Thursday, January 31, 2008

All things she said

Your inner bitch wonders how we can think and act in our best interest when we’re obsessed with calorie counts, bathroom scales and tape measures.

Brrrrrrrr. (Only authors say Brrr. Human beings say Fuckin’ cold! – Dennis Leary) Can I just say that while I adore winter and think there is nothing more beautiful than the trees sparkling with white frost, the snow freshly blown with no footprints marking it, and of course, the sight of a gorgeous full moon, it is definitely a season best enjoyed from inside a warm house – and I can’t wait until next year when I can do that. Heehee. My office, though really clean, is freezing. My toes are freezing, my fingers are freezing and I think my nose is frozen. But I am a dedicated blogger for all of my random friends, I am in the office, freezing and writing my latest weekly blog while eating a couple of home baked peanut butter cookies. Yummm! Would only have been better if this was yesterday when they were still warm from the oven. Mmmmm!

Birthday news - happy wishes to milady – HAPPY BIRTHDAY MILADY! Hope it is a great one!
Happy Birthday, Dad! This weekend, my dad gets to blow out candles again. I am sure he is happy. I hope this year brings him lots of good opportunities (please quit smoking), lots of fun and happiness and of course, time with his wonderful family.

Horrifying news as of late – 2 sisters, ages 1 and 3, died a couple of days ago due to the cold. No one is quite sure why the father was taking them across the field to his sister’s house, but allegedly he was quite drunk which combined with the extreme cold, the blizzard like conditions and lack of warm clothes, he dropped both of the girls along the way without realizing and it took him 8 hours after making it to safety to be lucid enough to ask about his children.
Also, someone deserted an 8-month-old child in a Toronto mall in the last couple of days. Thankfully she was found a couple hours later, before anything happened, but according to the news, it appears that she was abused prior to being left on purpose.

Cute story – the kitten who traveled to Texas in her owner’s luggage only to be found by a gentleman who took home the wrong suitcase. As luck would have it, he liked animals and it was a better place for the cat than the hotel the owner was staying at.

Funny story – Christina Ricci sexually assaulted by a monkey on her film set. Supposedly, her fears of monkeys were validated when one freaked out and grabbed her left breast, refusing to let go.

Potentially sad news – Supernatural pulled from CW schedule as of Feb 21, 2008. Supernatural only has 4 shows left for this season (due to the writer’s strike) and once they are done, CW is pulling the show from the schedule. This could just be to put on yet another reality show, OR could it be the end for the handsome brothers? After all, Dean supposedly only had 1 year left… could it be true? Sighhhh.
Supposed experts are saying that if the writer’s strike doesn’t settle within the next week and a half, the 07/08 schedule is over. The question is: what will this mean for all the awesome new shows that started this year? Will they return next season? Send out wishes for the return of Pushing Daisies, the Big Bang Theory, Chuck, Reaper, Moonlight and Blood Ties among the return of our favorites – Heroes, Supernatural, Smallville, and CSI (original and NY).

OMG news - Lost – okay, no one tell me what happened on tonight’s season opener. I watched just the first few minutes and realized that I need to have ndie by me to watch it with because just the first few minutes blew me away. AHHHHH! Of course, I probably won’t wait for him because it was just OMG interesting, but tonight I have resisted.

Work news – things are good right now. Our workshop went well. It was interesting, informative and yet, so unrelated to me for a lot of it. I had to remind myself that it is okay to feel like I don’t belong as I have only been in this position for just over 3 months. Then I had a fun project to do that I finished quickly (of course). Wow, makes me really appreciate what is going on now, even when that drives me crazy.

Fear news – I have to get on airplane where the aisle seats and the window seats are one and the same. I am very much empathizing with Laurell K Hamilton right now. Ack! Supposedly they don’t allow you to play the iPod on take-offs and landings. What?!? Don’t they know that is when you really need it?!? Do I have enough gum? Can I take gum past security or do I need to spend way too much money on it past security? I don’t remember from when I went to Regina – I am sure I had gum. I NEED GUM! It’s okay – I’m calming.

Chores news – laundry is almost done! Yeah! 3 loads this week and I still want to do the bedding yet – well not tonight, but this weekend maybe.

