Saturday, September 24, 2005

Remember when…

Okay, so remember I thought that after August, things would slow down. Ha! Mark this day, cause I will admit I was wrong. September, though not as busy as August has been fairly packed. This weekend for instance – yesterday, our favorite Halloween store Custom Costumes did their yearly grand opening, so we were there, spending lots of money and showing our support. This afternoon was a get together with some friends. This evening is a trip to our favorite bar. Tomorrow the parents are coming to help finish cleaning out the garden and the bro should be showing up to take some of the goodies. And tomorrow evening is gaming night as usual. Then back to work.

October is getting busy too – On the 8th is a housewarming party for our friends – congrads again! The 9th has us at a reception for one of the August weddings. Then I start holidays – which at the moment seem to be filled with medical appointments and house duties. Eh, that will probably change. Though I have to work on getting the house decorated cause at the end of the month is our Halloween party. Yeah! Still working on the decorations and the costume. The theme is picked; the invites are out and the RSVPs are starting to trickle in. So now, I am looking forward to November, when perhaps things will quiet down. Of course, that month is a couple birthdays and getting for Christmas… so… next year, yeah, that is looking good to be a time to relax. Sure. Hehehehe.

I was a bad tipper today too. Well technically, I wasn’t. But I was a factor in the decision. We just calculated badly. Should have left $2 more for tip. But really, a tip is just that – a thank you for the help. So if you screw up the order, take a long time to refill the drinks and then screw up the bill, can you really expect a big tip? I am usually a decent tipper so if today, I didn’t have the change, oh well. It happens. Next time, the tip might be bigger. After all, tips are extra. We still paid the bill. I shouldn’t get a dirty look cause you didn’t like what tip you got.

That’s my rant for today.


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