Friday, December 23, 2005

I wanna hippopotamus for Christmas….

No, really, I want to kill that song. It is evil - Pure, unadulterated evil. It gets in your head, and goodness knows, you don’t all the words, so just the chorus runs in your head and just when you get it out, someone near you starts the song and it’s stuck…AGAIN!!! That has been the story of my week before Christmas.

On a happier note, I had lots of compliments on me being so happy and considerate at work from the clients. I think they like to see my blush. Phghghght. I do thank them though. It is appreciated when someone says that you are doing well.

On a stressful note, I am not ready for Christmas Eve. I thought by now everything would be ready, but I decided at last minute to change what I was serving. So now I am making my fabulous chili for everyone. It is nummy…. Have I done that recipe yet?


1 can tomato soup
1 lg can kidney beans, drained
1 med onion
1 green pepper (or red, yellow, orange or all three)
1 lb hamburger (or anything ground or nothing)
chili powder
garlic powder
hot sauce
ketchup (secret ingredient)

Dice onions and peppers – the size depends on whether you have people who hate them. D hates onions, so I cut them really small. I sometimes add carrots, celery, cauliflower or broccoli if they are in the fridge. Just keep the items close in size for cooking purposes.

Brown the hamburger in large electric skillet at 350F (or frying pan). Add onions and peppers, tomato soup, kidney beans (or vegetarian chili if I have no kidney beans) and a couple shakes of hot sauce. Fill almost half of the tomato soup can with water, swoosh to get the excess tomato soup off sides and add to pan. I then hold the ketchup bottle upside down, squeeze lightly and circle the pan twice. I like chili powder and garlic, so use them to your taste.

Stir, cover and cook for about 15 minutes on 225F. Stir occasionally. Taste after 10 minutes to see if need more ketchup or spices. This can sit for a long while if the temp is just high enough to keep warm. I usually serve with homemade biscuits.

Anyway, back to getting ready for Christmas. I have promised myself not to get my expectations up too high because then I set myself up for disappointment. I want a good Christmas, but I don’t expect everyone to get things right. That is my goal this year. Trust me when I say, it is lofty.

Have a good Christmas everyone, if you celebrate it. If not, then happy Hanukah, happy Solstice, happy Yule, happy holidays, happy friendship.


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