Friday, October 13, 2006

I have a dream. And in it, something eats you.

What a great event for the end of our first week of holidays. Some jerk who should be wearing glasses, but wasn’t, decided to stop his car exactly in the same place that D’s was. Ain’t that nice? We were both on the way to the dealership to get our oil changes and 19 point inspection. Needless to say, I got there first and chatted with one of the people there that I have known since I was... yay high. I was just starting to wonder when D came in looking furious. Of course, I had the cell phone because somehow I am usually the last one to show up (cause I drive Real careful). But I wasn’t the one who needed it today. D is okay, so no one worry. And the car is pretty decent, but the bumper cannot take another hit.

Just for your knowledge, if the accident causes more than $1000 worth of damage, then you are supposed to call the cops from the scene of the accident. For your knowledge as well, a bumper on a basic car is about $1200. So after our oil changes, D went to the nearest police station and I made my way home with a brief detour to Liquidation World where I picked up some Christmas gifts (I went to look for a duvet cover cause I don’t want to spend $100 on one… no such luck).

And insurance companies are so much fun. The jerk’s insurance (thank goodness he had insurance) calls here at 3:57 asking for D and when I say not available, but I can track D if I need to, she replies that if I can get D to call back by 4:00, then she can deal with things, otherwise she can’t deal with anything until Monday. Thank the goodness, one – the car is not in bad shape and two – even if it was, there are two cars in the household and three – we are on holidays and going to work is not a necessity right now. What a total cow. If she hadn’t spent 3 minutes on the phone trying to give me the longest claim number in history, maybe D could have called her back by 4.

Anyway, other than that, things were going fairly well. I surprisingly have been finding lots of gifts for Christmas (though not really anything for family, just friends for the most part) and of course, I have found alot that I want for my b-day. Work has begun on the Halloween decorating. Though with the supposed coming snow, the plan to aerate the lawn seems to be a thought of the past. Sighhh.

All the women tear their blouses off, and the men they dance with… It's closing time, closing time...sorry, Leonard Cohen’s playing the background. Heehee.

I am having lunch with S tomorrow. Yeah! I so happy. No clue where we are going for lunch- being me, I like my options open until the last possible minute, in case I have a craving. You never know when you might plan for steak and suddenly have a craving for Chinese food or Mexican food. I am a craver. All the healthy books tell you to drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes and the craving will go away. Mine don’t. If I crave something and don’t satisfy it, I will crave it for days. For weeks. My mind will reproduce the sensation and I just build up this WANT at the thought of it.

Def Leppard was singing on Ellen today. As they were singing, Pour some Sugar on Me, I realized that sometimes, classics should not be re-sung, not even by the original people, cause once the voice changes as it does with age – those songs of the past just lose something.

I also realized today that I have been wearing a pedometer for over a year now and last night, it broke (cause everything was breaking yesterday for me). So today I have been without a pedometer and I realize how much I do that takes into consideration the pedometer. Get up out of the car and I automatically make sure the pedometer is there. Changing from outside clothes to inside wear, I automatically take into consideration where the pedometer is. So today has been very eye opening. I don’t know if I like that I am tied to this thing, but it is nice at the end of the day to see how many steps you have done. I have gotten very good at estimating my steps and being pretty close.

Anyway, I could really use a nap. So I think I will go do that for the little time I have until my show starts.


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