Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Don’t make me open a can of pout…

No one has written about the party – it’s like the blog world is in stasis…just waiting for… something… OR… everyone thought it sucked and they don’t want to be the first to say so. (I can almost hear the sighs of relief as that line is written.) Except I am not going to be the first to say it sucked, cause I thought it ROCKED! Though the numbers were on the smaller side, and several people who said they would come didn’t, for me, it was the perfect size and had the perfect people in it. There were lots of laughs, lots of teasing and affection, and lots of food (of course!!!)

I finally got the chance to meet S who milady is good ‘friends’ with. He seems really nice and didn’t seem freaked out by our group. He hugged me at the end of the party – which for me is just odd. I tend to be a touchy person, but not usually until I get to know someone, but since meeting kintair, it seems like I have huggable written on me. It’s good, just takes some getting used to. Heehee.

A brought her very creative self to the party with a costume that involved - what else – pooh! With corn and peanuts (made by herself that afternoon). I still say she is getting more ‘cheek’ since the wedding too, I am sure of it.

There were lots of good costumes. D and I are supposed to now figure out who gets the Best Costume award- very hard to figure out. Lots of thought and creativity went into the costumes. Poor N spent several hours trying to draw a dragon on his face – alas it was not to be. L had to wear socks so all 4 feet matched. V had to hop up and down stairs. And P not only came up with a cool idea, but also took that extra step to dye his hair and get contacts. I still say it looked good even if not everyone noticed.

I liked my eye on the back of my head – that has been my idea since the concept of this theme. I had wanted to obtain blinking eyes – you know the ones in dolls where you lay them down and they ‘go to sleep.’ Unfortunately none of the craft stores here (ie Michael’s) carry them, they only carry googly eyes (dorky) and after looking at the cheaper dolls at Value Village, I had an attack of conscience about ripping apart a doll that was once loved by some child. I found though these really cool tattoos and the picture looks awesome of it! It was even green like my own eyes are predominately.

Supposedly A asked milady where this monkey man that she was dating was – as S was standing right there, dressed in a part monkey costume. Sorry milady, had to tell that one. It is just so funny. Heehee.

And I got the greatest compliment - we were doing one of those question games (truth or dare kinda things) and the question was “which of your platonic friends do you think would be good in bed?” A said S (duh! She’s hawt!) and I were her picks. Isn’t that just the nicest thing to hear? Thanks A!

Sunday the new gaming group got to see the advantages of playing right after the party as we had a ton of food left (I always said you should never leave my party hungry). We played a little late, but what an interesting game.

Monday, D returned to work and I proceeded to clean up the place, getting a lot of stuff done that I wanted to do during the holidays, but never gets done cause D is a procrastinator. (That’s my excuse and I am stickin’ to it.) Then today was the first day back to work – I am officially promoted. My boss is still adamant that it is none of anyone’s business what my paycheck is – ie – it’s none of their business that I got promoted. He thinks this will help stifle the problems we have been having with people not being supportive. Guess what – nope. One of my coworkers said to my face – how can they think to put you equal to us when you don’t know anything about “X”? Except what I don’t know is not the program, but rather some of the extra features, which I have never had to use. Excuse me if I need to be trained. The official training has not been developed yet and since what my coworkers currently do is not something we will be doing in the near future, what is the point of teaching me it.

Enough about work – when D left this evening with R, they let in a HUGE fly who proceeded to fly rather noisily around the house and then into my office where it flung itself repeatedly against the ceiling light, then flew across the room again and back at the light. ARGHHHH! How annoying! I have not heard it though in a couple of hours, so either it has found someplace else to noisily buzz around or the cat had a snack. Could be either situation…

Grape mentos – how interesting. Can’t decide if I like them or not. Might help if I stop accidentally biting the inside of my cheek.

Gummy eyeballs are REALLY good. Ask A, she enjoyed them too. I think they were even better than the foot or nose.

Oprah was interesting today – it was about people who have had gastric surgery (when they make your stomach really small using the small intestine) and how 30% of them end up addicted to something else, usually alcohol. So basically they replace their addiction for food with an addiction for alcohol, sex or stuff. I guess when I think about losing the weight I want to lose, I do worry that something will happen. Part of me openly admits that I don’t drink or do drugs because I do tend to go excessive. (If I could have a harem, excessive sex would be fine for me… Heehee.) But seriously, I really want to lose slowly and steadily. I want lifestyle changes that allow me to find new hobbies and replace habits with other things. My doctor is not really looking at that though, she just wants me to lose the weight cause she is positive that will bring my blood pressure down. I think that if I don’t do the lifestyle changes and the new habits, I will be worse off cause I will not have coping mechanisms in effect and my blood pressure will go through the roof from stress. It’s funny that I am not one of those who can replace food with excessive exercise. Guess all that horrible memories of gym still haunt me. Heehee.

Anyway, enough self analysis. I suppose I should start getting ready for bed and then work tomorrow. It can only get better right? (nsert big fake smile here)


Blogger Milady said...

No, the exact phrasing was:


Me:(stares...incredulously...working hard not to glance obviously in S's direction so as to preserve..um...? *what do you preserve when you're amongst friends?*)

A:(stares back quizzically)

Me:(stares, smiles slightly(actually can't rip the wannabe grin off face)and raises eyebrow)

A:(gets inkling look in her eye like...)

Me:(smiles..sees understanding dawning) "I'm thinking maybe you missed something...on the way in?

A:(gets it...nods...rolls eyes 90 degrees to right in direction of S without turning body in S's general direction)

Me:(smiles and nods, points even)

*wishes could have seen the reaction on S's face when that started*

11:05 pm, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Taryn said...

It's even funnier when you hear the whole thing... heehee, especially with his costume... it was priceless... Heehee...Thanks for clarifying (you know me, I only remember the juicy parts) :)

10:57 pm, October 25, 2006  
Blogger Philippe de St-Denis said...

Omigawd, I am so embarrassed. I can't believe I did that. You mean I actually ended a sentence with a prepositional phrase?


The next time I say something socially humiliating for everyone involved, I promise to phrase it correctly.

Sorry, guys. My bad.

11:20 am, October 26, 2006  

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