Sunday, December 31, 2006

Best of 2006

I have been thinking all week on what I wanted to write on my blog as 2006 came to an end. Do I want to be profound and tell you what I learned? Do I want to be glib and just keep things light and playful? Should I just continue to tell you the joys of being me? I thought I would do a bit of all and see where it leads…

Christmas was good, though I seem to have this expectation that never gets met. I need to find out what it is so that I can get rid of it. I was disappointed that I did not receive the Garth Brooks second box set and a pair of slippers. I have purchased the slippers and I am working up the energy to brave the most evil of places Walmart, as that is the Only place to get the box set. Otherwise, Christmas rocked! I got a ton of movies, books, clothes, fun stuff and more. D was surprised and happy at what I gave as were I believe most of my friends. I still think most of what make Christmas best for me is seeing people like what I found them. Next year, get more prepared for more homemade gifts. Just to warn you all. I want to be more crafty and someone has to experience my craftiness. Heehee. Food was good, fun times were had, and the decorations are still up as of right now. So overall, it was a good time. Yeah!

I recently read Lynn Truss’ book Talk to the Hand, which is about manners in modern society and how lacking they are. Unlike Eats, Shoots and Leaves, the book does not teach you anything; it is mainly a rant about how society is slowly degenerating back into the animal planet. I agreed with so much of what she said, and then I realized that part of what she complains about, I am part of the problem. She states that the familiarity, with which we talk to strangers, while it leaves the class system behind, leads us to almost take a superior position to others. Which I thought was interesting – I hate when people address me as Miss, Ms or Mrs. If you have to address me that way, then please pick Ms. I don’t like that Miss or Mrs states my supposed marital status. It really is none of your business if I am a single or married or divorced person. It has no bearing on my interaction with others. If it does, then I will let you know. A man doesn’t have to deal with this problem because rarely does a single man get referred to as Master. Men are always Mister.

The other problem is that often we leave out the title and we refer to people as their first name. Older generations find this far too familiar for themselves. D finds it frightfully weird that I talk to older people using their first names. D still refers to life long family friends as Mr and Mrs X, while I call them by their given names. This is due to very different childhoods. But it also comes into play in my job. I will talk to people using their first names. For me, I think it puts us on an equal level. The people talking to me are usually in places of possible vulnerability and I want them to feel at ease, to not feel that I know more than them, or to feel that I am better than them. So for me, I use their first names to establish a connection. According to Lynn Truss, this is not necessarily how it comes across and it certainly is not how people necessarily want things. It supposedly puts me in a position of power as I know their first name and they do not know mine. As well, it is historical position of power in that you usually only addressed the help by their first names. It supposedly does not denote respect to a person’s age and ‘wisdom’.

I am still pondering this situation. For me, the use of titles lends itself to more problems in trying to determine are they a Ma’am or a Miss and really, I hate the use of titles (let alone being called Ma'am - that word should be abolished). Now no offense to anyone who has done this, but one of the most insulting things that one can do is address an envelope to Mr and Mrs D Smith (or Mrs and Mrs D Smith, or Mr & Mr D Smith – anyway that ignores one whole person other than the title). I hate that. Just because a person got married and possibly changed their name does not mean they have given up their name or their person. Firstly, you are assuming the spouse changed their name. Not always true. Secondly, you have taken away the spouse's identity, by making her/him the spouse of so-and-so. It should be addressed to Mr D and Mrs T Smith at the very least, but even better, how about The Smith family, D & T Smith, or something along those lines. That is just my rant. Heehee.

I have been working on the budget for the last few days. Joy. I have categorized our spending to determine where the money is going and how to get our debt into control. One of the horrible parts of this is that it is in my mind constantly. I will be talking with certain friends of mine and I will just start…well, to me, it feels like I am lecturing. I apologize every time I do it. The advice is valid and applicable, but please, all of you who I have done this too, please understand that part of what is happening is that I am also giving myself the lecture. I know what needs to be done. Oh my goodness, do I know. I worked out what has been spent on just my one favorite hobby – reading. Holy mackerel. Whew! And then I think how I got all of these books at a discount price. Whoooooohooooo. Yikes. And I know I need to get this under control. I have joked about the size of the piles of books I have to be read. It’s huge. I figure if I read 2 books a week, I currently have enough books to last me half a year. Yeah…exactly my reaction. Whoa! And I have a pile from the library, cause I also am a member of a book club called the public library, which only costs $12 a year. And then I think of all the books I want to buy yet… Yikes! We need a bigger library at home. Really I do. So that has been fun. Informative, but aka stressful.

I also updated my book of “Thoughts of the Moment” which is something I started several years ago; it is a collection of significant or profound or silly statements from movies, books, friends, even myself, that I think mean something to me. For example –
Be careful of what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be. Kurt Vonnegut

Occupants may sleep in the nude. Ring this doorbell before noon and you’ll find out for sure. Moi

I like updating my book; it shows me a lot about what I was thinking this year. Obviously from the above two quotes, I was thinking about the masks that we present to people (sometimes our characters in games that we play) and I was thinking about the rude people who ring my doorbell on weekends before noon without an appointment and how horrible they are.

