would be lower except we keep taping a movie here and there. Still, it is a grand thing it is so low. Perhaps we can work on all the bought movie watching now… teehee.
I have been trying to go out with friends here and there as well. I am finding myself dedicating my life to my house so much and I feel like I am losing my identity a bit. There is just so much to do and it is never ending. There is so much *more* I want to do. Time just seems to be slipping away. I like being a Domestic Goddess, I just wish sometimes there was less domestic and more goddess.
I have finished playing Funny Bubbles. When my mother first introduced it to me and I got over 100,000 on normal, I vowed I wanted to get over 100,000 on very hard. I got 115,880, so I am taking it off my favorites. We’ll see what I next get addicted to. Heehee.
So yeah, mostly I have been living life. That seems to be what is happening as well with all the other regular bloggers I read, who have been as tardy, if not more, than I.
Alright, back to getting things done - have gaming tonight and I need to change (poof, I am dragon) and then prep things. And of course, eat dinner, water the plants and all that other stuff too. :)
Stay sane everyone!
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