Monday, January 02, 2006

A Cirque du Soleil with sandpaper pussy

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone was doing something fun and meaningful for them for the New Year’s. It is said that what you are doing at midnight is what you will be doing the rest of the year. So I can happily say I was with a wonderful set of friends and I hope that this year is filled with more good times with them.

A&J’s party was a blast. Though it was funny watching the party move in large groups from the kitchen to the living room and back to the kitchen and back to the living room. The food was delicious as always, though I apologize for the shrimp being still frozen – who knew after a day in the fridge that it would still be frozen. Odd. The conversations were varied and it flowed. While sometimes, one might say the conversation bordered on TMI, I enjoyed learning so much more about my friends. Who shaves their nether regions, whose nipples are pierced, the weirdest dates, how D’s background is very vanilla. You knew that everyone was comfortable with the others and it was not only enlightening, but I felt connected with everyone.

We stayed til 3 (I am sorry) and we paid for that the next day. Wow, I still remember the summer where we were up until 6 am and slept until 2 pm. And I paid for that when I went back to school with the 8 am classes. And I felt like that yesterday. And our gaming group decided they wanted to play still last night. Oy! I am better now. Thank goodness.

So 2006 is here. Supposedly, it is the beginning of an eleven-year cycle of luck for me. Though that seems to be tempered with some bad bits, according to the Journal’s year in review for astrology. Not liking that. I am hoping it will be filled with lots of opportunities, lots of learning, and lots of good friends. I could wish World Peace, but really, sometimes, that feels like a pipedream, so I will just try for local peace. Amongst my friends and family. That should be challenging enough.

It could be interesting this year. I know of one friend who will be leaving our group and will be missed, but such are the consequences of decisions. And with the election, who knows what could happen. The latest is if the Conservatives don’t win, the Alberta Conservatives are throwing a pity party and declaring themselves Alberta separatists. I mean, really, are we voting in children or adults? I think the last good candidate was when an 18 year old was running. Course, other than a couple of signs, I have no idea who is running in my area. I haven’t heard from the NDP or the green party, let alone the supposed 2 big parties in the running. And really what is the point? There will not be a majority government. So how long before we have to do this again? How much money do the citizens have to shell out cause the politicians can’t play nice together? (I mean, really, did no one learn how to play nice and share in kindergarten?) How many times do we have to vote? And the more they call elections, the less people will come out- especially in February. It is flipping cold out and by then winter should have come and it will icky. Course, being me, I will be out voting cause I figure if you don’t vote, you don’t have a right to complain.

But that is my rant about politics. I really try not to follow politics too much, let alone discuss it. I have more important things to discuss, like how good I am at avoiding cleaning my office. I have written 3 emails and this blog entry all to avoid the inevitable. Eventually, I will have to clean. I can’t really see the top of my table. But I did clean 2 rooms upstairs. That should count. There is only 4 things left on my to do list for today. Heehee. Not including supper, which thankfully, I had a brainstorm yesterday and so I know what is for dinner today. That helps immensely. Ooh, and if I clean up the desk, I can put my new weekly calendar down. That is always exciting. And my new Spike Calendar can go up. Sighhh – James Marsters. God, that man has great cheekbones. Alright, I must go clean, must find the Spike Calendar.


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