Loneliness news – I am starting to feel a bit homebound lately. I know it has a lot to do with the cold weather (who the heck wants to voyage out in this?!?), but I feel sorry for my nice co-worker because since I spend LOTS of time alone, he gets to hear me talk A LOT about nothing. He now knows more than he ever did, I am sure, about celebs and I am sure that occasionally his brain cringes at the nonsense I sometimes talk about, because I can’t talk about serious stuff all the time. Can you imagine? [Shiver]

Okay, I need to go gather some info for a friend that I promised. He is going to N’awlins! (yes, that’s New Orleans for those new to me) I can’t wait to grab my photo albums and start telling him all the places he needs to check out, and eat at, and buy. Whoohoo!

I will leave you with today's Happy Bunny...
A Makeover? You need to be run over.

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Like it was a surprise...


Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Once I saw a boy who was not stupid.

14.25 years ago my heart was breaking like it is today. The life of another talented, gorgeous, brooding actor has been extinguished before its time. In 1993, it was River Phoenix. Today, we have lost Heath Ledger. Some people will think he was just a fluff actor, someone not really of note, perhaps they remember him from the controversial Brokeback Mountain or the romantic comedy 10 things I hate about you. All I know is that he was an actor who first caught my eye in 10 things I hate about you and didn’t let go. I would watch a film just because he was in it. Cute and an Aussie, an accent to swoon over and eyes so deep, Heath had so much going for him. So one has to ask what happened to the guy who said that if he stopped having fun, then he would get out… well, I guess, that actually answers that question. He may have been talking about acting at that time, but just maybe, he brought that feeling to life as well. So here is to the man who made me laugh and swoon in 10 things I hate about you, who made me cry during Brokeback Mountain and who made me giggle and roll my eyes in Casanova. Here is to a man who had so much ahead of him and a daughter who would have loved a daddy to grow up with.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

It is much more sensible to be an optimist instead of a pessimist....

For if one is doomed to be a disappoinment, why experience it in advance?
Elizabeth Peters

Not much to tell this week. I was sick for most of it. Lessons were learned at work. Much sleep was to be had. And oh my goodness, am I bored!?! I am glad that I have plans for tonight. I am deeply, deeply bored and though there is so much I could be doing around the house, I am deeply, deeply lonely. How very odd for me.

So in the absence of anything remotely interesting to tell, I leave a special something… I think milady will find this most enjoyable.


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Saturday, January 12, 2008

I’m cute. Let’s put me in charge.

This week has been hellish at work. So instead of starting with hell, let’s discuss some very interesting movies I have seen recently.

The Fountain with Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz - Spanning over one thousand years, and three parallel stories, The Fountain is a story of love, death, spirituality, and the fragility of our existence in this world. Honestly, when the movie ended, I just had to sit there for a bit and absorb it all. It is a fascinating movie that is both easy to watch and deep enough that you need to take time to think about it afterwards. I thought it was truly remarkable and very interesting. I recommend it to someone who isn’t looking for instant gratification that night.

Alpha Dog with JT (Justin Timberlake) – Surprisingly, it is a fact-based crime story of events that happened in California in 1999. The environment is the drug trade amongst the youth and what happens when one bad decision avalanches into several. The most interesting thing to me was that, since I had no recollection of these events, I had no idea how it would end until it did. Whether it was good acting or my belief in people, or even a combination of both, the ending caught me unawares. I hate to be vague, but I don’t want to give away the ending for those, like myself, who were not up to date on the entire story. It was really well done and very interesting and I do recommend it.

Open Season with Martin Lawrence, Gary Sinise and Billy Connelly – An animated film about a bear raised by humans who gets thrust into the wild. (Yeah, Ashton Kutcher is in it, but you can ignore that fact, just like I did, if only because Billy Connelly steals all the scenes he is in.) It’s a hilarious movie, full of comedy, great voices and of course, the all-important lesson that wild animals belong in the wild. I recommend it for those looking for a lighthearted romp. Sidenote – I so want the porcupine. So cute!

