The events of the future exist here…
That sounds so prophetic and yet…far too deep for me today. Yesterday was heck on wheels at work – we were extremely short staffed and extremely busy. However, by the time I got home, I was wired. I was soooo excited that it was the Social Event of the Season last night. D said I was annoying to the nth degree cause I kept talking so fast and asking why it was taking so long for us to go. I don’t understand what the problem was- I was ready and just because I was home first by an hour, that doesn’t mean anything. The party was excellent as usual. The fare was delish, the conversation witty and my squares went over quite well. Emmett enjoyed his Christmas gift, I&V did not open theirs, though I anticipate them enjoying theirs as well. Cards were handed out to many, though I forgot a couple at home and had a few left over at the end of the night.
I did something… new. I actually gave my blog address out to someone new. She seems quite nice and she wanted the recipes to my squares and my dip, both of which I have placed here. I had to confirm with A what exactly my address was, and I totally confused her – she thought I was giving her address out since I like never give mine out. I think she may still be unsettled that I did something so daring like that. Heehee.
This weekend otherwise was okay. Friday night alone so I did some little stuff around the house. Saturday I was… alone… so I took my sweet time getting ready to start the day (manicure, hair mask, nice long shower), then took my sweet time having breakfast (read the newpaper, watched a show, had a homemade milk shake and noodles) and then sewed a duvet cover. Seems so anticlimactic doesn’t it?
Sunday, I picked up something to close the duvet cover with (it turned out not too bad, if I say so myself, which I do. Heehee). Bought some more books (I know – I am sooooo bad – I just couldn’t resist – I put one book back – that should count). Then wrapped some more presents, made supper and then J came over with V for Vendetta. What an interesting movie. Definitely one of those that you need to digest and then discuss. How timely of a movie too with what is happening in the States as well as Canada (what with Harper becoming Bush’s close ‘buddy’.) I still don’t want to give up my freedom for a superficial sense of security, which is what the Americans are doing. We are not far behind. I just hope we can resist the slow absorption of Canadian heritage and uniqueness as our government takes us ever closer to being just like the Americans. And really – when has that ever been a good thing?
Today, I was coaching someone at another office. What an interesting experience. My best part of the day was that I got to go to PD for lunch and have my favorite #73 and I did it all in 30 minutes. They even gave me an interesting coffee desert with my jello. I love jello, though I almost left without it. She had to remind me. I mean sheesh. Tomorrow I do more coaching. Our fingers are crossed that I am getting through and keeping the person positive.
Other than that, it is really hard to believe that it is less than 2 weeks until Christmas. Friday is our potluck at work. I really should make something for dessert as I promised them. I also have a couple more gifts to wrap and deliver. Need to find big boxes. Hmmmm.
Anyway, I should go find some boxes and maybe do some more wrapping. Should also decorate. (Notice how I did little of what I said I wanted to do this weekend. Heehee) I will leave you with this bit of trivia knowledge.
I did something… new. I actually gave my blog address out to someone new. She seems quite nice and she wanted the recipes to my squares and my dip, both of which I have placed here. I had to confirm with A what exactly my address was, and I totally confused her – she thought I was giving her address out since I like never give mine out. I think she may still be unsettled that I did something so daring like that. Heehee.
This weekend otherwise was okay. Friday night alone so I did some little stuff around the house. Saturday I was… alone… so I took my sweet time getting ready to start the day (manicure, hair mask, nice long shower), then took my sweet time having breakfast (read the newpaper, watched a show, had a homemade milk shake and noodles) and then sewed a duvet cover. Seems so anticlimactic doesn’t it?
Sunday, I picked up something to close the duvet cover with (it turned out not too bad, if I say so myself, which I do. Heehee). Bought some more books (I know – I am sooooo bad – I just couldn’t resist – I put one book back – that should count). Then wrapped some more presents, made supper and then J came over with V for Vendetta. What an interesting movie. Definitely one of those that you need to digest and then discuss. How timely of a movie too with what is happening in the States as well as Canada (what with Harper becoming Bush’s close ‘buddy’.) I still don’t want to give up my freedom for a superficial sense of security, which is what the Americans are doing. We are not far behind. I just hope we can resist the slow absorption of Canadian heritage and uniqueness as our government takes us ever closer to being just like the Americans. And really – when has that ever been a good thing?
Today, I was coaching someone at another office. What an interesting experience. My best part of the day was that I got to go to PD for lunch and have my favorite #73 and I did it all in 30 minutes. They even gave me an interesting coffee desert with my jello. I love jello, though I almost left without it. She had to remind me. I mean sheesh. Tomorrow I do more coaching. Our fingers are crossed that I am getting through and keeping the person positive.
Other than that, it is really hard to believe that it is less than 2 weeks until Christmas. Friday is our potluck at work. I really should make something for dessert as I promised them. I also have a couple more gifts to wrap and deliver. Need to find big boxes. Hmmmm.
Anyway, I should go find some boxes and maybe do some more wrapping. Should also decorate. (Notice how I did little of what I said I wanted to do this weekend. Heehee) I will leave you with this bit of trivia knowledge.
The female cichlid fish are called ‘mouth breeders’ because they incubate eggs in their mouth. The females swallow stray eggs and store them safely between the cheeks. The male know this, so he’s developed his fins to look exactly like an egg. The lady cichlid spies one of these so-called eggs and tries to swallow it up. But as soon as she opens her mouth, bam, the male sprays her with sperm. Just like that.”
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