I am so allergic to stupidity that it causes me to break out into rampant sarcasm.
So many thoughts have been going through my head – as usual I suppose. Sometimes I wonder if I read the books I do because my life has so many dark corners or if my life has dark corners because of the books I read.
Finished Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon (where I paraphrased my title from) a bit ago, then D decided to read it. Absolutely great book, but let’s just say the first part of this 836 page book is quite difficult to get through. What the main character goes through is fascinating, horrifying, thought-provoking, and tear-inducing. And the whole time I am reading I am consolidating it with what we have learned of this character is the rest of the series. It is a great example of how your own perceptions completely taint how you view someone else. How does the quote go: Be kind to those you meet as you never know what battle they are fighting? This book changes your perception of this character. Sometimes, I wish we could have our book that explains what battles we are fighting. But more than that, I wish people could just look past their own colored glasses and accept that everyone is different and doesn’t mean they aren’t worthy of getting to know or treating with dignity.
I hosted a party for a friend’s birthday recently where there were some fantastic conversations. It was interesting to discuss with difference of going to the bars is now versus when others used to go. Sometimes I wish I was more a part of the generation just coming into adulthood. Yes, there are challenges, but the acceptance level is so huge now. I like that people feel like they can be more themselves now. What’s scary though is how humans seem to never be able to fully accept ‘other.’ Why do we have to be so scared? There is a reason sometimes to be cautious, but the bullying never ends even when the world has expanded its consciousness so much. I still don’t get why some people are so afraid of non-hetero marriage or non-monogamous relationships. Why don’t we learn from history? Why aren’t we smart enough to move on? Why can’t we let people love as they want as long as it harms no one else? And really, how does two women or two men or two men and one woman, etc. harm me?
Deep thoughts for a Sunday. That’s what I get for getting my chores done early and then tackling taxes. Oy!
Other thoughts – Yay – Canada won the final hockey game in the Olympics. We have done fabulously in the Olympics this year and we should congratulate all the athletes who did their best, regardless of whether it got them a medal or not.
Post office blues – I am still a bit peeved at Canada Post with this decision to get rid of door to door mail delivery. I purposely moved into an older neighborhood so I could have an alley, houses that are not within arm’s reach of each other, and mail delivery. I hate the community mailboxes. They are ugly. They don’t hold much. They aren’t up kept, so the terrain around them is often hazardous, especially in winter. Why couldn’t they try other option first? Like cutting back on delivery. Maybe we only get mail 2-3 times a week, instead of everyday. Mind you, I personally think they are already doing this. I swear I rarely get mail on certain days of the week because the mail person is just not delivering. I do mail out cards, letters, etc. This just leads me into this disconnect the world has, whether it’s big business (as the government seems to think it is) or individuals. A few years ago, D and I would be out for dinner and rolling our eyes at the table next to us who were all on their phones. Now, I am the only rolling my eyes as everyone at my table is also on the phone. Business seems to think we need to focus on online stuff; but what about connection? What about interaction? I don’t want to hold a phone; I want to hold a person. I want to converse in person so I can see their eyes, their expression, their body language. I want to go out for dinner and enjoy good friends, good conversation, and good food. I want to live in the moment with the people around me.
Which I guess is why I feel so lonely and depressed so often right now. We are surrounded by technology now and rarely people. I feel like I spend so many moments alone, doing my own things, and I know I really need to get out every couple days or so. I am sure part of it is that it is February. Winter is coming to an end, the days are getting longer and people are getting antsy. Soon, it will be safe to walk the sidewalks again.
The other day I pulled out all the figurines and decorative from the basement and unpacked them. Oh my. Some of the stuff had been packed away for a couple years now from when we had had earlier problems in the basement and we just hadn’t unpacked. There was so much and we had donated some last summer when we were packing up. It’s crazy. I am still trying to figure out what I want on the walls and where. And we need a TV down there yet, but I have no idea where.
Other than doing a lot of thinking, I’ve been knitting, doing puzzles, catching up on my magazines, reading, catching up on shows, trying to de-stress.
Work is crazy right now and this last week was better than the several prior, but… it’s so hard. We have a couple really important people who are retiring – yay for them – I’m happy they are moving on to their next chapter – but woe is me. That is a lot of knowledge we are losing. And the person who was working with me directly was not kept despite her excellent work, so it’s back to just me doing so much. And there is one person in my unit who is hardly doing anything and some of the things she is doing, the rest of us are questioning on the rationale behind it. Some of it is totally contradictory to other things. One is retiring and working part-time. So it ends up being me and one other person doing everything else. Rumor has it we are getting a new person, but they have no direct experience and so it will take them at least a year to be up to par, assuming we have time to train them. Add in problems with the unit I used to work in that affects my current unit and it’s just exhausting. And the old unit has some big changes coming – like complete management changes. Change is a constant right now. We keep getting told to just accept it and move along with it. How does one go about doing their job if it is constantly changing? If the changes are not being explained and so there is no foundation for them?
