Get Busy
D’s costume has been started. It would be finished, except the light blew on my sewing machine and so we had to track down a new one. That is done; I just have to install it now so I can finish it. And of course, I am procrastinating by writing in my blog. Heehee.
What a week it has been. I start my training on Monday, so this week at work has been stressful. I don’t procrastinate at work; I have projects that I get done all the time. It just seemed that since for 3 weeks, I will be at training and then the following 8-10 weeks I will be in and out of the office to train others, I needed to get ALL of my projects finished. I mean - I know the office will survive without me. But it won’t be nearly as pretty or organized. So this week, I revamped a couple of shelving areas, got a cheat sheet (version 3) for my job done and made sure all the things I usually handle have been settled with someone else for those emergency times. It is times like this when I realize that I do FAR too much at work sometimes. And to hear them talk about having to do these duties – I even made sure that the water for the water cooler was reordered and paid for, so they don’t have to worry about that, because that sure made a big ruckus when I said they might have to order water. My goodness, people, I will move on eventually. Please don’t think I will be at this level forever. Now, that is a scary thought. I mean, I like working with the clients (most of them), but to do what I do until I retire – I think I have more potential than that. Plus, without these mini-excursions, I am never going to get new skills at my job. Except for the new things being thrown at us, I have my job down pat and when compared to the other offices, I do more that I am supposed to.
Eh, whatever. I mean - it is just a job. I work to make money so I can afford to live. Though lately, my money goes towards bills.
Did I mention I love Wonka Nerds, the candy? I found an Easter egg full of pure sugar – laffy taffy, sweet tarts, runts and nerds. Mmmmmm. I’s loves my sugar.
And this weather has been most interesting – I feel like all I do is shovel and just when I finish, the snow starts again. Sighhhh! One of my neighbors yesterday though was so nice and did not only the city sidewalk, but also my walk up to my front door. So nice. And this morning, someone with a snow blower did the city sidewalks for half the block. Cool. At least, I am getting my weigh lifting workout. Who knew that I would miss not having a fence? Previous years, the fence hadn’t been installed, though the old falling down was removed. So shoveling was a breeze. Just throw in the back yard. The fence is up now, of course. So here is me, who is only inches taller than the fence, trying to lift the shovel full of snow over the fence. I usually wear a lot of it. Hence the wearing of a touque and scarf even though it is a balmy –5 C outside. Sighhhh.
Bad news for the week – a coworker has been building a house for at least 18 months. On Thursday morning, it burned to the ground. Good news is that they hadn’t moved their stuff in yet and they weren’t living there and no one was hurt. But they were finally moving in this weekend. They have been trying to move in since last summer. And on Thursday, another coworker’s daughter was moving into a new house in the boonies, and sometime on Wednesday, someone broke into the house, stole all their stuff and basically trashed the place. The rugs were filthy. They tried to damage the heating system so the pipes would burst and everything was taken that had been moved out there thus far. It was just a horrible day for people.
On a good note, my previous coworker who kept me company at my desk area returned on Friday to say hello. She is off on maternity leave now and is excited. She looks good too. Sometimes, pregnant women don’t always look good when they are nearing the due date, but she looked really good. I hope all goes well with her.
Did you read the article in the journal about a blogger being charged with cyberlibel for discussing the run-ins she had with her landlord? It was very interesting. I understand that this a public forum, though few read my blog, but I don’t tend to write what I wouldn’t say to the person (yes, I would tell Harper he’s not my pick), but it seems to me that we are getting blamed for having an opinion. As long as you can defend your position, why should it be a problem? Libel is a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions in print. If I am not lying about the situation and I can say here are the reasons that say - Harper should not be our prime minister - then that shouldn’t be considered to be libel unless my facts are a lie. I don’t know. It makes you wonder sometimes what the world is coming to that one cannot state an opinion and the reasons behind it without worrying about being sued. What happen to debate? What happened to free will? Seems to me that the free world is more “free to be sued” than ‘free to be me’.
