Sunday, October 01, 2006

I saw a truck with silver balls yesterday...

D feels that I am stifling my personality, that between my feelings on my weight and what has happened in my past that I no longer allow myself to just be me. I guess I am still struggling with that. Goodness knows, I want to be me, I want to let me be free. I found this quote yesterday and I think it is very true…
Do what you want to do, say what you want to say, because those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind.

It’s funny because growing up my mother was a big advocate of being who you are and not what others expect of you. She encouraged us to pretend to be different things to try them out and see what we like. She was a strong believer in learning and books and play. I still have the record Free to Be, you and me. I remember the film as well. I wonder sometimes why I feel this need to hide myself behind other traits, emphasize some and play down others. I strongly dislike following societal mores and I have my own moral compass. There are rules that I follow that aren’t the same as society’s and I have a fairly broad definition of right and wrong. So why do I hide these? Why do I dabble in things that I would love to try full out and then turn around and stop? Why do I deny myself some things that I know I would really like and that may even allow me to be a little less anal-retentive? Willpower and self control are wonderful things to have. Why do I find myself testing those boundaries of exactly how in control I can be?

Anyway, I was just having a rather self-reflective moment and thought I would share. Aren’t y’all glad you visited today? Heehee.

One last thought – I have so many questions. Do you think we ever get an answer to the majority of them?


Blogger Irrylyn said...

I've seen that truck! I laughed so hard I almost fell off my bike.

1:10 pm, October 03, 2006  
Blogger Milady said...

Yeah, the macho guy who has the big *white* truck with silver balls gets me shaking my head everytime.

I mean, who would buy a WHITE frikkin truck ..outside of the City of Edmonton...which is naturally made for doing trucklike things that get it dirty, then try to beef it up with some silver *testicles* ????

12:05 am, October 05, 2006  

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