Anyway, lots of deep thoughts, unanswered questions, unspoken conversations, and lots of sighing.
Finished Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon (where I paraphrased my title from) a bit ago, then D decided to read it. Absolutely great book, but let’s just say the first part of this 836 page book is quite difficult to get through. What the main character goes through is fascinating, horrifying, thought-provoking, and tear-inducing. And the whole time I am reading I am consolidating it with what we have learned of this character is the rest of the series. It is a great example of how your own perceptions completely taint how you view someone else. How does the quote go: Be kind to those you meet as you never know what battle they are fighting? This book changes your perception of this character. Sometimes, I wish we could have our book that explains what battles we are fighting. But more than that, I wish people could just look past their own colored glasses and accept that everyone is different and doesn’t mean they aren’t worthy of getting to know or treating with dignity.
I hosted a party for a friend’s birthday recently where there were some fantastic conversations. It was interesting to discuss with difference of going to the bars is now versus when others used to go. Sometimes I wish I was more a part of the generation just coming into adulthood. Yes, there are challenges, but the acceptance level is so huge now. I like that people feel like they can be more themselves now. What’s scary though is how humans seem to never be able to fully accept ‘other.’ Why do we have to be so scared? There is a reason sometimes to be cautious, but the bullying never ends even when the world has expanded its consciousness so much. I still don’t get why some people are so afraid of non-hetero marriage or non-monogamous relationships. Why don’t we learn from history? Why aren’t we smart enough to move on? Why can’t we let people love as they want as long as it harms no one else? And really, how does two women or two men or two men and one woman, etc. harm me?
Deep thoughts for a Sunday. That’s what I get for getting my chores done early and then tackling taxes. Oy!
Other thoughts – Yay – Canada won the final hockey game in the Olympics. We have done fabulously in the Olympics this year and we should congratulate all the athletes who did their best, regardless of whether it got them a medal or not.
Post office blues – I am still a bit peeved at Canada Post with this decision to get rid of door to door mail delivery. I purposely moved into an older neighborhood so I could have an alley, houses that are not within arm’s reach of each other, and mail delivery. I hate the community mailboxes. They are ugly. They don’t hold much. They aren’t up kept, so the terrain around them is often hazardous, especially in winter. Why couldn’t they try other option first? Like cutting back on delivery. Maybe we only get mail 2-3 times a week, instead of everyday. Mind you, I personally think they are already doing this. I swear I rarely get mail on certain days of the week because the mail person is just not delivering. I do mail out cards, letters, etc. This just leads me into this disconnect the world has, whether it’s big business (as the government seems to think it is) or individuals. A few years ago, D and I would be out for dinner and rolling our eyes at the table next to us who were all on their phones. Now, I am the only rolling my eyes as everyone at my table is also on the phone. Business seems to think we need to focus on online stuff; but what about connection? What about interaction? I don’t want to hold a phone; I want to hold a person. I want to converse in person so I can see their eyes, their expression, their body language. I want to go out for dinner and enjoy good friends, good conversation, and good food. I want to live in the moment with the people around me.
Which I guess is why I feel so lonely and depressed so often right now. We are surrounded by technology now and rarely people. I feel like I spend so many moments alone, doing my own things, and I know I really need to get out every couple days or so. I am sure part of it is that it is February. Winter is coming to an end, the days are getting longer and people are getting antsy. Soon, it will be safe to walk the sidewalks again.
The other day I pulled out all the figurines and decorative from the basement and unpacked them. Oh my. Some of the stuff had been packed away for a couple years now from when we had had earlier problems in the basement and we just hadn’t unpacked. There was so much and we had donated some last summer when we were packing up. It’s crazy. I am still trying to figure out what I want on the walls and where. And we need a TV down there yet, but I have no idea where.
Other than doing a lot of thinking, I’ve been knitting, doing puzzles, catching up on my magazines, reading, catching up on shows, trying to de-stress.
Work is crazy right now and this last week was better than the several prior, but… it’s so hard. We have a couple really important people who are retiring – yay for them – I’m happy they are moving on to their next chapter – but woe is me. That is a lot of knowledge we are losing. And the person who was working with me directly was not kept despite her excellent work, so it’s back to just me doing so much. And there is one person in my unit who is hardly doing anything and some of the things she is doing, the rest of us are questioning on the rationale behind it. Some of it is totally contradictory to other things. One is retiring and working part-time. So it ends up being me and one other person doing everything else. Rumor has it we are getting a new person, but they have no direct experience and so it will take them at least a year to be up to par, assuming we have time to train them. Add in problems with the unit I used to work in that affects my current unit and it’s just exhausting. And the old unit has some big changes coming – like complete management changes. Change is a constant right now. We keep getting told to just accept it and move along with it. How does one go about doing their job if it is constantly changing? If the changes are not being explained and so there is no foundation for them?
Anyway, lots of deep thoughts, unanswered questions, unspoken conversations, and lots of sighing.
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