Sunday, November 06, 2011

The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

I write this while I ignore the hacking cough tearing at my chest. It is not like I haven’t wanted to update you to the wonders of my life; October was just a hellish month, culminating in a week of the flu, which I am still trying to recover from. And goodness, does it drain you of energy. Mind you, perhaps if I wasn’t trying to get so much done, it wouldn’t matter, but I took 4 days off of work. That should be enough time to recover. Perhaps I shouldn’t have done the 15% off Tuesday shopping followed by 30 minutes of working out. And I probably should have still stayed home on Friday and then not pushed through the day. And perhaps I should stay home tomorrow, but you know it ain’t going to happen – well, that’s not totally true. It could happen. It all depends on how much sleep I get and how I feel in the morning. They all know I am sick. The manager I called recognized it in my voice (I kept ensuring I said my name because it did not sound like me at all), and then on Friday, most people heard me try to talk and then the coughing. I hate coughing – almost as much as I hate the nausea – but I hate puking more. I was going to blame the party, but it appears there are others at work who have the same symptoms as I do and I hadn’t seen them since prior to the party. I haven’t had the flu in ages and goodness, I don’t remember it being this bad or taking this long to recover. I know I have taken some time to just chill. I was attempting to sleep 12 hours (didn’t often happen, but I tried to go to bed at a decent hour and get up late) and I hung out for the most part on the sofa catching up on shows (whoot!), but as soon as I get energy, I start doing shite and wearing myself out. Like today – I couldn’t sleep very well, so I was up earlier than I wanted. Then after a leisurely breakfast, I was out to do some Christmas shopping for a couple hours. I was exhausted after that! So I sat down for a half hour and enjoyed my slush float and popcorn chips (nummy!). Then I was off to the basement to clean up and re-arrange furniture. Oh – My – Goodness – it took forever to move the sofas around. I don’t think I have been that weak in a long time. Oy! After about 2 and a half hours, I was done and beyond exhausted. So I ate supper, then hopped on the next set of things I wanted to do (I know – half my problem right there!) and here I am some 2 hours or so later and really, I should be in bed! I actually have one more thing on my list of things to do today, but I think I have to put that off until tomorrow. Plghhhht!

October started with two weeks of holidays – yeah! It should have been relaxing. I didn’t plan things for every day. I tried to keep things casual and… it just didn’t work. It was one thing to the next and by the time the holidays were done, I was still exhausted. Then it was a week of getting things back in order and trying to get the house ready for winter (yes – this wasn’t completed while on holidays). And prepping for the Halloween party we were co-hosting. Due to the suckiness of the weather this year, we had water seepage. After months of trying to talk to a contractor, finally one told us to find the back flow valve of the weeping tile (who knew?!?). After tracking down another contractor to help us with this impossible task, this contactor said we needed to get our weeping tile scoped. This led to finding a plumber to do this, only to be told they don’t do this – but I specifically said it on the phone when I booked – arghhh! Regardless, after a lot of work, the plumber managed to located and chip out the back flow valve and unstick it. So we are 99% sure the problem is fixed. After trying to get ahold of another contractor about the potential mold issue, we were assured we had no mold, only effervescence. So 4 months or so after we discovered the problem, we potentially have it all fixed.

But of course, in the meantime, we usually host a Halloween party. A friend of ours very kindly co-hosted at her house with us. Which was great fun and hopefully everyone had fun. It was a lot of work to prep everything with someone else. Not that I didn’t appreciate all of her assistance or the cost-sharing or the duty-sharing, etc. I do! It is just coordinating with another person is hard work. It seemed to be a hit with everyone and it was insinuated we should do it again (partly because people don’t want to choose one party or the other and I got the feeling we would lose).

So the party was awesome and we were there until almost 5 am. I woke up the next afternoon with a sore throat, but attributed that to perhaps using my voice in a house full of people. Sunday, my throat burned and by Sunday night, I was freezing. Honestly, I could not get warm. This is very weird for me… I had my usual winter covers, two really warm blankets we use in front of the tv, D sharing body warmth, and D’s two duvets… and I still couldn’t get warm. Soooo odd. That led to me staying home Monday with nausea and extreme fatigue keeping me home the other three days. I was able to catch up on Vampire Diaries and Secret Circle – just in time for them to go into hiatus for the rest of November and December – WTF!?!?! Also caught up on all my sitcoms, Fringe, etc… So while I am still behind on lots of shows (there are too many shows!), I feel good that I caught up on my faves. I could have watched more, but for some reason I have been antsy and wanting to get stuff done. So I have been cleaning and organizing and shopping and wearing myself out all weekend. Sometimes, I am such a sick puppy.

And I didn’t even get to enjoy the extra hour of sleep last night. Really I just went to bed an hour later than normal. And I should be in bed already, but I am still writing this. Sighhhh… I really need to learn to stop.

Anyway, now that I have reminded myself how tired I am. I am off to bed. I will return (hopefully sooner than later) with a discussion on the number of Halloween stores there were this year, the holidays of busyness, and all that exciting stuff.

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