Did y'all miss me? Heehee.
What a hellish week. Seriously, I am so addicted to being online, that this week has felt horrible, not knowing what is happening with my friends, not being able to read my online comics, my fave blogs, but most of all, pay bills!!! Talk about stress! Bills were due today and we have not had internet since Saturday. Needless to say when I heard the message saying that everything has been fixed, I was ecstatic. I did the happy dance. Then I quickly made a snack and propped myself on the computer where I have spent the last hour paying bills, reading blogs and comics and now, I am ready to write about my life. So many times I almost wrote an entry, but held back because I was sure that would curse the fixing of my internet.
And what an expensive week this has been. Besides paying bills (Sighhhh), Saturday I came down at noon to find the house at 59F. That is really cold. We got the pilot going again, but decided it was too scary to keep going through this – what if the pipes burst? What if my poor pet died of hypothermia (and no making fun of her considerable girth protecting her – she is just a tiny pet)? So I called Direct Energy – what a joke. To come out would be $199. I called the people who installed the furnace just 8 years ago, but they weren’t open (Christmas party for two days), so we called their recommended company who not only could come out in 30 minutes, but would also only be $160 to show up. So after cleaning the heater units, he figured out it was actually the kill switch – it would stick and thus not recognize that the furnace had to go on or off. So that was fixed. More than $300 later, we supposedly have a functioning furnace. Then D and I ran out and finished some shopping and finished the Christmas cards.
Oh but wait, I forgot to tell you about Friday – we ordered Chinese food from a 3rd favorite place (#1 can’t take credit cards anymore, #2 always overcharged us) Hong Kong Express. This is a very affordable place with good food. And now… look at this:

Yes! Just like in the American tv shows, they serve their food in those COOOL containers. Rockin’. I was totally in heaven when I saw that. Supposedly the lady even recognized our house, though according to the bill attached to the menu we chose off of, we had called them 364 days ago. Impressive.
Sunday was spent doing more shopping – I was elated as I was done shopping for Christmas. Then gaming with the gang – my speech was easily ignored, so all that stress my poor character went through was for naught. We fought a bunch of stuff and realized that we suck as sailors, let alone fighting in the water.
Monday I wrapped 75% of the presents and prepped those that needed to go for traveling.
Then I found out my brother was bringing his girlfriend to Christmas (+1 present) and D’s dad called to say what to buy one of the grannies (+1 present) and suddenly I needed 2 more presents. I can say that I am DONE Christmas shopping and the presents that needed to be shipped are out. Whew! Now just to figure out how to wrap my bro’s and D’s presents. They both need really big boxes. I am sure I will figure something out.
Then of course, Telus couldn’t fix our internet – it went down sometime after 4 on Saturday cause that was the last time we remember being on it. Monday they came to say – hmmm, I’ll call the cabling department, call Wednesday if you haven’t heard anything. Called Wednesday to find out that supposedly the cabling dept looked at it on Tuesday and left a note on file saying that they needed to know our availability – what happened to a phone call? Then supposedly an agent would come today at 5, but the answering machine had that delightful message on it. Yeah.
I had more to talk about – like the fact that the vote to revisit gay marriages was denied. Supposedly some conservatives broke form and voted against what their leader wanted. I mean really, did Harper honestly think that all conservatives are straight? I am sure there may be a large percentage of white straight males in the conservative branch, but really… And I was going to discuss the environmental minister, but really what is the point? I could discuss work, but besides being extremely short staffed, it is going okay. Though sometimes, I really like the one-on-one client interaction, cause sometimes that look of relief, that expression of thanks, that ‘it was so nice to meet you’ is just the greatest thing around. Makes the heart grow 3 sizes larger.
Oh, and supposedly everyone is having an exciting weekend except me this weekend. D has work and a project that he is involved with. Milady has a full weekend planned. I am underscheduled – I have maybe some decorating to do, finish wrapping gifts, and maybe some chores. Then I suppose I can… surf the internet some more. Need to satisfy my fix, you know. Heehee.
Anyway, I actually have a couple things I wanted to do tonight, including wrapping a few more presents, so I should go. Should figure out what’s for dinner tonight too.
