I know you're here because the car is in the driveway and the smell of cruelty is in the air. – The Big C
Cruelty, sickness… it’s all in the air right now. It is probably all my fault. I was saying how this weekend was two days of just me. So I was debating between calling people and having a girls’ night or just staying in and watch TV all weekend. Well, no debate was required. Thursday night I started sneezing and Friday I was hit with a cold. Ick! I hate being sick. Yes, it is an easy response to my question – obviously, I am staying in. And yes, I did watch several shows on my PVR (which is now down to 51% - whoot!) And I have energy today, but I know how my colds work. Especially since I can’t take anything for them. I sneeze… a lot… that is the sign I am getting sick. This is followed by a great need to sleep and a lack of mental capacity. Following this is also the lack of hearing (it seems like everyone is whispering all the time!). Then the head congestion, the heat generating head, the growing pile of Kleenex, the need to sleep every chance I can, the desire to do things without any energy, then there is a day of clearing – things seems better, I have energy. And then whack! I am back feeling sorry for myself as I crawl from the bed to the couch and back. Today, I have some energy. I am supposed to go to work tomorrow. I have a feeling that won’t be happening, but I won’t know until the alarm goes off (far too early) tomorrow. I always base my decision on how I feel that morning. I know – pathetic, isn’t it? I know there are lots of people who would be in my shoes right now and calling in sick already. My parents taught me better than that. So what excitement can I share from my weekend of being sick?
- My friends A&J are awesome – they didn’t forget me and actually called and invited me out. Of course, I had to say no, but it was still nice to be remembered.
- How to Be (with Robert Pattinson) is a dull movie. I only watched it all because I was too sick to click delete.
- Benjamin Button was actually an interesting story. How they took a short story and made it into a movie that is over 2.5 hours… well, the joys of cinematics. I enjoyed it.
- Precious was depressing. I know it is based on truth, but still it is sad to think of all of that happening.
- True Blood still rocks! Love it. Though more guy on guy action would have been nice… of course, I am still a few episodes behind, not including tonight’s finale.
- Haven looks like it could have had hope, but the fact that I completely forgot about it after the first episode and the fact that Stephen King is involved leads me not to care all that much.
- Paranormal Activity is too scary to watch when you are in a house alone. Thankfully, I only taped 7 minutes of it and I watched it with my hands over my eyes. Since I guessed where to place my hands right, I managed to miss most of the scary bits at the beginning and was able to sleep.
- I found this quote and loved it – another tidbit to add to CommaGate
- I eat really well when I am alone, even when I am sick. Friday, I had vegetable soup and grilled cheese made with whole grain baguette and really cheese for supper. Saturday, I made French Onion soup for the first time, using homegrown onions and garlic and topped off with the baguette. (Note: when they suggest toasting the bread first, don’t ignore that step. It makes it so the bread floats and keeps the cheese from sinking.) That being said, it was still good. Tonight, I am debating between making a potato and cheese soup (with homegrown potatoes) or doing pretend spaghetti.
- I am not a fan of the some things in the way Shaw has set up its new system. When surfing through the guide and then reading the info on a show, I do not appreciate being shoved back to the first station, rather than where I was on the guide. That is bloody annoying, especially since it usually happens when I am already half way through the guide.
- My filing is actually mostly done. I just have to put away the nicely stacked pile. Watching movies provides you lots of time to sort through filing.
- I love Damon in Vampire Diaries
- Christian Slater is still an utter babe and he can sing. Sighhhh! He was on Inside the Actor’s Studio this afternoon.
- The orange lady is staying an additional several months. I dislike her with a passion. I am thinking of taking this up with the higher ups because I really don’t think her psychosomatic problems should affect the rest of us. For gods sake, I don’t let my allergies affect everyone else’s lives, so why should hers? And she is going to be around throughout christmas. Bitch!
- I thought this was hilarious, considering it relates to the reason I am alone this weekend.
Alright, my energy is flagging. Time to decide/make supper and watch another movie. Or maybe a couple more True Blood episodes. Here's hoping I feel better soon.
- My friends A&J are awesome – they didn’t forget me and actually called and invited me out. Of course, I had to say no, but it was still nice to be remembered.
- How to Be (with Robert Pattinson) is a dull movie. I only watched it all because I was too sick to click delete.
- Benjamin Button was actually an interesting story. How they took a short story and made it into a movie that is over 2.5 hours… well, the joys of cinematics. I enjoyed it.
- Precious was depressing. I know it is based on truth, but still it is sad to think of all of that happening.
- True Blood still rocks! Love it. Though more guy on guy action would have been nice… of course, I am still a few episodes behind, not including tonight’s finale.
- Haven looks like it could have had hope, but the fact that I completely forgot about it after the first episode and the fact that Stephen King is involved leads me not to care all that much.
- Paranormal Activity is too scary to watch when you are in a house alone. Thankfully, I only taped 7 minutes of it and I watched it with my hands over my eyes. Since I guessed where to place my hands right, I managed to miss most of the scary bits at the beginning and was able to sleep.
- I found this quote and loved it – another tidbit to add to CommaGate
Grammar is important. Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse & helping your uncle jack off a horse.
- I eat really well when I am alone, even when I am sick. Friday, I had vegetable soup and grilled cheese made with whole grain baguette and really cheese for supper. Saturday, I made French Onion soup for the first time, using homegrown onions and garlic and topped off with the baguette. (Note: when they suggest toasting the bread first, don’t ignore that step. It makes it so the bread floats and keeps the cheese from sinking.) That being said, it was still good. Tonight, I am debating between making a potato and cheese soup (with homegrown potatoes) or doing pretend spaghetti.
- I am not a fan of the some things in the way Shaw has set up its new system. When surfing through the guide and then reading the info on a show, I do not appreciate being shoved back to the first station, rather than where I was on the guide. That is bloody annoying, especially since it usually happens when I am already half way through the guide.
- My filing is actually mostly done. I just have to put away the nicely stacked pile. Watching movies provides you lots of time to sort through filing.
- I love Damon in Vampire Diaries
I kissed you, I thought you kissed me, doppelganger hijinks ensued ... how do you think I'm doing?I have decidedly had a turn for the bad boy recently… it all started with Spike really. He tore me away from Angel… sighhhh. There has been no turning back.
- Christian Slater is still an utter babe and he can sing. Sighhhh! He was on Inside the Actor’s Studio this afternoon.
- The orange lady is staying an additional several months. I dislike her with a passion. I am thinking of taking this up with the higher ups because I really don’t think her psychosomatic problems should affect the rest of us. For gods sake, I don’t let my allergies affect everyone else’s lives, so why should hers? And she is going to be around throughout christmas. Bitch!
- I thought this was hilarious, considering it relates to the reason I am alone this weekend.

Alright, my energy is flagging. Time to decide/make supper and watch another movie. Or maybe a couple more True Blood episodes. Here's hoping I feel better soon.
Labels: life, quote of the day, tv
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