Thursday, December 15, 2005

Domestic… Again

After reading my latest entries, I realized that I have not been very domestic lately. I have been doing a lot of stuff around the house, but not as much as I could be. However, with Christmas just around the corner, I have been working up a sweat running around the house trying to get things done. This weather has been so chaotic and with that potential position, I have just been putting off all the stuff I usually do and all of a sudden, I realize it’s only a few sleeps to Christmas. So today I baked up a storm. Well, can you call it baking when you don’t actually bake anything?

I made 2 batches of my peanut butter square (one with chunky peanut butter and one with smooth – hope D doesn’t mind I used all the crunchy up – heehee). Then I made 2 batches of rice krispie squares. Now, I make these often enough to know that tonight something was off – maybe cause I made it in the microwave, maybe cause they were fresh marshmallows, but they were sticky. I had to take my shirt off to soak it, cause after 2 batches, I had a good bit of it on my shirt and it wasn’t moving. Very annoying. But that is all done, so the baking I have left (the ones where I actually need to bake) will be done on Saturday. Which is good cause I need some of it for Sunday. No pressure though. I want to buy some mini loaf pans, cause that will make Sunday easier since some of the baking is for gifts and a mini loaf is easier than cutting slices.

Yesterday, I finally got my head out of my arse and worked on a Christmas present for a friend that I see on Sunday. I have only had the item for months, and I bought the new paint for it in October. Heehee. I got to play with blackboard paint. Really cool. The only problem is that I won’t be able to completely condition it before I give it to her. Oh well. It will be mostly done. Looks good too. Even if I realize that I suck at painting.

I am realizing slowly that while I have these grand visions in my head about how something should be made and how it will look, it never quite works out that way. Last year I decorated boxes for some friends with pics and items that represented them. I even did celtic knotwork. Now, most of it turned out awesome, but one box just wouldn’t accept the glue and no matter what I did, shortly after I gave it to the person, the decorations just fell off. At Halloween, we made columns for our gods and goddesses theme. And while they are certainly nice and they worked, they need about 2 more cans of spray paint each. And the one is really crooked. And they are not the same height (mind you that is Home Depot’s fault since they cut them for me and while he was nice enough to do it, he did do it crooked.) Next year’s theme is more decorating focused and I hope it comes off like we envision it.

The Christmas decorations are up, but I totally cut back. I put up technically a whole two strands of lights. And I put up 2 garlands with decorations and then some decorations in the dining room and the 1 wall in the living room. But it is very sparse. And I haven’t found the extension cord to turn on the lights yet. Hehe. Soon, I will do that.

Oh and to add to the stress, everyone wants to get together (which is great) but time is limited. Friday we see a few people, Sunday I am getting together with some friends in the afternoon, the gaming/present exchange in the evening and Monday night is another group of friends. It’s like everyone is just realizing that Christmas is next weekend. Oy!


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