I guess, I should stop procrastinating and go work on the costume. Before it starts snowing again and I have to go shovel again.
What a week it has been. I start my training on Monday, so this week at work has been stressful. I don’t procrastinate at work; I have projects that I get done all the time. It just seemed that since for 3 weeks, I will be at training and then the following 8-10 weeks I will be in and out of the office to train others, I needed to get ALL of my projects finished. I mean - I know the office will survive without me. But it won’t be nearly as pretty or organized. So this week, I revamped a couple of shelving areas, got a cheat sheet (version 3) for my job done and made sure all the things I usually handle have been settled with someone else for those emergency times. It is times like this when I realize that I do FAR too much at work sometimes. And to hear them talk about having to do these duties – I even made sure that the water for the water cooler was reordered and paid for, so they don’t have to worry about that, because that sure made a big ruckus when I said they might have to order water. My goodness, people, I will move on eventually. Please don’t think I will be at this level forever. Now, that is a scary thought. I mean, I like working with the clients (most of them), but to do what I do until I retire – I think I have more potential than that. Plus, without these mini-excursions, I am never going to get new skills at my job. Except for the new things being thrown at us, I have my job down pat and when compared to the other offices, I do more that I am supposed to.
Eh, whatever. I mean - it is just a job. I work to make money so I can afford to live. Though lately, my money goes towards bills.
Did I mention I love Wonka Nerds, the candy? I found an Easter egg full of pure sugar – laffy taffy, sweet tarts, runts and nerds. Mmmmmm. I’s loves my sugar.
And this weather has been most interesting – I feel like all I do is shovel and just when I finish, the snow starts again. Sighhhh! One of my neighbors yesterday though was so nice and did not only the city sidewalk, but also my walk up to my front door. So nice. And this morning, someone with a snow blower did the city sidewalks for half the block. Cool. At least, I am getting my weigh lifting workout. Who knew that I would miss not having a fence? Previous years, the fence hadn’t been installed, though the old falling down was removed. So shoveling was a breeze. Just throw in the back yard. The fence is up now, of course. So here is me, who is only inches taller than the fence, trying to lift the shovel full of snow over the fence. I usually wear a lot of it. Hence the wearing of a touque and scarf even though it is a balmy –5 C outside. Sighhhh.
Bad news for the week – a coworker has been building a house for at least 18 months. On Thursday morning, it burned to the ground. Good news is that they hadn’t moved their stuff in yet and they weren’t living there and no one was hurt. But they were finally moving in this weekend. They have been trying to move in since last summer. And on Thursday, another coworker’s daughter was moving into a new house in the boonies, and sometime on Wednesday, someone broke into the house, stole all their stuff and basically trashed the place. The rugs were filthy. They tried to damage the heating system so the pipes would burst and everything was taken that had been moved out there thus far. It was just a horrible day for people.
On a good note, my previous coworker who kept me company at my desk area returned on Friday to say hello. She is off on maternity leave now and is excited. She looks good too. Sometimes, pregnant women don’t always look good when they are nearing the due date, but she looked really good. I hope all goes well with her.
Did you read the article in the journal about a blogger being charged with cyberlibel for discussing the run-ins she had with her landlord? It was very interesting. I understand that this a public forum, though few read my blog, but I don’t tend to write what I wouldn’t say to the person (yes, I would tell Harper he’s not my pick), but it seems to me that we are getting blamed for having an opinion. As long as you can defend your position, why should it be a problem? Libel is a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions in print. If I am not lying about the situation and I can say here are the reasons that say - Harper should not be our prime minister - then that shouldn’t be considered to be libel unless my facts are a lie. I don’t know. It makes you wonder sometimes what the world is coming to that one cannot state an opinion and the reasons behind it without worrying about being sued. What happen to debate? What happened to free will? Seems to me that the free world is more “free to be sued” than ‘free to be me’.
I guess, I should stop procrastinating and go work on the costume. Before it starts snowing again and I have to go shovel again.
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