Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fools Familiar

I swear it is a ton of work for me to go away for any reason. Add to it 15% off Grocery Day is during this time and suddenly I have even more to do. However, the food plan is ready for the month and the grocery list has been typed in expanded form so D can do the shopping for me. It is hard to write a list up for someone who doesn’t normally shop. Suddenly I have to write things out long hand:
Crm Chick now becomes Cream of Chicken Soup low fat
Shrooms becomes Mushrooms, sliced, large container, white color
I only use the list as a guide, knowing what I need and what I want. Now I have to state brand and for some backup brands in case they are out. Oy vey!

Then there is the packing and the planning. I spent an hour trying on clothes to find what would be decent and yet would pack light for both training and then social events with work people. Required details include not too much cleavage, must be light, must have some color, and yet, I still want to look good.

I still have to leave a list of the basic things, because though D is very smart, sometimes, the simplest things seem to be forgotten. I have mentioned the breakfast dishes that were still exactly where I put them (beside the sink) two weeks later because despite cleaning the dishes D used, D forgot about mine. Huh? Yeah, for me, it is a bit stressful to leave. Not that I think D will not survive, but I worry about my cat. Heehee.

I bought a new purse though yesterday. Quite a nice purse, it is a clay color and about 2 to 2.5 times larger than my current purse. My plan is to use it for traveling, since I have to a couple of times this year, so I don’t have to worry about checking any bags. Yeah!

This past week has been hell. You ever have one of those weeks where you just don’t feel like you are wanted. Like what is the point of it all – you should just quit and make everyone’s life easier. Yeah, it was one of those weeks. Little Boss was in a bitchy mood and unfortunately she was left in charge. Due to her bitchy mood, she was defiant against acting like she was in charge and therefore was letting stuff slide that shouldn’t have been. Add to that, I swear everything I said she had to argue with. By Thursday, I was ready to see what she would say if I told her the sky was blue and the grass green. I am willing to bet she would have disagreed. Then Friday, I was late leaving by an hour because someone decided they would not follow procedure and I was stuck with the repercussions. And now, I am going to a planning session where we are all going to be one big happy family. I have to keep reminding myself that 25-to-life is not a good retirement plan.

Aside from work, things weren’t all that bad this week. I did my required steps and my required exercises. Didn’t lose a pound, but I did the activity required of me and I feel good because of it. If I could just lose this stress and slight depression, I am sure I could actually lose weight, because I would stop craving and snacking and that is what is killing me. Last night, I could not identify what I was craving. I drank some juice in case I was just thirsty. I shared some popcorn for the salty taste and then had some cheese. Nothing was doing it for me. It was quite sad.

Anyway, I should get off to bed. Don’t want to totally screw up my timetable before I go traveling. I am staying at the Westin, which should be nice. No continental breakfast, but a few of us have plans to hit the grocery store the first night, so we will have some breakfast and snacks to put in our kitchenettes. Plus I always bring some goodies, so I should only have to eat out for lunches and dinners at the most. Thank goodness.

Oh and I know it is sad, but I just can't stop... This is the funny bubbles game that I am addicted to. I already went way over 100,000 on Normal, so I am now working on Very Hard with the fastest speed. I have only broke 60,000 once so far. Sighhhh.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Everybody knows…

Happy Valentine’s weekend to those who celebrated.

The past week has been a fairly quiet one. Saturday I started sneezing and wouldn’t you know it I caught a cold. Not like I couldn’t see this coming. In fact, looking back, I am now thinking that I wasn’t necessarily having a sudden allergic reaction to my eye cream, but rather the pain and watering was just the first symptom of a horrid head cold. Being the person I am and suffering presenteeism, I dragged myself into work on Monday and did all the vital stuff and then crawled my way home early and into bed. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent at home. Thursday I dragged myself back to work, as I was feeling well enough that if I stayed home I would start doing chores. Heehee.

And why was I not surprised – as I have mentioned often, I have been under A LOT of stress these past several months. It always happens to me that once I come off a lot of stress, my immune system just craps out. Work has slowed down to the point where I am actually finding time to catch up with the little things. The renos that HAD to be done by the end of January are done and whatever we do now doesn’t count towards the possible rebates. My dad’s big b-day (for which my brother and I forgot we were planning a party until about two weeks prior) was the previous Saturday (the day I started sneezing). Things just suddenly were… calmer. And so I got sick.

Now I am feeling mostly better and I have adjusted my attitude some more, so we’ll see how things go. Now, I am just tired. And I have had the most vivid dreams… with some interesting storylines and on-going, like over a couple of nights. It was actually nice to have some vivid dreams. Means my mind is working again on creating stuff. And I am reading again voraciously. So many books to catch up on. Teehee.

