Monday, November 20, 2006

I wanna talk about me, wanna talk about I, about number one, oh me oh my...

So I realized that lately I have been using my blog as sort of weekend edition of my life. It’s like other than the odd (okay sometimes more than odd) complaint about work, I seem only to talk about Friday night through Sunday. Course, I think that is when my life tends to be slightly less ordinary. I mean seriously, what excitement do I expect will happen during the week – here’s my schedule:

Monday – get up, go to work, come home, prepare supper, eat while watching shows, experience higher heart rate during the excitement of heroes, do something to occupy time (such as blog), pretend I care about chores, go to bed.

Tuesday – get up, go to work, come home, prepare supper, eat while watching shows, debate on exercising, do a couple hours of chores, go to bed.

Wednesday – get up, go to work, come home, prepare supper, eat with N & D while watching massive number of shows, go to bed.

Thursday – get up, go to work, come home, prepare supper, eat while watching shows, experience higher heart rate during Supernatural, debate whether that constituted exercise, debate on catching up on purgatory, do a couple hours of chores, go to bed.

Friday – get up, go to work, come home, prepare supper, eat while watching show, start weekend life.

See what I mean. How can anything exciting happen? There is no time. Sometime in there, I also have to pay bills and upkeep the finances, tidy my office and do whatever the season dictates (eg – shovel, mow, weed, plan Christmas presents). And people wonder when I am supposed to fit Pole Dancing or Lap Dancing classes in there. Have to wait until summer, when tv is over. Heehee.

Alright, back to the excitement of the weekend – Friday was chore night, though I did make a wonderful dinner of pasta with meat sauce. Yum!

Saturday was an exciting day of hurry and wait. We did a marathon of shopping, hitting as far east as Giant Tiger and as far West as WEM. Got a couple more Christmas presents checked off. Whoohoo! However, I have not been to WEM in probably 8 months and wow, has that mall gone downhill. I mean really, if I wanted to, I could hit all those stores pretty much at Kingsway or Londonderry, in fact, the strip malls I usually shop at have better selection. The only shop I really go to WEM for anymore is Millenium, though man has that place become a low class Sanctuary with exorbitant prices. I got a few really cool cards that I tend to use as pictures, but other than that, the mall was horrible. It also didn’t help that according to my pedometer, from phase 2 to phase one and back to phase 4 (So 1.5 times the length of the mall +) was only 500 steps. I don’t have that big of steps. Kinda peeved me since that skewed my daily amount. Stupid pedometer. Then D and I went to Julio Barrio’s for dinner. It was nice. I haven’t been there in a few years (like 8-10 years) and the food was good, the fried ice cream was nummy and the service was pretty good. Good portions as well for the price. D wasn’t a fan, but it was my turn to pick.

Sunday was another marathon shopping day, however D & I had one mall and a time limit – 30 minutes in Londonderry – to shop separately and get what we could. D was shopping for me birfday, me was shopping for stocking stuffers. Instead of stocking stuffers, I ended up getting a couple more presents and only 2 stocking stuffers. Oh well. Finishing there, we popped by my parents for cake and ice cream and a wonderful catch up of news. You can sure tell when you get my family together. We can just talk ang talk and we bounce from person to person and topic to topic and it is very informative, though I pity anyone on the outside, like poor D, cause if you can’t keep up, you just got to sit back and keep quiet. It has got to be interesting watching us though. I know sometimes I pause and think wow, it’s like doubles tennis games. Heehee.

After a fabulous supper of pigs n blanket and salad, it was off to gaming. I have this whole speech in my head, that I have had for a few days, I never got to actually say it in character and I don’t know if I ever will get a chance (we are saving the world after all – save the cheerleader, save the world). It did come out a bit as players about what happened following the death of one of our team, but no one really pushed in character. Other than that catty paladin's comments. Heehee. The new character just sort of came in and is tagging along cause we are too busy to really care. Though there are a few trying to get to know him. I know his name, but that is all. Give me a couple of weeks after this week’s saving the world campaign and maybe my character will try a little harder. Right now, I just want to take out a few things, maybe find some plaything to take out these repressed emotions on and fight some more. And figure out how to get a wand of predigitation (spelling) that I can use so I don’t have to worry about being clean and pristine all the time. Saving the world is a dirty job you know. I think elves should just naturally be able to stay clean, like when legolas walks on snow. The snow doesn’t stick to him, therefore dirt should not stick to me. Seems fair to me.

Speaking of which, y’all hear about Peter Jackson possibly doing The Hobbit and then a second movie based on the footnotes that will tie The Hobbit into Lord of the Rings. I am actually excited about those, though I don’t think Legolas is in the movies and therefore, I don’t know if I want to see the movie. Without Orlando, or worse, without Dom/Billy/Orli, what kind of story could capture my interest? Heehee.

Oh and the TomKat wedding this weekend was all a farce, like a certain couple we know, the actual wedding happened earlier (the week before in America), and this wedding was just for show. Seriously, they have nothing better to spend their money on? Katie looked stunning, though, in her dress as she married a man old enough to be her father. I foresee long veils that act as trains being all the rage for the rest of the year. Really she is a very pretty girl and even in the photos of her ‘looking nervously’ out the window to see if Tom arrives, she still looked stunning. Unlike her husband who showed up looking like he had just arrived from his bachelor party, still hung over. Did no one tell him to style his hair before he drove up to the castle? It seriously looked like he had just gotten out of bed. Sighhh!

Awwww, I stole the jelly bellies out of the living room cause D was eating them all, but now all the pear ones are gone. Guess I can put them back in the living room. Sighhhh.

So what is exciting this week? Tomorrow is my b-day. I am always excited about my birthday. It’s supposedly the one day a year when the world is about me… what, you don’t believe me, pushaw, get with the program, it is supposed to be all about me. Heehee. Nothing really planned besides dinner. I am still unsure of where I want to go. It used to be that tradition was Olive Garden, but I am tired of it. Don’t get me wrong, I love Olive Garden and the all you can eat breadsticks, salad and soup special, I just need something different. I think I am looking for something a little more hearty – something a little meatier – stop reading for a second A, I think I want Steak! With a loaded baked potato and maybe some mushrooms on the side. Yummmmy! Okay you can read again A, I am done talking about… stuff. Heehee.

But back to grindstone. I have some chores to do and have to rev myself up to call and complain to a business Ideal with. I am really getting tired of having the charge on my bill before I get my product and the price does not match what I remember agreeing to. I think someone and I need to have a little talk. I need to work on some kneecaps, get what I want, instead of just giving in to what they say. Need to stand up for myself and tell the shysters to back off. Okay, enough cowboy talk. I am off. Think happy thoughts for me tomorrow y’all. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A speech eh? That would be good to see. Every character needs a chance to take the spotlight every once in a while, and your character has long since deserved one. If there is a tiny hint you can give me in order to "set the stage" for this speech, let me know, especially if it involves a confrontation. You are one player I will generally avoid confrontation with (many reasons – long story) so if one would actually create some character development, pass the word.

10:53 pm, November 21, 2006  

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