Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I hab a cold. I can’t breed…

I have been sick for several days now. J is a beeyotch! It is all her fault. She said yes to going out with me while she was deathly ill and then I got deathly ill. ACK! I haven’t been sick for months. Course I get no sympathy from D, who just acts like I’m always sick. Jerk. It has honestly been months since I was ill and I was so happy cause at my job prior to the one before this, I was sick A LOT. Mind you, I hated that job, it was low pay, low appreciation and I worked like a dog for nothing.

So I came home early and I have to better for tomorrow cause I finally get to go to a career fair for within my company so I can see what else is out there in other departments. And I really want to go. And afterwards, I am going to visit the department that wants me back – there is a job opening right now. So I want to talk with them and see how things are and touch base. There were rumors that I was not allowed to spread about a possible opening, so it is very exciting that the opening is here, cause I would LOVE to go back to that job. It was fun and different and I was in the thick of things. My current office is a satellite office, so it’s isolated and really, you have no idea of what happens outside of the office.

TMI ALERT - Ooh, the day J passed her horrid germs to me, we went to Dawn’s Bra-tique. Now that is an experience. We just thought we’d stop in and see. Except it was empty and they like appointments. They had room so we made immediate appointments and what they do is take you into a room, ask you what size you think you are and then bring what they think you are. Ha! I was right on the band size. Ha ha. Then when Dawn comes and sizes you and sets the bra to fit you, they bring all the bras in your size (sometimes in batches if there are lots of options – like J had). Me, not so much in the options. I had 7 options and some of the colours were horrid. Then I overheard J getting prices. Whoa! Whew! I did buy one as a present for me. But I certainly cannot buy all my bras there. It was $145 for the cheapest for me. Ouch! But I did learn how to size the bra to me and now I can go somewhere cheaper and get better fitting bras. The disadvantage (besides price) is that now the rest of my bras suck. I put on my other ones and it’s not the same. I know now that they don’t fit, but heck if I can afford to replace them all. But this one is soooo nice and sooo fitting and it's blue pinstripe so it matches my office clothes. Bonus for me– I already wash my bras the proper way. That is nice to know.

Anyway, back to getting better.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The most wonderful day of the year....

My birthday is tomorrow. Am I happy?!? YES!!! Though the previous week has sucked and though really my b-day weekend has not been all it could be, I am still happy that for one day - it IS all about me. Heehee. No one is going to remember that it is my b-day, so there will be few well wishes. And goodness know, I have not received that harem that I have been wishing for and am supposedly going to get before my b-day (stupid feng shui email.) And I have to work. But still, inside, I will be rejoicing. I will be picturing people bowing down to me. I will envision a puppy pile of hot, cute people just waiting for me at home. Sighhhh! In that honor, though I normally hate showing that I do these stupid quizzes - here is one in honor of my b-day - it sounds good, except I HATE pink. So we will pretend that HOT pink is really Blood RED and all is good. :)

Your Birthdate: November 21

You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature.
Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas.
People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life.
You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone.

Your strength: Your thirst for adventure

Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures

Your power color: Hot pink

Your power symbol: Figure eight

Your power month: March

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Welcome to the funny farm

My sister-in-law (SIL) is coming for a visit next month. She and her daughter are coming up on a Friday and she decided that they would leave on Monday. So I arranged to take off Monday so she didn’t have to rush with a 3 year old to be out the door for when D and I leave for work.

Two days ago, she mentioned that while she was telling her friends about moving provinces, one of them said she was happy and that perhaps she could just pop by once in awhile, like for their Christmas party on the Friday she arrives. Nothing was said then, but I had that sinking feeling that she would be shortly asking us to watch her child while she goes and party.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love my niece, but I haven’t seen her in two, almost three years and her mother keeps making her talk to me on the phone to the point that she doesn’t want to and is very vocal to her mother about NOT wanting to talk to me. So first thought is the SIL is going to show up Friday night and just drop her kid off with us.

But the SIL states that she’ll be asleep before SIL goes. So let’s review, she’s going to come by, put her kid to bed and then leave. So her daughter is going to be sleeping in a strange house and if she wakes up, is going to be greeted by strangers. Oh yeah, that is putting your daughter’s needs before your own.

Then she mentions that maybe she’ll come by Thursday instead of Friday. Cause we have planned for that.

I really don’t know. I have had problems before with her. She lived with us for several months (it was supposed to be only a few weeks) with her daughter and she ended up taking advantage of us, our friends and personally, I felt, her daughter. Even now, she lives with her parents and when she talks, it is like she resents her daughter for keeping her from her own life. She complains about being left alone with her daughter and having to deal with her and not being able to go out cause her parents won’t baby sit. I don’t know if my anger at her request is cause I am being selfish like I don’t want to rearrange my life for her or if it is because I had a feeling she would do this and since I already had issues about this stuff when she lived with us, the situation just seems like déjà vu and stuff. Possibly I could be making more of this than it is. But part of me is starting to resent her and she is not even here yet.

Bleah. That is what I have to say.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Twas the month before Christmas…

And all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even the cat
Cause ma was in the fetal position
Alone on the bed
Whimpers and shivers, covers over her head…

Yeah. That is my mood right now. It just feels like time is flying by lately and nothing is getting done. I wanted the Christmas shopping done by the end of November and goodness knows, it is not even near being done. I had all these ideas for crafty gifts and those I can kiss goodbye. Which means I have to come up with some ideas. My b-day is coming up real quick and I have no idea on plans. I was going to get the gang together for some clubbing, and I forgot to mention it to people, so that is probably out. I want to see Harry Potter and D and I were going to do the whole dinner and a movie, which we haven’t done in ages. But a friend who has seen the previous 3 with us has mentioned that he is expecting to do so again. And I really don’t want to spend my b-day with others this year. I have been feeling rather homebody lately.

