Saturday, January 14, 2006

Naughty Girls need love too…

Can you actually overuse the left button of the mouse? Mine is acting so pathetic as of late that it is starting to make me just a touch pissed. I replaced the batteries (it’s wireless) and I have cleaned the bottom and the site it sits on, but still, it resists my efforts to use it. Very annoying.

Mentally, I am feeling anally domestic. I walk around my home and catalogue all the little things that need to be done and then I may do one or two, and then I get tired. I have been tossing some stuff – which is good. But of course most of what I have been working on is behind closed doors, so I don’t see it all the time. And then it feels like I did nothing.

Today, I organized the main bathroom. Tossed out some bath stuff that was a few years old – oops. And my cat eye contacts from 3 years ago and no, I have not worn them recently. I pout some stuff I had bought long ago and hadn’t used into a bag for donations and made room for D’s tackle box. In all, that was an hour of work. Prior to that, I had spent an hour tidying D’s computer area and the games room. I know it has only been 3 weeks since Christmas but D had not even unpackaged some of the gifts. That’s done now, so D can work on putting it where it goes. And I cleaned the gaming table. Certain people who regularly game with me are very messy people. The table is clutter free, but it needs a good scrubbing as soon as we finish this module.

Now, that I have spent 2 hours cleaning, I am tired and I don’t want to do anymore. Even though I sit in my office now and remember when just a little bit ago, I had seen the table under all this mess. It is all new stuff too. Sighhh! I really should clean it. Course I really should fix the tie rack in the closet and take the boxes to the shed and set up the new printer and dejunk the ornaments and … sighhh. And that is why little seems to get done. It is never ending. And silly me, I watched a show today called Til Debt do us part. This one was about a couple who were in a lot of debt cause the husband had been sick for 6 months and they didn’t change their lifestyles. And while the show was interesting, it didn’t really teach anything. But it did bring me down cause I know I like to live outside my income. (It’s the darn books – I love the books – they call my name every time I go near a bookstore.) And I know I should go through the finances, but that is too depressing. And I should figure out supper, but I don’t want to. I think need more sugar.

I have been rather domestic for the last few days, so I guess I am allowed to be a little less today. The day started well, a nice leisurely wake up, shower and facial, and I cleaned the tub and then a nice leisurely breakfast and reading of the paper. Then I decided I should do something. I should went for the walk I wanted cause the ice mist was out and it looked so pretty, but the responsible part kicked my arse and I did some work.

Thursday, I saw the new Queen Latifah movie Last Holiday with L. She won tickets for the screening. It is a good movie and if it was on television, I would probably watch it again if nothing else was on, but I wouldn’t have paid for it and I won’t buy it. It was really funny and it was cute, but both L and I thought the ending was, as the paper said, contrived.

I am trying to ignore the political crap that is going on, though it is hard. I still don’t know who is running in my area other than the one Conservative – Mr. Traditional Marriage. What a load of crap. Seriously, if two people of any sex want to get married and deal with the crap that goes with it and the chance of losing half of everything in divorce, then I say go for it. Homosexuality is not new. Get over it. Accept that people love people and move on. Yeah, so needless to say he is not getting my vote. I don’t know why it scares people so much. If they knew half of what goes in people’s lives and thoughts, we should be scared of everyone.

The latest in the editorial was about the Supreme Court ruling that swinger clubs were legal. The editorial was about how horrible the ruling was and how immoral people are. Again, it is not new. And it happens in the most normal of neighborhoods, whether or not you notice it. Who is it to say that the big party down the block isn’t a swinger party? Who knows what happens behind the doors? It is not like they usually advertise. And so what if they want to get together at a member only club and do what they want. It is not public and it is usually not free. I wish the public would stay out of everyone’s private life. Is there not enough happening in Hollywood to distract you from your neighbors? Hey – Angelina’s pregnant with Brad’s baby – go follow that up for awhile.

And stop with the comparison that this will lead to adults marrying and having sex with children, cause again, how is this any different from history? Does nobody remember social studies and how many kings married young girls and how many farmers married young girls? Once a girl hit puberty, she was ready to be married according to society. It is really only as of late that we have put age restrictions on marriage and sex. I am not saying what is right or wrong, but consensual sex between adults does NOT always lead to children being molested. From what I know about psychology, people do not replace the want for sex/lust of children by having sex with adults. That is two very different categories sexually.

Ooh, and Mr. Harper is the only party leader who verbally said that he would reopen that decision, as it’s not acceptable. Judging from his comments lately, I really think he either had a love affair with a male college roommate where the roommate dumped him, or he needs to have a affair with someone willing to loosen Harper’s anal passages. Okay, so I am not voting Conservative. I don’t know if I will vote Liberal either. If Anne McLellan was in my riding, I might consider it cause she is good. I thought she was awesome when I met her and after hearing of all the stuff she has done and fit into her life because she is the Only Liberal in the area, it is just amazing. I swear she has no life outside of her constituents. She is a busy woman. And goodness knows, we need some strong women in politics. However, Martin is pro-outsourcing of the federal departments. And he has not been pro-active towards the environment. I mean, Harper is anti-Kyoto, but I really have not seen Martin push Canadians towards bettering this world. Yes, Kyoto is a tough measure to have to take, but it is necessary and we agreed to meet its demands. Humans have fucked this planet royally, and we need to take the measures required to help heal it. But constantly procrastinating and lowering the standards, we are not doing anything to help. Mother Nature will get pissed eventually and get rid of the vermin that plagues her. How many Canadians are taking part in the One-Tonne Challenge? It’s easy to do and it helps the country.

Anyway, enough ranting. So much for not following politics, eh? Heehee, I suppose I should make an effort to think of a supper idea. Or at least, have my order ready for when D gets home. Heehee.


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