Thursday, November 17, 2005

Welcome to the funny farm

My sister-in-law (SIL) is coming for a visit next month. She and her daughter are coming up on a Friday and she decided that they would leave on Monday. So I arranged to take off Monday so she didn’t have to rush with a 3 year old to be out the door for when D and I leave for work.

Two days ago, she mentioned that while she was telling her friends about moving provinces, one of them said she was happy and that perhaps she could just pop by once in awhile, like for their Christmas party on the Friday she arrives. Nothing was said then, but I had that sinking feeling that she would be shortly asking us to watch her child while she goes and party.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love my niece, but I haven’t seen her in two, almost three years and her mother keeps making her talk to me on the phone to the point that she doesn’t want to and is very vocal to her mother about NOT wanting to talk to me. So first thought is the SIL is going to show up Friday night and just drop her kid off with us.

But the SIL states that she’ll be asleep before SIL goes. So let’s review, she’s going to come by, put her kid to bed and then leave. So her daughter is going to be sleeping in a strange house and if she wakes up, is going to be greeted by strangers. Oh yeah, that is putting your daughter’s needs before your own.

Then she mentions that maybe she’ll come by Thursday instead of Friday. Cause we have planned for that.

I really don’t know. I have had problems before with her. She lived with us for several months (it was supposed to be only a few weeks) with her daughter and she ended up taking advantage of us, our friends and personally, I felt, her daughter. Even now, she lives with her parents and when she talks, it is like she resents her daughter for keeping her from her own life. She complains about being left alone with her daughter and having to deal with her and not being able to go out cause her parents won’t baby sit. I don’t know if my anger at her request is cause I am being selfish like I don’t want to rearrange my life for her or if it is because I had a feeling she would do this and since I already had issues about this stuff when she lived with us, the situation just seems like déjà vu and stuff. Possibly I could be making more of this than it is. But part of me is starting to resent her and she is not even here yet.

Bleah. That is what I have to say.


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