So beautiful to look at. So easy to annoy.
Here is an email I received from a former co-worker of mine - she often sends me these overtly religious emails because she has found religion again and she thinks I should, however, I have some problems with this one. Read the email below (unfortunately, transfering it didn't keep the over-emphasis on words with sizing and fonts and colours) and then my remarks. I am sure you will agree.
Okay, so here are my thoughts, assuming I was a government worker -
"Under God" on Canadian money? - When did that happen? I thought we were all about the monarchy and God Save the Queen. The Americans are all about god, having denounced the monarchy in order to worship the hierarchy.
Have Canadians ever had the 10 commandments in a government building? I know the states have had this, but did Canada? Now if you tried to remove the queen from a government building - that's going to be controversial.
So my initial thoughts are someone mistakening sent an American-centric email to Canada and someone thought they would just change the country and it would all work. Ha, not quite.
Next, the holidays-
Christmas - I celebrate a time to thank my friends for all their assistance and caring throughout the year, plus it is a time to celebrate the snowman, the Santa and of course, all the little people. Add to that it is close to winter solstice, Hanukah, etc - most people celebrate something at that time of year (the minority don't) so give me the dang days off - PLUS - the schools get a couple weeks off - so, increase my days off.
Good Friday - after 2 -3 months of no holidays, give me a dang day off already, I don't care what we are celebrating - I just need a holiday.
Easter - celebrating the coming of spring, the wondrous fertility of the bunny and chocolate - do you really want to condone a holiday that is most celebratory of chocolate?!? Do you want to get between people and their chocolate? Not me, give me the dang day off.
Thanksgiving - remind me what this holiday has to do with God - last I checked, thanksgiving was a time to give thanks for all that is in our life, to celebrate the end of harvest and the bounty that the earth has provided. Give me the dang day off.
Sundays – government workers get all weekends off, because they already give their blood, sweat and tears 5 days of week. The law states people need two days off a week - mental health states people need time off - so bite me and give me my dang weekends off.
Majority - who is to say the majority of people follow god, and not allah, or jesus, or buddha, or goddess, etc. If it were up to me, I would follow the school system of holidays more - two weeks off at Christmas, two months off at summer, a multitude of holidays due to PD days - we could have time off whenever the governments are in session, spring break, and gosh - I want shorter days too. Most kids are in school 9-3. Sounds fair to me.
And finally, if you don’t give government workers days off, then see what happens. The taxpayers will be paying deeply out of their pockets for sick days, medical accommodations and stress leave. Let alone all that unproductive time spent lamenting about sicknesses and stress and having to temporarily fill those jobs.
But hey, that is just my thoughts. ;)
I really love this one. This is one of the better e-mails I have received in a long time! I hope this makes its way around Canada several times over! So Be It!
THE LAW IS THE LAW So if the Canadian government determines that it is against the law for the words 'under God' to be on our money, then, so be it.
And if that same government decides that the 'Ten Commandments' are not to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it. I say, 'so be it,'
because I would like to be a law abiding CDN citizen. I say, 'so be it,'
because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions.
I would like to think that those people have the Canadian public's best interests at heart.
BUT, YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE I'D LIKE? Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot post His Commandments in Government buildings, I don't believe the Government and its employees should participate in the Easter and Christmas celebrations which honor the God that our government is eliminating from many facets of Canadian life.
I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving, & Easter.After all, it's just another day.
I'd like the 'CDN Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter as well as Sundays.' After all, it's just another day.
I'd like the Senate and the House of Commons to not have to worry about getting home for the'Christmas Break'.After all it's just another day.
I'm thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved,if all government offices & services would work on Christmas,Good Friday & Easter. It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be 'politically correct.'
In fact.... I think that our government should work on Sundays(initially set aside for worshipping God...)because, after all, our government says that it should be just another day....
What do you all think???? If this idea gets to enough people, maybe our elected officials will stop giving in to the 'minority opinions' and begin, once again, to represent the 'MAJORITY' of ALL of the Canadian people. SO BE IT...........
Please Dear Lord, Give us the help needed to keep you in our country!'Amen' and 'Amen '
These are definitely things I never thought about but from now on, I will be sure to question those in government who support these changes. At the top, it says 'I hope this makes its way aroundCANADA several times over!!!!!' Let's see that it does.Amen and Amen!
Okay, so here are my thoughts, assuming I was a government worker -
"Under God" on Canadian money? - When did that happen? I thought we were all about the monarchy and God Save the Queen. The Americans are all about god, having denounced the monarchy in order to worship the hierarchy.
Have Canadians ever had the 10 commandments in a government building? I know the states have had this, but did Canada? Now if you tried to remove the queen from a government building - that's going to be controversial.
So my initial thoughts are someone mistakening sent an American-centric email to Canada and someone thought they would just change the country and it would all work. Ha, not quite.
Next, the holidays-
Christmas - I celebrate a time to thank my friends for all their assistance and caring throughout the year, plus it is a time to celebrate the snowman, the Santa and of course, all the little people. Add to that it is close to winter solstice, Hanukah, etc - most people celebrate something at that time of year (the minority don't) so give me the dang days off - PLUS - the schools get a couple weeks off - so, increase my days off.
Good Friday - after 2 -3 months of no holidays, give me a dang day off already, I don't care what we are celebrating - I just need a holiday.
Easter - celebrating the coming of spring, the wondrous fertility of the bunny and chocolate - do you really want to condone a holiday that is most celebratory of chocolate?!? Do you want to get between people and their chocolate? Not me, give me the dang day off.
Thanksgiving - remind me what this holiday has to do with God - last I checked, thanksgiving was a time to give thanks for all that is in our life, to celebrate the end of harvest and the bounty that the earth has provided. Give me the dang day off.
Sundays – government workers get all weekends off, because they already give their blood, sweat and tears 5 days of week. The law states people need two days off a week - mental health states people need time off - so bite me and give me my dang weekends off.
Majority - who is to say the majority of people follow god, and not allah, or jesus, or buddha, or goddess, etc. If it were up to me, I would follow the school system of holidays more - two weeks off at Christmas, two months off at summer, a multitude of holidays due to PD days - we could have time off whenever the governments are in session, spring break, and gosh - I want shorter days too. Most kids are in school 9-3. Sounds fair to me.
And finally, if you don’t give government workers days off, then see what happens. The taxpayers will be paying deeply out of their pockets for sick days, medical accommodations and stress leave. Let alone all that unproductive time spent lamenting about sicknesses and stress and having to temporarily fill those jobs.
But hey, that is just my thoughts. ;)
Labels: rants
You GO, Girl!
Yeah, I'm impressed. :)
Could almost cut and paste as a fwd to my mom. Just to show how blindly fanatical some Christian Folks can get.
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