I like my fat butt.
Ahhh, Happy Bunny, how happy you make me some days. Heehee.
So interesting things I have seen as of late:

The above comic was a fitting tribute to a role model of so many geek around the world (visit the website for even more funny comics). While we may complain about the changes that keep occurring (version 3.5 will be the last one… okay, next June version 4.0 comes out), D&D has had a great affect on so many of my friends, as well as myself. Thank you Gary for assisting us in developing our imaginations. I hope so many more generations enjoy the world you helped create.
In the coupon booklet today was an ad for
WreckingBalm stating Let them see you, not your tattoo. Supposedly
The idea of a blow up dome for Churchill Square. Wow. That was unexpected. What drugs is Krushell on and why isn’t she sharing? And it’s only $200,000. Well, I suppose it is cheaper than the two huge icicles, er, pyramids, that Edmonton wants to have hanging over the Yellowhead to welcome visitors. At least the dome might be useful. Council still hasn’t explained how they will protect drivers from sun shining off of the icicles or what happens when a rock hits it and glass smashes all over the highway or when another tornado comes through – I am sure a sideways pyramid will stand up to a tornado.
Madonna does drugs and Justin mocks his ex Britney in this article about Madonna’s induction into the Hall of Fame. Were any of you really surprised at either of those headlines? How about Britney guest stars on How I Met your Mother? Yes, she is working. First, One Tree Hill gives that arse Kevin Federline a spot on several episodes (that’s several episodes too many – at least there was no talent required, he just played his arse-holic self). Now, Britney gets on How I Met your Mother. Supposedly, How I Met your Mother is on the brink of cancellation – do they really think Britney will help? Mind you, please just let them finish the story, I NEED to know who Ted ends up with?!?
Gene Simmons wants to create a sexercise video. It took me a second to realize that it was not Richard Simmons (which EWWW!). It is about sex + exercise. Like we don’t have a ton of videos that already show that.
And because one has to wonder why Americans’ couldn’t come up with these game shows, I bring you another Japanese game show… enjoy.
So interesting things I have seen as of late:

The above comic was a fitting tribute to a role model of so many geek around the world (visit the website for even more funny comics). While we may complain about the changes that keep occurring (version 3.5 will be the last one… okay, next June version 4.0 comes out), D&D has had a great affect on so many of my friends, as well as myself. Thank you Gary for assisting us in developing our imaginations. I hope so many more generations enjoy the world you helped create.
In the coupon booklet today was an ad for
WreckingBalm stating Let them see you, not your tattoo. Supposedly
WreckingBalm is a devastatingly effective in home combination treatment using state-of-the-art, vintage technology. Just 9 minutes every week and you’ll be on your way to ridding yourself of that unwanted tattoo. Cleaner, healthier skin will be your new statement of identity without the funky bodyart regret.Okay, first off, state-of-the-art vintage technology – huh? How can you be state of the art and vintage at the same time? And then cleaner, healthier skin – so basically it eats your skin away? I thought this was an interesting ad. And the testimonial states that this person’s wedding dressed showed her tattoo which led to a fight with her in-laws that day and an ugly divorce soon after. How do you forget you have a back tattoo? And if you are embarrassed by it, don’t get a dress that shows it. And who cares what the in-laws say and why the sudden divorce? All over a tattoo. Didn’t you test the hubby before signing the papers? Hadn’t he seen you naked, including the back tattoo? Really, people.
The idea of a blow up dome for Churchill Square. Wow. That was unexpected. What drugs is Krushell on and why isn’t she sharing? And it’s only $200,000. Well, I suppose it is cheaper than the two huge icicles, er, pyramids, that Edmonton wants to have hanging over the Yellowhead to welcome visitors. At least the dome might be useful. Council still hasn’t explained how they will protect drivers from sun shining off of the icicles or what happens when a rock hits it and glass smashes all over the highway or when another tornado comes through – I am sure a sideways pyramid will stand up to a tornado.
Madonna does drugs and Justin mocks his ex Britney in this article about Madonna’s induction into the Hall of Fame. Were any of you really surprised at either of those headlines? How about Britney guest stars on How I Met your Mother? Yes, she is working. First, One Tree Hill gives that arse Kevin Federline a spot on several episodes (that’s several episodes too many – at least there was no talent required, he just played his arse-holic self). Now, Britney gets on How I Met your Mother. Supposedly, How I Met your Mother is on the brink of cancellation – do they really think Britney will help? Mind you, please just let them finish the story, I NEED to know who Ted ends up with?!?
Gene Simmons wants to create a sexercise video. It took me a second to realize that it was not Richard Simmons (which EWWW!). It is about sex + exercise. Like we don’t have a ton of videos that already show that.
And because one has to wonder why Americans’ couldn’t come up with these game shows, I bring you another Japanese game show… enjoy.
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