What a hellish week. Seriously, I am so addicted to being online, that this week has felt horrible, not knowing what is happening with my friends, not being able to read my online comics, my fave blogs, but most of all, pay bills!!! Talk about stress! Bills were due today and we have not had internet since Saturday. Needless to say when I heard the message saying that everything has been fixed, I was ecstatic. I did the happy dance. Then I quickly made a snack and propped myself on the computer where I have spent the last hour paying bills, reading blogs and comics and now, I am ready to write about my life. So many times I almost wrote an entry, but held back because I was sure that would curse the fixing of my internet.
And what an expensive week this has been. Besides paying bills (Sighhhh), Saturday I came down at noon to find the house at 59F. That is really cold. We got the pilot going again, but decided it was too scary to keep going through this – what if the pipes burst? What if my poor pet died of hypothermia (and no making fun of her considerable girth protecting her – she is just a tiny pet)? So I called Direct Energy – what a joke. To come out would be $199. I called the people who installed the furnace just 8 years ago, but they weren’t open (Christmas party for two days), so we called their recommended company who not only could come out in 30 minutes, but would also only be $160 to show up. So after cleaning the heater units, he figured out it was actually the kill switch – it would stick and thus not recognize that the furnace had to go on or off. So that was fixed. More than $300 later, we supposedly have a functioning furnace. Then D and I ran out and finished some shopping and finished the Christmas cards.
Oh but wait, I forgot to tell you about Friday – we ordered Chinese food from a 3rd favorite place (#1 can’t take credit cards anymore, #2 always overcharged us) Hong Kong Express. This is a very affordable place with good food. And now… look at this:

Yes! Just like in the American tv shows, they serve their food in those COOOL containers. Rockin’. I was totally in heaven when I saw that. Supposedly the lady even recognized our house, though according to the bill attached to the menu we chose off of, we had called them 364 days ago. Impressive.
Sunday was spent doing more shopping – I was elated as I was done shopping for Christmas. Then gaming with the gang – my speech was easily ignored, so all that stress my poor character went through was for naught. We fought a bunch of stuff and realized that we suck as sailors, let alone fighting in the water.
Monday I wrapped 75% of the presents and prepped those that needed to go for traveling.
Then I found out my brother was bringing his girlfriend to Christmas (+1 present) and D’s dad called to say what to buy one of the grannies (+1 present) and suddenly I needed 2 more presents. I can say that I am DONE Christmas shopping and the presents that needed to be shipped are out. Whew! Now just to figure out how to wrap my bro’s and D’s presents. They both need really big boxes. I am sure I will figure something out.
Then of course, Telus couldn’t fix our internet – it went down sometime after 4 on Saturday cause that was the last time we remember being on it. Monday they came to say – hmmm, I’ll call the cabling department, call Wednesday if you haven’t heard anything. Called Wednesday to find out that supposedly the cabling dept looked at it on Tuesday and left a note on file saying that they needed to know our availability – what happened to a phone call? Then supposedly an agent would come today at 5, but the answering machine had that delightful message on it. Yeah.
I had more to talk about – like the fact that the vote to revisit gay marriages was denied. Supposedly some conservatives broke form and voted against what their leader wanted. I mean really, did Harper honestly think that all conservatives are straight? I am sure there may be a large percentage of white straight males in the conservative branch, but really… And I was going to discuss the environmental minister, but really what is the point? I could discuss work, but besides being extremely short staffed, it is going okay. Though sometimes, I really like the one-on-one client interaction, cause sometimes that look of relief, that expression of thanks, that ‘it was so nice to meet you’ is just the greatest thing around. Makes the heart grow 3 sizes larger.
Oh, and supposedly everyone is having an exciting weekend except me this weekend. D has work and a project that he is involved with. Milady has a full weekend planned. I am underscheduled – I have maybe some decorating to do, finish wrapping gifts, and maybe some chores. Then I suppose I can… surf the internet some more. Need to satisfy my fix, you know. Heehee.
Anyway, I actually have a couple things I wanted to do tonight, including wrapping a few more presents, so I should go. Should figure out what’s for dinner tonight too.
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