Monday, June 28, 2010

I’m bad and you love it.

I am also anal-retentive, slightly untrusting, and exhausted. My nice long weekend I was planning for this one coming up – has gone to heck and a hand basket rather quickly. I had plans to relax, sleep in, prep a couple of upcoming presents, attend a bbq, and do some gaming. Then another bbq was added – still no problem. Lots of time to do other things. Then D’s parentals call and say they are coming up for the weekend. According to them, we are not to rearrange our weekend at all, but they will be staying with us. Sighhhh. So what was supposed to be a nice long weekend has now become rather overwhelming and not relaxing at all. Sure, we aren’t supposed to rearrange our lives – when are they going to see us then? And when do they get up in morning? Because omg – if I don’t get sleep, I am not a happy camper. Plus I will have no time to get the presents prepped like I wanted to. Plus the few days prior (so much for requesting a couple of weeks notice) will be spent cleaning the house like a mad person, trying to get it parent clean. Sighhhh. D is not happy since no longer will there be sleeping in the basement. It is back to the hot upstairs.

Yesterday was mostly outside doing weeding, mowing, and weed whacking. Inside I put my wormies into new dirt (which means several hours sifting through worm manure looking for worms), cleaning the top and bottom ovens, etc. Tonight, I tidied the basement where they will be sleeping – dusting, dragging off slip covers to wash – and cleaning the bathroom they will be using from top to bottom (okay – not the ceiling as I am a little short, but everything else, I cleaned. My hands look rather shriveled right now. To make matters worse, I dropped a beer bottle on my foot while I was trying to clean the empties way and answer the phone. Poor D – I was a little testy on the phone as I was trying not to say all the swear words in my head due to my throbbing toe.

Tomorrow is the kitchen and washing the floors. Joy.

They couldn’t say if they were coming Thursday or Friday (helpful – not!), so Thursday may be spent rushing around or I may just say screw it and prep some presents.

I would talk about work, but it is such a source of frustration right now, what would be the point? And my first week back after holidays - what a crappy, crazy, ridunkulous week. Made me want to run back home and hide.

Alright- I should try to get some sleep – maybe the room upstairs has cooled some – oh please oh please let it have cooled.



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