Monday, February 19, 2007

The sun had plummeted mauvely…

The above is a line from Colin Cotterill’s book Thirty-Three Teeth. A fascinating book that I just recently read. That line stayed with me from the first moment I read it until long after I was done. I still love that line. I wish I could capture a scene that well. I can use all my senses in the phrase, from the taste of it rolling off of my tongue, to the sound of it in my ears, my eyes imagining this sunset to the smell and feel of the air as a sun plummets mauvely. I just love it.

Anyway, this weekend was a great weekend. Friday night, D had a gaming nite, while I went out with J and we just talked. It was great. Then Saturday and Sunday, D and I just hung out. Played some computer, did a few minor chores, watched some shows, talked, ran a few errands and spend some time both together and alone. It was such a wonderfully relaxing weekend. Especially considering that I was sick most of last week and work has just been stress hell. I got a bunch of my filing done – oh my goodness, you should see the office. The floor is cleaned off, you can not only see bare table of my desk, but also large swaths of bare table where my filing stays. The files are organized and labelled. It is seriously so restful being in here, nowt aht it is so clean. Still spots that need to be done, but I don’t have this overwhelming desire to just garbage it all, so it is clean. Whew!

I also read the following quote recently. Very interesting – makes me think and wish that I was at that point with some people. I am working on it.
True forgiveness is when you can say the following to the person who hurt you:
“Thank you for giving me that experience.” - James Arthur Ray

Anyway, I just wanted to check in and let you all know I was still alive and feeling MUCH better. Wish work was better, but I just need to find something else to relax me so I stop dwelling on it. Filing certainly helped. Would have helped better if I wasn’t filing work stuff, but eh, can’t have it all. Wednesday we will see if I take up drinking. It could be a hellish day.

Oh, and in case you thought I was only exagerating the stress at work, I actually swore in front of the boss and my co-workers. Not something small either, I said the F word. The conversation completely stopped and all eyes looked at me and the big boss said “what did you say?” And it took me a good 30 seconds to figure out what I had said. Most people at work have never heard me swear, so oops! So, yeah, work, very stressful. I love my job, I love my job… Heehee.

Stupid program – making me change over to the new system. I wasn’t ready. Don’t they know that they have to give people time? Should have known when Laurell K Hamilton said they forced her to change, that I would have to follow soon. Sighhh… guess I need to update the system. Sighhhh.

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