Of course, now all of those stresses are calmer, I am starting to look around my house and seeing an endless list of projects that need finishing. Sighhhh. I finished the bathroom curtains (which I think look really good), but not the living room ones. We painted the bathroom wall, but not the shelves (though the paint is bought). My desk is a mess in the office, but my floor is mostly cleaned. I tidied the gift area today – it made a difference. I know so many don’t get it, but when areas of my house are clean and organized, my mood just gets better. My mind expands and I feel like I can do anything. There is so much more to do, but just doing an occasional area makes me feel so accomplished.

Work has been interesting. The boss seems to finally be making an effort to perhaps keep me in my current role. There have been no other jobs for me to apply for which sucks. Beyotch has… haha, left the building. She has been soooo scatterbrained the past few months. I know it has partly to do with her medical issues (which is why she is currently off), but there has to be more to what’s going on with her. She hasn’t mentioned her S.O. lately and I am wondering if she is having relationship issues. She wouldn’t be the only one. Other than that, I think we are all getting over our stresses and starting to get along again. I think it is a sign of developing friendships though that despite all the tensions, we still hang out and talk and work through things. At my old location, there would cat fights and claws out, etc. It is kinda nice not being in that environment.

V-day weekend was quite quiet for me. D chose to do the regularly scheduled second Saturday of the month activity, so during the day I watched some shows and did some chores. Then a nice candlelit dinner (which I cooked), a romantic comedy and more shows and then off to bed. Today, D works most of the afternoon and evening, so I watched some shows, did some chores and am now wasting some time catching up on the computer while listening to the compilation cd I made as the V-day gift. D got me a movie that I loved the first time I saw it (PS I Love You). I would be watching it, but I didn’t feeling like being veklempt tonight. Plus, I watched Mama’s Boy during supper and needed something mind numbing to wash that movie out of my head. Yikes!

So, anyone watching Dollhouse? While the pilot wasn’t the best, I think the show has promise. Of course, with Eliza and Josh, what else could you expect? I like how they set it up that her contract in the show is for 5 shows… hmmm, foreshadowing for the number of seasons they would like to do, I wonder…

Anyone watching Fringe? O M G!!! I love this show. Joshua Jackson is amazing as is John Noble. I am so enjoying it and what did they do this week? The show is off now until April?!?!?! What the?!?!

I am still addicted to the Biggest Loser – it is an interesting dynamic this season as they balance the game play with being humans with feelings.

And Ghost Whisperer… this season is so hard. With the change in Jim (I don’t want to give away the plot), sometimes you feel so much for the central character, Melinda. It makes you really wonder how she did things when her and Jim first started going out.

Yes, I am addicted to my TV shows. Well, it is winter and most of my friends tend to do as I do and hunker down for the season. I live vicariously through the TV until the weather gets better and then off I go.

In case you are wondering, I am still doing the 100-day exercise thing. Day 46 today. I am so impressed with how well I am doing. Yes, I even did them while I was sick. I missed day 24, which I had to make up the next day and nearly died (hard to do 49 of everything when you have only worked yourself up to 24), so no missing unless I am completely physically unable to do it.

Gaming has been going interestingly. It was almost a TPK. Two of the members were turned to stone, so two of us stayed behind while the other two went to get some magic to return them to flesh. I didn't want to stay behind, but the two who left, I couldn't see staying behind either. We really the two people we needed. So shortly after they left, Baulf and I got ambushed. And it was late and I, as the player, was tired and stupid and completely forgot I had healing that I could have done which might have only bought me another round, but I died (due to the other character being taken over by evil). I hate dying. I spend a lot of time creating backgrounds and motivations and such and to just die sucks! So we were going to play the next week and I told the Hat that I can't create a character in one week. I am hoping nobody took that as that I needed to be resurrected, but other said they weren't sure why they would continue with the game with the stats being as they were. I really just can't create a character in a week, especially with planning a b-day party and finishing renos, etc. Since I spend so much effort creating a background and personality, I need the time to do that. A week isn’t enough. So anyway, the Hat came up with an interesting twist and I am now alive, though without all of the treasure and my stuff. It wouldn’t be so bad, but it took me a long time to save up enough coin for my character to buy two expensive items that are now gone. Sighhhh. Baulf was replaced with a new character and so we play on, feeling like we are even more in the dark than before. While the uniqueness of the group makes for interesting play, it also makes it very hard to accomplish things in the game. I bet if we had a definitive fighter, cleric, paladin, magic user, etc, we would probably be a lot farther along, but hey, whatever. I think most of us play now to actually role-play, not necessarily just kill things and move along. At least, I hope. Heehee.

That is all that is on my mind tonight, so I am off to do some more mind numbing stuff. I am totally addicted to Funny Bubbles. So addicted, even though I am now doing it at top speed and on very hard and still doing pretty well, I just can’t stop. Ack!

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