Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I hab a cold. I can’t breed…

I have been sick for several days now. J is a beeyotch! It is all her fault. She said yes to going out with me while she was deathly ill and then I got deathly ill. ACK! I haven’t been sick for months. Course I get no sympathy from D, who just acts like I’m always sick. Jerk. It has honestly been months since I was ill and I was so happy cause at my job prior to the one before this, I was sick A LOT. Mind you, I hated that job, it was low pay, low appreciation and I worked like a dog for nothing.

So I came home early and I have to better for tomorrow cause I finally get to go to a career fair for within my company so I can see what else is out there in other departments. And I really want to go. And afterwards, I am going to visit the department that wants me back – there is a job opening right now. So I want to talk with them and see how things are and touch base. There were rumors that I was not allowed to spread about a possible opening, so it is very exciting that the opening is here, cause I would LOVE to go back to that job. It was fun and different and I was in the thick of things. My current office is a satellite office, so it’s isolated and really, you have no idea of what happens outside of the office.

TMI ALERT - Ooh, the day J passed her horrid germs to me, we went to Dawn’s Bra-tique. Now that is an experience. We just thought we’d stop in and see. Except it was empty and they like appointments. They had room so we made immediate appointments and what they do is take you into a room, ask you what size you think you are and then bring what they think you are. Ha! I was right on the band size. Ha ha. Then when Dawn comes and sizes you and sets the bra to fit you, they bring all the bras in your size (sometimes in batches if there are lots of options – like J had). Me, not so much in the options. I had 7 options and some of the colours were horrid. Then I overheard J getting prices. Whoa! Whew! I did buy one as a present for me. But I certainly cannot buy all my bras there. It was $145 for the cheapest for me. Ouch! But I did learn how to size the bra to me and now I can go somewhere cheaper and get better fitting bras. The disadvantage (besides price) is that now the rest of my bras suck. I put on my other ones and it’s not the same. I know now that they don’t fit, but heck if I can afford to replace them all. But this one is soooo nice and sooo fitting and it's blue pinstripe so it matches my office clothes. Bonus for me– I already wash my bras the proper way. That is nice to know.

Anyway, back to getting better.


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