And books – if you are any bit of a reader, I highly recommend Jasper Fforde’s series about Thursday Next. These books have made me laugh so much with the play on so many things, like MS Window versions, photo radar cameras and grammar errors. If you know the classics, you will love the book more. But even for those like me who have a natural resistance to the classics, you will know enough to thoroughly enjoy these books. I am reading book 3 right now and they are bringing in a new program that seems a lot like the way MS Windows is developed, marketed, etc. So funny.

So h-e-double hockey sticks – remember how I have mentioned that there always has to be one in the office, well, since the moment I started, I have known who the primary one would be. This week was her week to express the qualities that make her the ‘one’. I hate it when people diss you to your face and then say no offense intended. Look Be-yotch, if saying that relieves your guilt, whatever. Because offense was taken just like it was intended. And then to have the nerve to ask for my assistance, which really was just a thinly veiled way to get me to do the icky part of her job. It is remarkable to me that I didn’t throw her out the window. Why do I always have to find the ones that think they are so nice, when they’re not? At least this ones says it behind my back and to my face, guess I should be happy about that. It makes for a frustrating time at work, even though I have so many people who appreciate what I do and who understand what my job is and who support me. Arghhhhh! And the thing is she is just not worth it. I hate giving her the power to elicit a response out of me and to make my day horrible for even a few minutes. I noticed that I treat her different. If anyone else asks for help, I will drop what I am doing to help them. But when she asks, I always say it depends, what do you need. Do you think she has noticed this? I have.

In other frustrations, this week I had to sew D’s pants again (cause D doesn’t sew). This is the third week in a row that I have sewn these two pairs of pants after they have gone through the wash. The first time, the little hook on the pants fell off, so I sewed a new one on. Second time, the dryer pulled both of the hooks off. I sewed them again, really well. This time, the dryer pulled one off, making a small tear and on the other pair, since it couldn’t get the hook off, it ripped the pants a good two inches. Uck a duck! So now I have bent the hook and resewn it all. The really sucky part is that these are new pants. They have only been used for about two months.

This reminds me of the video that Baby Jail had on her blog. The Story of Stuff is a very interesting 20 minute video about the cycle of consumerism. It is completely worth seeing, even if you do nothing with the information. It is enough that it makes you aware and it makes you think. And I personally was happy that someone else has learned the horrors of Hell-mart and is thinking they may not shop there again. We need to take some action, even if it is only passing on information. Education is key.

People forget how new so many things/ideas/concepts/behaviors are. 50 years ago, people didn’t spend money like they do now. 50 years ago, we didn’t have the environmental problems we have now. 50 years ago, people were happier. I am not saying that we haven’t discovered wonderful thing in those 50 years. I don’t discredit what innovation, science, and evolution has created. But in all that has happened, we have lost that sense of stewardship of our planet; we have lost a sense of connection with other people; we have lost our place in our lives, in history, and in the universe.

They say that 50 is the new 40 and 40 is the new 30, etc. And yet people wonder then why it is taking so long for people to discover themselves and their place. Firstly, we live to about 100 years old now. Yet we retire at 65. What do we do for 35 years? Then if each decade equates to an earlier decade that means that people in their 20’s are equivalent to children and people in their 30’s are just exploring themselves and finding love, etc. Years ago, you lived to 50 so you fit life in a very short time and you grew up faster. Well, you double the life span, you double the time it takes to grow up. And to retire at 65 with the knowledge that you could live another 35 years, how can one not have to revamp their whole lives – who they are, what defines them, what do they do. 50 years ago, your job defined you – you were blue collar, white collar, mother, etc. Now, you could be all of that in one week, let alone a lifetime. Innovation and evolution are all great things, but I don’t know that we have intellectually, emotionally or spiritually kept up. So many people act like little kids, needing instant gratification, lacking a sense of right or wrong, and not aware of consequence.

How do you discipline a 30 or 40-year-old person who is acting like a child? If it is not illegal, what can you do? Goodness, you just have to look at the response of so many smokers to the latest law to see how childish people can be. There is no care about what the consequence is of their smoking beyond their addiction. No care that second hand smoke is one of the highest killers of people, higher than the damage they do to themselves by smoking. No care that they litter the ground with their butts, thereby leaching the toxins into the water supply and affecting everyone. No, these people only care that someone has told them no. And their response is often just to blow the smoke in your face because you had the nerve to tell them no, you don’t accept their behavior. It is like dealing with a two year old who wants that toy in the store.

