Monday, November 17, 2014

A good day is when the crap hits the fan and I have time to duck.

Oh yes Aunty Acid – can I have one of those days again? Please?

I write this with my hands cold from the lack of heat in the house. After waiting 24 hours, the technician said to call in a Lennox technician. The Lennox technician said they can’t make it until Wednesday. The first technician turned off the furnace despite the tiny bit of heat it was generating. If we leave it going, it could cause some other thing to fail. So what do we do about heat? We have two people coming in tomorrow to get quotes on a new furnace in case the technician on Wednesday says he can’t fix it. Can’t say when we can get that installed. Sighhhh… Of course, we are still waiting on a call from a Maytag person about the broken washing machine.

Meanwhile, of course, work has imploded. We have news on our project and things have gone from plodding away into a rapid race to the end. The rumors for over a month now have been this outcome, so why wait until now to announce it? So the challenge is how to balance the need for heat and my home versus the reality of work. And of course, the challenge of how to pay for it all. The renos from last year had just been paid last week. And now – we are looking at another large debt. Needless to say, I am glad I am done half of my Christmas presents. We balance our budget pretty good, but to have these two things possibly needing replacement and a large reno we need to do next year – I am at a loss.

On a different note, I am totally in love with this song. Milady shared it and I have listened to it so many times.

Anyway, I should go contemplate what I can make for supper that will help heat the house a little bit.

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