Sunday, January 06, 2008

Doody happens

As if the whole Britney Spears breakdown wasn’t newsworthy enough, it appears that Dr. Phil visited the poor distraught mother while she was in the hospital. Rumor has it he even walked her to an awaiting vehicle and she will be on his show on Monday. Part of me hopes that his gruff, straight talking way will get through to her drug/alcohol-riddled brain and snap her out of this destructive path she is on. Another part of me wonders if he is just using this as a way to up his rating (goodness knows he needs it). And of course, there is always the part that questions my sanity in believing anything the reporters say.

In other entertainment news, for those who got addicted to A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila (okay, could just be me), supposedly Tila has broken up with Bobby. This is after she chose him, breaking poor Dani’s heart (I would have picked Dani), then spending a lust filled night with him and then being apart for two months, only to reunite and a month later, dump his ass. Guess the sensitive male with the mouthy lower class mother didn’t win after all. So instead of trying one of the other people she supposedly loved, she will have season two with all new contestants. Me thinks Tila is more addicted to the attention than to the actual people – after all hasn’t she seen "the bachelor" – how many of those relationships have worked out long-term?

And poor Dani – not only does she not get chosen (supposedly because Tila couldn’t pull Dani from her very established life back home – whatever!), then she gets this totally dorky hairdo (the big flip in the bangs is really not a good look - little flip is cute, big flip - not so cute) and doesn’t get the call from Tila after the whole Bobby break-up. Or maybe Dani did get the call and just kicked Tila to the curb – that would rock!

And anyone who saw the finale – did you not think that Vanessa and Brandi are totally in love with each other and are totally in denial? Why else would they want to be ‘friends’ after the debacle of their acquaintance? And Domenico is getting his own show?!? He wasn’t THAT likeable and one has to wonder about the whole “I am looking for an American girl to love?” Looking for a green card, Domenico?

Okay, so that is your entertainment news for today. Please return to your regularly scheduled Sunday evening…

Aside note: the long time filing is done. Whew! I am very, very happy.

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