And I don’t think that I am not a part of the problem. I have my instant gratification moments; one just has to look at my library to know my weakness. Or look into my pantry. I may not shop at hell-mart, but I know that some of the brands that I buy are not environmentally friendly companies. I want to research more, but I also want my time to be my own. I don’t want to go to the farmer’s market every week and buy groceries, even though I know that I am getting better quality, more environmentally friendly goods, at a much higher price. How do you find balance? That is my goal.

Here’s my quote for this week
How about making “what am I thinking?” your mantra this year? Because your inner bitch knows it beats “what was I thinking?” any day.

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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Doody happens

As if the whole Britney Spears breakdown wasn’t newsworthy enough, it appears that Dr. Phil visited the poor distraught mother while she was in the hospital. Rumor has it he even walked her to an awaiting vehicle and she will be on his show on Monday. Part of me hopes that his gruff, straight talking way will get through to her drug/alcohol-riddled brain and snap her out of this destructive path she is on. Another part of me wonders if he is just using this as a way to up his rating (goodness knows he needs it). And of course, there is always the part that questions my sanity in believing anything the reporters say.

In other entertainment news, for those who got addicted to A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila (okay, could just be me), supposedly Tila has broken up with Bobby. This is after she chose him, breaking poor Dani’s heart (I would have picked Dani), then spending a lust filled night with him and then being apart for two months, only to reunite and a month later, dump his ass. Guess the sensitive male with the mouthy lower class mother didn’t win after all. So instead of trying one of the other people she supposedly loved, she will have season two with all new contestants. Me thinks Tila is more addicted to the attention than to the actual people – after all hasn’t she seen "the bachelor" – how many of those relationships have worked out long-term?

And poor Dani – not only does she not get chosen (supposedly because Tila couldn’t pull Dani from her very established life back home – whatever!), then she gets this totally dorky hairdo (the big flip in the bangs is really not a good look - little flip is cute, big flip - not so cute) and doesn’t get the call from Tila after the whole Bobby break-up. Or maybe Dani did get the call and just kicked Tila to the curb – that would rock!

And anyone who saw the finale – did you not think that Vanessa and Brandi are totally in love with each other and are totally in denial? Why else would they want to be ‘friends’ after the debacle of their acquaintance? And Domenico is getting his own show?!? He wasn’t THAT likeable and one has to wonder about the whole “I am looking for an American girl to love?” Looking for a green card, Domenico?

Okay, so that is your entertainment news for today. Please return to your regularly scheduled Sunday evening…

Aside note: the long time filing is done. Whew! I am very, very happy.

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Saturday, January 05, 2008

But I am only mean to people who tell me to be nice

So I am avoiding filing… again. I did clean up a part of my desk before I started this. And today, I cleaned D’s closet, because cleaning someone else’s junk is much more fun that doing my own. It is a very organized closet now – I even color-coded the t-shirts. Heehee. All so I could avoid what I was planning on doing today, or what I could have done – no long walks to get my step count, no scraping the driveway (it’s D’s turn anyway), no doing the filing, no cleaning my closet (oh my goodness, you do NOT want to know the mess that it is – I still haven’t cleaned it from when I shoved a bunch of stuff in there to hide when the windows were being done) and certainly no cleaning. I have this pile of filing that I do want to get all organized and I have had it for about 2.5 years and still I avoid it. I know when I go through it, I will feel so happy and accomplished and so much will get tossed, but it’s just that kick to get started.

Did you know that all my calendars are totally cheating this year? Every single calendar that is a page-a-day calendar has combined the weekends to one slot. How cheap! Even my horoscope one, like I am supposed to believe that the same prediction covers both days. Puh-lease. (You know I am only kidding about taking it that seriously right?!?) That just bites!

