Saturday, September 15, 2007


Well, it is official. I am getting sick. I blame all of my friends around me, cause y’all got sick first! Really, you didn’t need to share. Heehee. How do I know I am sick? Besides, the consistent sneezing (I HATE to sneeze), I just ate a handful of jalapeno chips and my tongue is not burning as it should be. Sighhhh. There go my taste buds. And I loves jalapeno chips. Sighhhh.

So I got cornered at work on Friday by 2 co-workers who I know have my interests at heart and I know their intentions were good, but it just came across as rather belittling. My office is stressed. We have a lot of info we need to know and yes, they keep throwing staff at us, but that doesn’t lessen the amount of info we each need to know. So everyone is getting sick and not coming in. And those of us who do come in are just putting ourselves at risk for illness (see paragraph above) as we are so stressed that our immune systems are lowering. I know part of why I am stressed and I understand that it is part of personality. Those who know me know that I like to be power behind the throne. So I like to know what is going on. I like to be involved and I also tend to take on new projects so to ‘pad’ my resume. Problem is that when I take on the new project, I still have all the old ones. There are few at the office that will assist, let alone take something off of my hands. The result is that I am feeling overwhelmed because I feel like if I don’t do it, no one will and I will be seen as the slacker for not doing it in the first place. Is this how my co-workers see me? I don’t know, but it is how it comes across. Add to that, I go home and I am in charge of keeping the house. I am the person who does the majority of the chores. I do all of the cooking (unless we order). I feel like I have no down time, that I have nothing that is just for me. There is a potential for me to move to another office, which would change my duties considerably. And while I was talking with the supervisor there, part of my mind was thinking of all the cheat sheets I need to write so that someone can take over what I do now. I mean, seriously, how sad is that. I wish I could be the type of person who just walks away, who doesn’t consider herself essential. I know I am replaceable. I am not saying that the office wouldn’t suffer for a while, but they would recover and life would go on. They have done it before. And the new people would be forced to step up (cause the old timers won’t).

I recently did some training in which I stated that one of my goals within the next 6 months would be to learn to let go. Boy, was I hopeful! How do you train yourself to do that? How do you go from being so passionate and involved to being calm and I guess, aloof?

Anyway, that is what has been on my mind as of late. In the next few days, nothing should be on my mind cause I will be sick and with sickness comes a lack of mental capacity. Perhaps it will also come with some sick days so I can stay home and sleep ALL day. Sleep. I loves sleep. Heehee.



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