Sunday, March 23, 2008

Look how nice I am not laughing at you.

Aside from this consistent headache, life hasn’t been overly bad. Boring, but not horrible. Yesterday, I discovered a new writer who I am in adoration about… Shelly Mazzanoble released a book called Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl’s Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons game. Absolutely hilarious. If you play or you know anyone who plays or is thinking of playing, I suggest getting this book. Shelly introduces the game by way of her own introduction into D&D, which considering she works at Wizards of the Coast, came quite late in her life. However, having been also a late convert to the game, I completely understand her immersion into the game dynamics and how life is really not that much different. As she says, if you played with dolls as a child, this is no different. I laughed often as I read this book. Her website also has several other articles by her that also will make you laugh and shake your head in empathy, all while just slightly getting you interested in the new 4.0 version.

My work this week was interestingly dull. My fave co-worker is away on another continent, having fun. The first three days were spent being used and abused (mostly abused by the end of the three days) by the be-yotch of the office who thankfully is away for a few weeks. And goodness, I realized how much I depend on the fave co-worker to keep me sane and looking busy. So many days were spent with nothing pressing to do. Not that I didn’t have anything to do, just nothing pressing and nothing time-consuming. Meanwhile, the prodigal return has stolen half of my work and she is up to her eyeballs in work (I think she is doing it all wrong, but she has yet to actually ask for my help – and trust me, I have walked over to her desk and asked if she needed help). However, I did have work I had to take home, that I could not do at work without carting a whole bunch of equipment to work. See I opened my mouth and mentioned that I did scrapbooking as a hobby. Yeah, you see where this is going. So I have spent a number of hours (boy is the boss going to be surprised when he finds out how many) working on a scrapbook. I think it is looking good. Goodness I hope so. I will find out on Tuesday when I bring it for a preview with the fave co-worker.

I also did a bunch of baking this weekend. In part for the party the scrapbook is for, as we are required to bring baking as well; also in part for girls’ nite this coming weekend. I am surprisingly disappointed with my peanut butter/butterscotch squares – I am not sure what is different (other then not enough marshmallows), but something is. The girls can let me know this Friday at Girls’ Nite (yes, A- you are missing out in my squares – perhaps if you are nice, J will bring you some home – heehee). And I made 4 batches of banana bread – 3 for loaves and 1 for muffins. Yum! However, after all that, I STILL have 4 more batches worth of bananas in my freezer. Sighhhhh! Maybe I will make more this week.

I am thinking of stealing the snow from my neighbor’s yard across the street. The lack of snow on my lawn is showing all of the crap left by the contractors as they worked on our house in fall/early winter. Sighhhh. Sometime, I will have to go clean that up.

Have you ever been obsessed over a sensation? I keep having this thought play in my mind. My hands tangle in silky hair, my lips brush across soft lips. I kiss these lips, alternating between feather light and possessively deep. My hands don’t stray much; they just keep running through the hair. Sometimes, I tangle with the longer hair in back, tugging on it to elicit a gasp. Sometimes, my thumbs brush across the delicate earlobe or the pulsing temples. Anyway, this thought just pops into my head every so often, enough to warrant a raised eyebrow, but not enough to worry me.

The thing that is worrying me right now is this seemingly never-ending mental hunger. My body isn’t hungry, but my head is. And nothing seems to completely satisfy it for very long. Right now I am craving salty chips – now Sunday night that makes sense, since usually I would have had a nice big handful of chips and a bunch of sugar while I played d&d, but what about the fact that I was legitimately hungry around 3:30 this afternoon and after eating a handful of nuts, I was still starving at 4? I started on supper around 5:00, because I was so hungry and by 5:30, we were eating. Then by 8, I was hungry again. Yesterday, I managed to go from 5:30 til 9:30 without any hunger, but then at 9:30, I was just so hungry, I didn’t want to stop eating at 11 pm. Like, what the carp is that about?

I have more to rant about, but I am exhausted today, so I will remind you to all have a wonderful easter weekend (remember dark chocolate bunnies are healthy for you (antioxidants), so nibble away to your heart’s content.)

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I like my fat butt.

Ahhh, Happy Bunny, how happy you make me some days. Heehee.

So interesting things I have seen as of late:

The above comic was a fitting tribute to a role model of so many geek around the world (visit the website for even more funny comics). While we may complain about the changes that keep occurring (version 3.5 will be the last one… okay, next June version 4.0 comes out), D&D has had a great affect on so many of my friends, as well as myself. Thank you Gary for assisting us in developing our imaginations. I hope so many more generations enjoy the world you helped create.