Funny thought as of late – I have realized that I have surrounded myself with a lot of people who are into a variety of beliefs and have a lot of abilities and yet, I can’t commit myself to anything specific. If I turn around, I can see my shelf with all of my tarot cards, runes, Wicca books, and astrology. So many books, so many wants to learn something new and yet so many of these books are unopened. Some of them I just need to look at or touch and instantly I get something from the book. I have one book I bought about energy vampires – it was at a time when I felt like people were draining me and when I was in Chapters, the book just called me. I have yet to open the book, but when I see it, I instantly feel balanced again. There are books on learning to read auras – still haven’t figured it out. Books on how to read the tarot – I still need to the books to help decipher the meaning of the cards. I guess, it is like I know that I have some ability in something, I just haven’t figured it out yet and the books show that I keep trying to find it, whatever it is.

Alrighty, before I actually get started on the filing (Sighhhh), I just want to leave you with this rant that has been going through my head recently…

So when is the federal vote going to be called? Harper has enough time to show Canadians that he doesn’t care about our country, that really all he wants is to be the lap dog of Bush and he will do anything to ingratiate himself towards that disappointment. The Bali conference has come and gone, and really, nothing was really said about it. Off the top of my head, the only thing I can remember is how Canada was siding with the States and not upholding its responsibilities as stewards of this nation. There was no talk about how Canada was going to be responsible and actually take action. In fact, I believe there were some comments about how Baird was obstructing talks and talking horseshite out the side of his mouth, as he was more apt to complain about China than to take the blame that rests on his shoulder as Canada’s environment minister. I mean, for goodness sake dude, we know that China needs to come aboard because their rate of industrialization is astronomical and their level of pollution is horrendous. But have you looked at Canada recently? Have you flown across the northern part of the provinces and seen the devastation from mining, oil production and logging? Sure the pine beetles are doing their harm, but it has been proven that the change in climate is part of the blame and what has caused the climate change? Sure, companies say they are doing reclamation on old sites, but how do you restore an environment when you have stripped so much from it? The animals are gone, the soil has been changed, and nothing natural has happened to encourage the environment to want to return. How can we expect China to change when the US and Canada are doing so little to protect the environment?

Sure some places in Canada have taken a stand on certain things – Edmonton has just stated that all new construction and major renovations will require low flow faucets and showerheads and 6L or less toilets (finally). However, if you are just replacing the toilet and the faucets, but not renovating the whole bathroom, you can still use the old standards. If you talk to a lot of people though, so many are already changing over to low flow, if only for the few pennies back in the pocket from utility savings. I have installed my two dual flush, 6L toilets and I love them. I needed to replace the toilets anyway and they cost about the same as a decent ‘standard’ toilet, so why wouldn’t I?

California has been developing the strictest standards regarding the environment (go Arnie!), but has been refused again by the US government to be allowed to regulate vehicle emissions of carbon dioxide. Supposedly, Bush’s measures that are being introduced will be yield better results. Sure it has been signed in as a law, but when will it actually be implemented? However, again, it only affects new vehicles. Sure it will lower the emissions coming from the new vehicles (and I am sure California has a high number of new cars being bought each year), but what about the junkers still on the street? One only has to drive down any major thoroughfare in Edmonton to see how many cars are not new and expel tons of carbon dioxide, let alone oil, rust and other disgusting things. What are we doing to get rid of these? But still I say go California (they are taking the US government to court over this decision)! Maybe we need Arnie to show what a “man he is” (say it with Arnie’s accent – you know you want to) to Harper to get Harper to switch allegiances. Maybe if Harper is sucking California, then something will be done in Canada.

I grew up being told that we are stewards of our nation, it is one of the things that Canada is so good at. I was so proud when we signed the Kyoto. But our politicians just keep showing us that they are good at promising us so much, but then action nothing. We may not have been able to meet the Kyoto measurements, but at least, we could have tried. At least, we could have stood with our heads high and say, we did our best and we will continue to try our best and though this time we didn’t succeed, next time, we will exceed our expectations. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to be proud of something?

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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Cute but kind of evil...


Before you say what you desire…

Ack! Someone new asked for the link to my blog and the first things that ran through my mind were:
1. What have I said about him in previous blogs?
2. Do I really want him to know THAT much about me?
3. Oh goodness, will I start censoring things?
Of course, I am fine with it now. I just had to have my little panic episode. It is always scary to find out that someone, other than your closest friends who already know your quirks and quibbles, will be reading about the things that you find so interesting. I suppose we should warn him about the lack of punctuation rules and the fact that I like to make up words. Heehee.

