Figured you out
Elephant copulation last twenty seconds. That should make a lot of men feel better.
Speaking of men who have penis envy problems, let’s get the political stuff over with right away – on Tuesday, I went looking online for the party platforms – I thought it was very interesting the number of pages each party claimed was the platform.
Liberals 86
Conservatives 46
NDP 52
Green 30
Now the Liberal platform was easy to find and really long – I will admit I barely skimmed it. The Conservative platform was rather tedious to find and was a rather interesting platform, because their whole premise is that Martin is not going to uphold his promises, but they will and they won’t be vague. They tell it like it is and their promises are “clear and measurable so Canadians will know that a Conservative government has kept its word.” Except for things like the environment – “Clean up federal contaminated sites and encourage the private sector to clean up brownfields.” How is this measurable? How are you going to encourage the private sector? It just came across like a book report by someone who had read the synopsis and kinda threw together the report. Oh, and we won’t mention the latest scandal about how their promises which were so perfectly budgeted has been disputed by the accountant who did them because he claims he didn’t have all the information.
I printed the Green party and the NDP platforms. I actually want to read those. And I must say I was impressed by the Green party’s platform. It was really well written.
Anyway, back to my life of domesticity. Ooh, I saw the most awesome picture.

It is partially true. When the computer is acting up, my house does appear cleaner. Usually though, I can’t resist the lure of staring into the void called my monitor, despite the fact that I stare at a computer for most of my workday. At least at home, I know I am not being monitored constantly.
We had an interesting person in work today. I can’t give you any specific details, but this person actually believes her whole family is out to get to her and she knows that they tell everyone that she is crazy, but they stole her lottery winnings. She was in the office for several hours and she was telling everyone about it, unless you were staring at her and then she got really aggressive, cause you must be working for THEM. Wow. That was all I could think. I mean, maybe it is true, but I don’t know if I would be telling everyone about it. Quiet paranoia is much more my specialty. She supposedly had it out with a relative that day and part of me wonders if she has a few people inside her head or if she just randomly had it out with someone. Did I mention the other day that I had a dream that someone came into the office waving a gun? Yeah, and then two days later, she comes. And the full moon was last weekend. Yeah.
So I have been thinking – friends have burned me several times in the past. Most of the time, I have let things slide or I easily forgive, but there comes a time when you put your foot down and you say that is it. I lost a good long-term friend because of it – someone who initially had been there with me through the thin and thick of both our lives, and then it became all about her. And I got tired of being the listening board that was not allowed to talk. Or if I did, it only led to her one-upping me. So since then, I don’t tend to let things slide as much. I expect equal time and that means that hopefully when I talk, someone is listening. So now I am at a point, where someone didn’t listen or didn’t want to listen or didn’t understand or all three, and I feel like I have lost something. It’s not that we’re no longer friends, but I don’t feel like I can just talk freely anymore. We talk and I listen and when the conversation comes to me, I just…skim the surface. I know it takes time to rebuild trust and all that mumble jumble stuff, but I just feel like a flying kite whose string is no longer being held. Eh, mixing metaphors. Must stop now.
Did I mention I can actually see parts of my office table? I am very impressed. This has lasted two days now. Now, if I can just find the papers I wanted to send a friend… But that is the other table. It’s not quite so neat. Heehee. I suppose I should go through it though. Sighhh.
Oh, and I did find out that you can overuse the left button. It is the button that breaks the most often.
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