I made up a monthly meal plan. I know, shocking. I haven’t been following it religiously, but it certainly helps with giving me some ideas. And I have used it to plan some bigger meals and so had the items available which was nice. And it has reminded me to vary the meats so that I am getting fish every once in awhile. I just fish hard to cook. It’s hard to know when it is done. It’s done when it easily flakes. Well, what do you consider ‘easily.’ It’s white when it is done. What shade of white? At least with chicken and beef, when the pink is gone, the meat is cooked. Unless you want the steak less than well done.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Feelin’ stressed!

I have basically taken the last week off from as much as possible. Halloween was the last of the busy times and since then, I have just rested, relaxed and done as little as I can. Sure, chores still got done, but not many and not anything more than needed. I am just mentally and physically tired. The week has helped, but I am still off, just a bit.

Since my last post, my days have been filled. There was much shopping, much furniture window shopping/dreaming and several appointments (D had a cavity… heehee… and I had none… heehee). There was the wrap party for an event that D is involved in. As usual, I was asked several times to join the next happening of the event. As usual, I turned it down.

The event is a live role-playing game. If you have never played or heard of it, I tend describe it as a murder mystery that continues or an improv theatre group. You essentially create a being (in whichever world you play, could be humans, vampires, werewolves, angels, etc.) and then you develop this being as the game progresses. Not unlike writing a novel, but with less control over what happens external to your character. Anyway, I used to be heavily involved in this type of activity. Things happened. I saw people take what should have been just aspects of their character and molded that aspect into their real lives. I saw people become horrible people because they could separate play from reality. I met lots of friends, lost a few, made enemies and grew up. I don’t regret being involved in the whole lifestyle, so to speak. I know a lot of my personality and confidence were enhanced from the events and the people I knew. Now, all I see is what needs to be done at home and in my life and I can’t spare that time for the game. And is just that – a game. D likes to think that it doesn’t take a lot of time, but it does. There is the game which is one night a month, then your turn (story of what you did between games) requires about a night of planning, then 2 out of 4 Thursdays, you want to go to the restaurant that the group meets in to take about the planning and then if you get together with anyone who plays the game, you have talk about it some more. It’s energy consuming and I think right now, I want to focus my energy elsewhere.

Anyway, after my holidays ended, I came to the realization that Halloween was only a week away and all that time that I thought I had was gone. While I had sewn D’s robe for his costume (thereby finishing him until the party), I hadn’t started my skirt, or decorated the basement or planned the food. I finished everything in time. And everyone says they had fun, so it ended up well. But I was stressed. I was back to work after 2 weeks of holidays (and while people were glad I was back, there was much catching up to do cause people didn’t help out as much as they thought) and I had to get ready for a party. Friday, I finished the skirt after much frustration and cursing. Saturday the basement was finally decorated. Thanks D for all the work you did, alone, cause I was doing everything else. The party was Saturday night. There was lots of food (because I believe no one should go home hungry from one of my parties) and there were enough leftovers to satisfy the friends who came over Sunday to play games.

Halloween 2005 was our second annual party. This year's theme was Gods and Goddesses and the Hindu Parthenon was well represented. There were some Norse, some Egyptian, some Celtic and of course, the underdark. The nametags wouldn’t stick, which sucked, so I don’t remember all the gods that were there. I, naturally, chose a thinking god – one who required explaining cause no one knew her. I didn’t mean to necessarily do that. I just wanted an interesting Celtic god. Since there was only one other celtic god at the party and she was Morrigan, the Goddess of War, no one knew who I was. Oh well. I thought she was cool. And I got to wear wings.

D has decided that I have a fascination with wings. A lot of the pictures I have purchased recently have been fairies and angels and when I look around, I do realize that they all have different wings. I think part of it is the just the look of the pictures. I am a very sensual person and sensual pictures call to me. Lately, that has been fairies and angels – there is just something about their ease with themselves and their beauty. I like the expression on their face. I don’t know. Perhaps it goes with the delving into Celtic things. Perhaps it just has always been in me – I have always had a fascination with fairies.

Today we bought furniture. Ours was fading fast. It comes on Friday. Part of me really likes the furniture because it is curvy and soft with the microfibre. Part of me hates this furniture cause I don’t think it is going to be as versatile as I was imagining. I don’t know. I just have to hope it works cause it was a final sale. Surprisingly, we got a phone yesterday from Mobler saying that the furniture we had been looking at had gone down in price. When we had looked at it initially, it was on sale, but it was still too much and we really want to pay off a car, so we left our name so if it did go down, maybe they would call. I figured it would have sold already and I really didn’t think the person would call. But they did and it wasn’t sold. It is both good and bad. We need new furniture for the living room. I spend a lot of time in there, especially in winter and our current furniture is not comfortable. But I really want to pay off a car. We keep saving money up and then we spend it. Just paying off my car would free up $300 a month. That is a lot of money. We need new windows and a new deck. And siding. Oh well. It will all work in the end. Somehow, we will get done what needs to be done.

Anyway, I should head off to bed. It is late and my sugar high from all the left over Halloween candy and the slurpee are wearing off. I will try to return to my weekly posts.