So hope everyone had a good new year’s eve. Mine rocked! Lots of good food, great friends and interesting conversations. We rang New Year’s in with a two second count because the people in charge of the time didn’t have seconds on their cellphones. Then it was with much cheer that we hugged, kissed, drank and then returned to our conversations. It gives me good feelings for how the year is going to proceed.

So far 2008 has been fairly good. My bro and his gf are, I think, mostly back together. Look Ma, he may produce grandchildren for you yet! Heehee. Work has been okay – a little slow at times, but y’all know I love that. And the co-worker is back, so at least when I am sinking into the daytime naps, I can go visit and pretend to work. The house is looking more pink everyday and while in my heart, I find the color totally abhorrent, I am very happy that it means that the house is getting insulation. Now just don’t look down and you won’t see the MESS the contractor is leaving all over my yard, the neighbors yard and my new windows. ACK! It is almost done for a few months. I can make it. It will look good. I just have to keep reminding myself of this.

How do you kettle cook a pudding? I know how that works with chips, but pudding?!?

I received the two Order of the Stick prequel comic books for Christmas (Thanks the Hat!) and oh my, they are sooooo much fun! I can totally relate to the creation of that adventuring party. How many of anyone’s group ended up get together ‘just cause’ more so than because of something really concrete? And the people the dwarf found for the party? If only Roy knew. Heehee. I am currently reading the Start of Darkness. Interesting…very interesting. I highly recommend these and if you aren’t reading the comics, you must pop over (it’s under links on the right) and start. So hilarious.

For all those Laurell K Hamilton fans, there is a contest on right now (until January 18th) to make suggestions for Jason’s stripper name. It’s on her site (also under links on the right).

And if you were wondering how the Cheri Scotch books turned out – I have read the first one so far (I am waiting on the second one to give me time to track the third book down) and it was fabulous. But how can you go wrong – N’awlins and werewolves, voodoo and the French quarter? For me, it was just like being back there. I so miss it. Someone I know is going down there soon. Someday soon, I will return and hopefully get to show D the sights. Just to be back in the French quarter and have that feeling again of belonging and wonder and time. So much has soaked into the stones beneath your feet as you walk around Jackson Square. There is the need to touch Madame Laveau’s tombstone and see the tributes left for her. There is so much heart in the people of N’awlins and everyone was so welcoming. I don’t miss the grits, because ick. But the country fried steak, the po-boys, and the beignets. I still miss beignets. Anyway, the book was well-written, great plot and a fascinating tale. I look forward to the rest of the trilogy.

So my television fixation will soon be satisfied again. Tuesday is the two hour season premiere of One Tree Hill – I know, it’s a teen nighttime soap. I don’t care. It could be the last season (after all, they have jumped forward 4 years and this may not go as well as planned – plus writer’s strike and all that). I am highly invested in the going-ons of Lucas and Peyton and the gang. And who doesn’t want to see what has happened to Mouth? I am very invested in him since I understand the whole being on the edge of the more popular people.

And sadly I am into the Biggest Loser. Well, I watched the first show of the new season and I may just have to watch it again. However, I do have other options on Tuesdays – there is still Reaper (if there are still episodes – writer’s strike), One Tree Hill and Jericho. I believe Lost is on Thursdays still – there was rumor of it moving…again. There are only 8 episodes, so I may tape it and get to it when I get to it because of the loss of Dom. I am still a little bummed by that. I haven’t heard anything new though about his break up with Evangeline. Has he gone back to Billy? Heehee.

And then there is the ton of movies that I have taped this last month. Hopefully, I will have time to watch those. I watched Music and Lyrics tonight – so funny. I looooove the video at the beginning – it is so Wham!. Ghost Rider we saw on the weekend. It was okay. The ending was very macho and not quite realistic, but otherwise, it was good. And of course, I watched my Anne of Green Gables III – it was really good. I am glad that I finally got to see the ending of the movies – well done, ol’ chap, well done.

So what shall I do new in my blog for 2008? I think we need a bit of a change. I could go back to putting up recipes. I could discuss the website – y’all know the one – with the girls and…okay, okay. I won’t say anymore. Heehee. If you have any ideas, please share… and don’t worry, the ranting will start again soon.

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