In the coupon booklet today was an ad for
stating Let them see you, not your tattoo. Supposedly
WreckingBalm is a devastatingly effective in home combination treatment using state-of-the-art, vintage technology. Just 9 minutes every week and you’ll be on your way to ridding yourself of that unwanted tattoo. Cleaner, healthier skin will be your new statement of identity without the funky bodyart regret.
Okay, first off, state-of-the-art vintage technology – huh? How can you be state of the art and vintage at the same time? And then cleaner, healthier skin – so basically it eats your skin away? I thought this was an interesting ad. And the testimonial states that this person’s wedding dressed showed her tattoo which led to a fight with her in-laws that day and an ugly divorce soon after. How do you forget you have a back tattoo? And if you are embarrassed by it, don’t get a dress that shows it. And who cares what the in-laws say and why the sudden divorce? All over a tattoo. Didn’t you test the hubby before signing the papers? Hadn’t he seen you naked, including the back tattoo? Really, people.

The idea of a blow up dome for Churchill Square. Wow. That was unexpected. What drugs is Krushell on and why isn’t she sharing? And it’s only $200,000. Well, I suppose it is cheaper than the two huge icicles, er, pyramids, that Edmonton wants to have hanging over the Yellowhead to welcome visitors. At least the dome might be useful. Council still hasn’t explained how they will protect drivers from sun shining off of the icicles or what happens when a rock hits it and glass smashes all over the highway or when another tornado comes through – I am sure a sideways pyramid will stand up to a tornado.

Madonna does drugs and Justin mocks his ex Britney in this article about Madonna’s induction into the Hall of Fame. Were any of you really surprised at either of those headlines? How about Britney guest stars on How I Met your Mother? Yes, she is working. First, One Tree Hill gives that arse Kevin Federline a spot on several episodes (that’s several episodes too many – at least there was no talent required, he just played his arse-holic self). Now, Britney gets on How I Met your Mother. Supposedly, How I Met your Mother is on the brink of cancellation – do they really think Britney will help? Mind you, please just let them finish the story, I NEED to know who Ted ends up with?!?

Gene Simmons wants to create a sexercise video. It took me a second to realize that it was not Richard Simmons (which EWWW!). It is about sex + exercise. Like we don’t have a ton of videos that already show that.

And because one has to wonder why Americans’ couldn’t come up with these game shows, I bring you another Japanese game show… enjoy.

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Well now, isn’t that interesting…

I am tired today. I am tired of cooking, tired of cleaning, tired of working, tired of eating junk, tired of clutter, just tired. So instead of doing any of those things, I am writing a new entry.

So what’s going on? Not much. I go to work, go home, do chores, eat and sleep. Weekends, I try to get together with friends, try to sleep in, do chores, eat and try not to shop. I know, it is an exciting life. Heehee. There is other stuff going on, but it’s nothing to be talked about.

Just a point to make - the Progressive Conservatives received about 52% of the votes in Monday's election and yet they have 88% of the seats. Can anyone else see how this does not come across as very representative of the population? And 42% of people voted - what the heck?!? To those 58% who didn't vote - The weather wasn't that bad and yeah, your vote could have made a difference and if I hear one word out of your mouth that complains about the government, I am shoving the flyer and/or the section in the Journal that explained to you the how, when, etc of voting down your throat. You didn't vote, you have no right to open your mouth and complain. Me, on the other hand, I have every right in the world to complain about how NOTHING Ed stated in his campaign had any relevance to the 4 years he is in office. I don't give a crap what Ed thinks should happen in 2050. We have problems now, Ed has been told by a review committee how to deal with a lot of these issues and if I had connections to Arnie, I would first get the California Senator to beat the crap out of Ed and then tell him how to show some respect for our environment and our people.

Some interesting things to note – my horoscope the other day said
As you get older you are drawn more and more to spiritual matters. It is not so much that you are embracing any particular religion, but more that you are quite curious about the supernatural and some of the ancient arts.

So what do I find on milady’s blog today (since I haven’t been online in ages)? A quiz about what religion best represents your beliefs. Below are my results. I think it is very interesting what is my highest scores and what is the lowest. Anyone who knows my beliefs knows how anti-“religious establishment” I am due primarily to experiences with those who follow Catholicism and Jehovah’s Witness. So I found this very interesting.

The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. Mahayana Buddhism (85%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (79%)
4. New Age (77%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (70%)
6. Liberal Quakers (69%)
7. Jainism (63%)
8. Secular Humanism (63%)
9. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (61%)
10. Reform Judaism (59%)
11. Taoism (56%)
12. Hinduism (54%)
13. Orthodox Quaker (52%)
14. New Thought (51%)
15. Scientology (50%)
16. Sikhism (49%)
17. Bahá'í Faith (38%)
18. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (34%)
19. Nontheist (34%)
20. Orthodox Judaism (29%)
21. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (21%)
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (21%)
23. Seventh Day Adventist (19%)
24. Islam (18%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (14%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (9%)
27. Roman Catholic (9%)

So that is all for now. It is almost out of the peak times, so I can do my laundry and think about supper and maybe get up to date on so many things around me in my office. The good news is my desk is 90% clean, the filing is 90% done and I am only 30% freezing in here. Yeah!

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