Sunday, February 28, 2010

Whataya want from me… I want your love and I want your revenge

Because I am addicted to things Adam right now…

I like the haunting quality it has, which I have always been partial to. I have read some comments about it being tantric sex-like.

The outfit is a bit out there and the video seems to focus on his crotch... A LOT! But I appreciate that he tries different things... musically and fashion-wise, pulling from several different inspirations. (I know, I know – so does Lady Gaga. I think a lot of my problem with Lady Gaga (besides not actually liking her music right off – well, until Bad Romance) was I never had a chance to identify her as human. All the outfits I saw her separated her from humanity and didn’t try to bring out her best. Then I saw the Bad Romance video and suddenly, She was there. I actually saw her as a person and could appreciate her more. Plus I loved that song the first time I heard it.)

Speaking of Lady Gaga... for those whose addiction is Lady Gaga, this public service awareness video is kind of funny...

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

My latest addiction...

I ask this constantly - why are the cute, dramatic, intense ones always playing the wrong field? And why do I so desire what I can't have? The story of my life, I suppose.

Anyway, I have kinda been listening to Adam Lambert because his music is decent and his videos are eye catching - well, I am totally addicted to his latest video - Whataya want from me. I love this video - the presentation, the story, the point of view - fascinating and god, adam is so yummy.

Sighhhh. I am so going to buy the album. I had this song and Lady Gaga's Bad Romance in my head all morning. Interesting combination eh?

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Day for Geeks and Nerds

Perhaps you have all heard this song before, perhaps it will be new to you; however, I adore this song. I can't remember how I found it or why I downloaded (probably because it was free), but it makes me laugh, it makes me smile, and goodness knows I understand the lyrics far too well.

Critical hit on my heart - by Marshall Gray

Marshall Gray ( - Critical Hit On My Heart

Found at Critical Hit On My Heart on

So I wish you all a wonderful, wacky Valentine's Day, whether it be sharing your love with another being or yourself. Because as the Inner Bitch says -
If you really want chocolate and roses for Valentine's Day, it's okay to buy them for yourself.

And then you don't have to share.

Me, my plans are quite simple - a leisurely sleep in, a trip to the bookstore to spend oodles of money, a delish supper of steak, baby potatoes, and broccoli, a couple of PVR shows, maybe some Rock Band, and then early to bed. Doesn't that sound delightful? It is too me - Sighhhh. :)

Hugs out to everyone.

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