Monday, June 18, 2007

What should I title this?

Here are some ideas that have jumped into my head:
Facebook sucks
My self-esteem is low and I need more hugs
My dad looks awesome
Why is it that every holiday ends up being a race of how much I can get done?
It is hard to be reminded of what you do not have anymore aka he was mine first!

Of course some of those require explanations that I would rather not go into, so…

Facebook – I don’t see the appeal – putting up your name and pic to the world for anyone to befriend. Sorry. There are people in my past I don’t want to know that I am still alive. There are people that aren’t my friends now that I don’t wanna call friends on Facebook. To me, it’s like your high school reunion – you want to see how much people have changed, how much better you are than them. I don’t want to go to my high school reunion. High school was not the best years of my life and I would rather leave who I was then in the past. I got introduced to Facebook by an invitation from a elementary school friend – who I would love to get in touch with again (we ran into each other 4 years ago, and I don’t have her new email addy). Then all the friends began to get into it and Facebook was popping into blog conversations. Now it comes up in actual conversation. Gotta admit, the creators have something - just not what I want to be involved in. If you could use a pseudo-name, then maybe I would use it. But for now, no thanks.

My dad looks awesome - My dad has lost 52 pounds on Dr. Bernstein’s diet. While the diet itself scares the carp out of me, I am very happy for my father. He looks good, he has energy now and he is exercising. He stopped smoking and he says that he is not starving. I am very proud that he is committing to this. I want my daddy to live a long time.

Why is it that every holiday ends up being a race of how much I can get done? – Seriously. The first weekend, I took off. I relaxed, I didn’t commit to too much. It rocked. Then as the week progressed, speed picked up and by Saturday, I was running around trying to get everything done for the party on Saturday, d&d on Sunday and prepping for the baby shower on Tuesday. I mean, sheesh. Friday was shop day. We picked up decorations and food. We also cleaned the house. Saturday was shopping (not a single tablecloth in my house fits the new table at its longest and none are similar enough to fake it), chopping and preparing. The party itself seemed to go well. D had lots to drink (joys of being the b-day) while I cooked and cleaned and tried to keep myself involved. I had to take a few minute break part way through – it was just too much for me – too much to do, too much of not fitting in and not being able to contribute to conversations, too much memories of times gone past. I feel good that the last people to leave took an hour to leave. Course I was exhausted by the time they did leave and I still had to do some dishes to save myself some work the next morning. Sunday, my parents and bro came by for tea and then d&d in the evening.

D&d is interesting. We are starting a new campaign in Eberron, the new world. It is a very interesting world. I guess the problem I am having is that we all created characters separately. We didn’t make a group that was cohesive from the start. And if you know anything about the world, it comes across as more social than the usual dungeon crawling. So I know I made a character that is very social, very urban oriented – as did most other people. And the DM throws us into a wilderness environment when we are still trying to get to know each other.

On a friend’s blog – just as an aside – he talks about characters’ deaths. I know I invest a lot of time into creating a character. I build a background and I spend time getting inside the character to figure out what she is about, what she knows, what she wants to know, what she wants from life. Death is always a possibility in any gaming society. I don’t think a character’s death has to be dramatic or poignant or central to the plot, but I know that in the past when something stupid has happened and my character has died for seemingly no reason, I get mad. I didn’t spend all this time on creating a character just to have her die, because someone in the party thought her hair was stupid, or because a random rock fell on the side of the cliff and landed on her head. I know people sometimes die in real life for stupid reasons. I want my character’s death to mean something to the character. I want the character to live as long as possible. After all, a character is really just you trying something different. I want a chance to live the life of an adventurer, a thief, or a fighter. I want the chance to step outside of my boundaries and try something new in a safe environment, where I, as myself, will not be mocked. Ahh - the world of pretend. Heehee.

Anyway, I should go work on the bill paying and maybe have some supper sometime – did I mention we have so much salad that I think we will be having it everyday this week? Heh – the fun of parties.

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