Thursday, January 03, 2008

Before you say what you desire…

Ack! Someone new asked for the link to my blog and the first things that ran through my mind were:
1. What have I said about him in previous blogs?
2. Do I really want him to know THAT much about me?
3. Oh goodness, will I start censoring things?
Of course, I am fine with it now. I just had to have my little panic episode. It is always scary to find out that someone, other than your closest friends who already know your quirks and quibbles, will be reading about the things that you find so interesting. I suppose we should warn him about the lack of punctuation rules and the fact that I like to make up words. Heehee.

So hope everyone had a good new year’s eve. Mine rocked! Lots of good food, great friends and interesting conversations. We rang New Year’s in with a two second count because the people in charge of the time didn’t have seconds on their cellphones. Then it was with much cheer that we hugged, kissed, drank and then returned to our conversations. It gives me good feelings for how the year is going to proceed.

So far 2008 has been fairly good. My bro and his gf are, I think, mostly back together. Look Ma, he may produce grandchildren for you yet! Heehee. Work has been okay – a little slow at times, but y’all know I love that. And the co-worker is back, so at least when I am sinking into the daytime naps, I can go visit and pretend to work. The house is looking more pink everyday and while in my heart, I find the color totally abhorrent, I am very happy that it means that the house is getting insulation. Now just don’t look down and you won’t see the MESS the contractor is leaving all over my yard, the neighbors yard and my new windows. ACK! It is almost done for a few months. I can make it. It will look good. I just have to keep reminding myself of this.

How do you kettle cook a pudding? I know how that works with chips, but pudding?!?

I received the two Order of the Stick prequel comic books for Christmas (Thanks the Hat!) and oh my, they are sooooo much fun! I can totally relate to the creation of that adventuring party. How many of anyone’s group ended up get together ‘just cause’ more so than because of something really concrete? And the people the dwarf found for the party? If only Roy knew. Heehee. I am currently reading the Start of Darkness. Interesting…very interesting. I highly recommend these and if you aren’t reading the comics, you must pop over (it’s under links on the right) and start. So hilarious.

For all those Laurell K Hamilton fans, there is a contest on right now (until January 18th) to make suggestions for Jason’s stripper name. It’s on her site (also under links on the right).

And if you were wondering how the Cheri Scotch books turned out – I have read the first one so far (I am waiting on the second one to give me time to track the third book down) and it was fabulous. But how can you go wrong – N’awlins and werewolves, voodoo and the French quarter? For me, it was just like being back there. I so miss it. Someone I know is going down there soon. Someday soon, I will return and hopefully get to show D the sights. Just to be back in the French quarter and have that feeling again of belonging and wonder and time. So much has soaked into the stones beneath your feet as you walk around Jackson Square. There is the need to touch Madame Laveau’s tombstone and see the tributes left for her. There is so much heart in the people of N’awlins and everyone was so welcoming. I don’t miss the grits, because ick. But the country fried steak, the po-boys, and the beignets. I still miss beignets. Anyway, the book was well-written, great plot and a fascinating tale. I look forward to the rest of the trilogy.

So my television fixation will soon be satisfied again. Tuesday is the two hour season premiere of One Tree Hill – I know, it’s a teen nighttime soap. I don’t care. It could be the last season (after all, they have jumped forward 4 years and this may not go as well as planned – plus writer’s strike and all that). I am highly invested in the going-ons of Lucas and Peyton and the gang. And who doesn’t want to see what has happened to Mouth? I am very invested in him since I understand the whole being on the edge of the more popular people.

And sadly I am into the Biggest Loser. Well, I watched the first show of the new season and I may just have to watch it again. However, I do have other options on Tuesdays – there is still Reaper (if there are still episodes – writer’s strike), One Tree Hill and Jericho. I believe Lost is on Thursdays still – there was rumor of it moving…again. There are only 8 episodes, so I may tape it and get to it when I get to it because of the loss of Dom. I am still a little bummed by that. I haven’t heard anything new though about his break up with Evangeline. Has he gone back to Billy? Heehee.

And then there is the ton of movies that I have taped this last month. Hopefully, I will have time to watch those. I watched Music and Lyrics tonight – so funny. I looooove the video at the beginning – it is so Wham!. Ghost Rider we saw on the weekend. It was okay. The ending was very macho and not quite realistic, but otherwise, it was good. And of course, I watched my Anne of Green Gables III – it was really good. I am glad that I finally got to see the ending of the movies – well done, ol’ chap, well done.

So what shall I do new in my blog for 2008? I think we need a bit of a change. I could go back to putting up recipes. I could discuss the website – y’all know the one – with the girls and…okay, okay. I won’t say anymore. Heehee. If you have any ideas, please share… and don’t worry, the ranting will start again soon.

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