Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So beautiful to look at, so easy to annoy

What a weird weekend. D was home for the whole time. It was odd. Saturday morning, someone rang the bell at 10 and all I heard was the elephant (D) running downstairs to open the door and find out who it was. Supposedly, the sun blocked the view and D just took the religious pamphlet. About an hour later, someone rang the bell again and D again ran down to open it, only to find boy scouts selling chocolate. See when I am home, I don’t answer the door before noon unless I know about it. If the doorbell rings twice, I will go to the closest window and see who it might be, but unless it is someone I know (my parents used to be horrible for coming by at 10:30 am), too bad, so sad. However, in the ensuing mess, I have decided to work on a sign for the front door. I think it should read
Occupants may sleep in the nude. Ring this doorbell before noon and you’ll find out for sure.
I think it has a nice vibe to it, eh?

Saturday afternoon was spent in a flurry of shopping for Dawali. It is custom to buy something new for Dawali to help usher in the fortune of the coming year (as far as I understand) so D and I hit several stores in several strip malls/malls. I bought 3 new jackets (in a smaller size!!!) that are really cool and D bought a new pair of jeans (they are actually blue jeans, not black jeans, but blue. Shocking, I know.)

Dawali was its ever entertaining evening, spent with good food (LOVE gilabi and the other addicts weren’t there, so there was tons) and great company. The gift turned out awesome (I think) and the pics of Ganesh were fabulous.

Sunday was a flurry of activity as well as D and I headed over to the usual mall for the usual treats (mmmm, slush float), usual haunts (books, magazines and more books) and usual grumblings of lack of stores in the mall.

Sunday night was spent gaming – we lost a character and he rolled a dice to determine if his character was willing to come back. Part of me is appalled that he rolled the dice to make that decision, and the other part of me thinks that if you think so little of your character that you base his life on a dice roll, then it is probably good that he died. And what a waste of charges from what could have been a really cool staff. My only concern is that the player will start power gaming his new character and that the new character isn’t going to fit into the group and the vision we originally had for the group. Whatever. I now have to figure out in the game how to return something of his to his family so they are aware of what happened and such. I have concerns about pillaging a former player character’s stuff as well. It’s like pillaging someone’s stuff when they die. You want something to remember them by, but people get so caught up in take, take, taking. But that is just my own memories of what happened to the family when either of my grandmothers died.

Had a disagreement with the other players about what a ‘good’ person would do in a crisis. I have actually had this argument before, and I still stand by my thinking. The situation is something is attacking a town full of people you don’t know. You rush out to help, almost die, retreat. You heal, return to the fight and get beat up again, nearing death. Do you: (a) fight to the death cause that is what a ‘good’ person does, (b) retreat, heal and figure out another way to fight, or (c) retreat to live another day. There are endless possibilities, but those are the basics. According to several people, a ‘good’ person would fight to the death to save those few they can. I don’t think that is entirely true. Both other options are viable for ‘good’ people. I play chaotic good, which means that I generally lean towards good. However, I don’t play stupid good. It is better for me and the town to do either (b) or (c). I think it goes down to the thought of - is it okay to sacrifice one for the good of many. I have rarely agreed with most people on these thoughts. Partly because I am not altogether altruistic and partly because I don’t think anyone should be sacrificed if possible. I believe that I am generally a good person and thus I generally play good characters. I don’t play evil, because I just cannot play someone who is that selfish. But if I was in a situation where I had to choose (a), (b) or (c), I can pretty much assure you, (a) will not be my choice. I don’t think the others are wrong in their thinking, I just think that each of us believe in good in their own way and we each have to accept that. In the character situation, the character died, so did several other town members and the attacker got away to live another day. Did he actually save anyone? Did he do ‘good’ by dying before the attacker was neutralized? The attacker can return another day and kill another bunch of people. So really, what was the point of his sacrifice? That he did the sacrifice? Is that what makes him ‘good’? If he killed the attacker and died, would that be a worthwhile sacrifice? Would that make his death more worthy? Ahhhh - the spiritual questions of D&D. Heehee.

Other than that, work has been it’s usual childish self. The big difference is my direct boss is backing me more and is totally peeved at the others. The latest as of yesterday – I am not useful enough to do my new job. Supposedly I don’t see enough clients. The funny thing about this is that the person doing the loudest complaining is the person who, prior to Friday, was the person everyone else complained about not seeing enough clients. Of course, what happened on Friday was that I had other things to do in the morning and seeing as how we are slowest then, I chose to do them at the time. I let the person at reception know what I was doing and my boss knew what I had to do, but no one else did. And so when two of them had to take the whole 4 clients who came in that hour, and they didn’t know where I was, they immediately decided that I was worthless. According to them, I should let them know what I am doing. It is amazing how many bosses I suddenly have. That led to someone going above my boss’s head to complain to me (big mistake since all the bosses above my boss are completely okay with what I do and know what ‘other’ duties I am responsible for). That led to a talking to on Monday from both my boss and my boss’s boss to at least one person, perhaps two. And still, I have the bosses’ support to do what I must do. Has anything changed? Hard to say since I was doing my previous job today and thus was back ‘in my place’ according to the other coworkers. Sighhhh.

Had a dream this morning that this town, where I was visiting relatives, was overtaken by these zombie/vampires type things. They kept changing everyone into these things, but they could only stay in the dark/shadows. Light caused them to go to ash. It was very disturbing as the group of survivors I was with dwindled to a mom and her two kids, a handyman and myself. The mother sacrificed herself to help us get away with the kids. The handyman was attacked when returning from a mission to obtain a drill and long screws. He threw us the long screws and the drill as he was being taken down and because of the sun streaming into the building where we were, we managed to install locks, deadbolts, etc on the doors with these really long screws. The dream ended with the kids and I in this one room, in the dark, the zombies banging on the door and the ‘military’ showing up with bright lights to save us. Thank goodness for alarms. However, the dream has stayed with me in vivid detail for the entire day. I know I have had part of the dream before, but I think I managed to wake up and dismiss it last time.

Anyway, those are my thoughts for today.


Blogger Milady said...

Nice freakin dream lady :D

8:51 pm, November 08, 2006  

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