So I have also been thinking about my resolutions for 2007, though part of me is just amazed that it is 2007. I remember quite clearly the worries for 2000 and now it is 7 years later. Wow! I thought about resolving to not to resolutions, but that seemed kinda counterproductive. So let’s see what has happened in 2006 and see what I need to work on.

2006 – memory lane
I learned about forgiveness and moving on at the start of the year and because of it, two people who very important in my life are still in my life and I think we have evolved our relationships.

I learned again how hard it is to have willpower and determination in the face of crisis and stress, especially when you are shy and forget to tell people that you need support. Throughout that struggle though, I have lost, to me, a significant amount of weight and developed some lifestyle habits that will be beneficial to me in the long run.

I have reconnected with some old friends and some I have welcomed back into my life and others I have realized that I am not willing to let them come back now, and possible not ever. But my feelings of anger for those who are not welcome back have lessened. I have dealt with the issues, as far as I know, and while I don’t wish these people ill, I just don’t want their energy in my life.

I celebrated a year of blogging and my counter has passed the 1000 marked – I am loved, I am really loved. Heehee.

I finally was officially promoted at work – more money, more learning, more responsibilities, and more time to do what I need to do without arguing for that time. Funny that I still miss doing reception sometimes and talking with more people and several have told me that they have missed me on reception and that the others are not nearly as welcoming as I am. That warms my heart. Heehee. The big bosses have trusted me with some special projects and I think that I am doing well with them. Maybe in the New Year, we can get together and discuss how things are going and what they see me doing more of, less of, etcetera.

I have successfully fallen back into love with Orlando Bloom. It was dicey for while, the love was mostly by rote, but then, I watched Elizabethtown again and saw Pirates of the Caribbean II and again, I love that man. Sighhhh.

My office has been successfully cleaned and organized more times this year and the organizing and cleaning has slowly been keeping itself in good stead as the year went on. The year comes to a close with the desk being the cleanest it has been in a while, though the filing pile is still rather large. Heehee.

My friends ROCK! I have enjoyed my friends this year and have tried to carve out more pockets of time for them. Though I still have a few I need to get ahold of soon – right N? I know we need to do dinner soon. Heehee. While my friend list has not really grown, it has certainly developed and there are people who last year would have been acquaintances, who this year are definitely friends. Some friends, while absent a lot due to their own stresses and crisis, have still always been in my heart and I in theirs and while our time together has been brief, we have made the moments count. Though I still think a get together would be nice D… heehee.

So 2007 – Let me read what the paper says it predicts for me…well, sounds like it is going to be an interesting year. It goes with what I was expecting for the most part though, as 2007 I want to continue being a time to find myself. Profound quote I think is appropriate here
The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with watches you from the mirror every morning.

I guess I just want 2007 to be a great year for everyone. So much has happened globally this year and for the most part, we ignore it cause it doesn’t affect our day-to-day lives. I want to be more aware this year. I want to try to help others more. I want to continue doing random acts of kindness and trying to follow basic manners. I want to become the person that I am deep inside. I want to work on my fears and my idea of risk. I want to develop even better relationships and I want to have the trust in those relationships to tell people that I need support, and that contrary to what I say and seem to do, I cannot do it alone and I don’t want to. I also want to win some significant money so that we can do the things around the house that need to be done and not have our standard of living be affected. Oh, and world peace. Of course. :)

Well, I think that covers the profound, the silly, and of course, the joys of being me. Til next year everyone – have a great (and safe) New Year’s. I hope you are all doing what you want to do when the clock strikes 12 tonight. Luv you all.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Whoohoo!! Ain't I all that and a popsicle?

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Grand Duchess Taryn the Profuse of Chignall Smeally
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Yeah, that is how I feel today. I keep voyaging between being happy and being mentally exhausted today. It was a decent day – lots of people loved my earrings (my formerly blinking Christmas trees) and everyone was happy I was on reception – clients love me. They really love me! Heehee. I just would get tired and then have to fake being happy for awhile. I think it is just from trying to plan when I am going to get all the food shopping done between my schedule and D’s and of course, my desire not to drive at night. And will it last – I need it for Sunday, will the peppers last 5 days, heck, will the store even have produce? The storm in BC has affected everyone’s deliveries, so Save On was empty on Sunday. Maybe I’ll convince D to chauffer me tonight so I can finish that last little bit. I got the shrimp rings today (almost forgot about them – and I remembered sauce this year – heehee).

The weekend was good – A&J decided on a spontaneous Cheesecake supper on Friday which I went to. The French onion soup was fabulous as usual, but the Egg Nog cheesecake – not so much. I only ate 1/3 of it (which is my norm) and the next morning, I had a bit more, but I tossed it Monday as it just wasn’t good enough to keep my interest. Now if only they hadn’t Ruined the English toffee cheesecake by mixing in white chocolate cause it looked Good!

Saturday, I finished decorating the main floor (started Friday). It is very understated, but so classy. I have put out my Nawlins’ masks (they remind me of Mardi gras) and added my new corset decorations. Added a wreath, and blue lights and some of my prettier ornaments and it is just an understated warmth. I like it! I keep admiring it and noticing the little touches, like the crystal ornament hanging off the front door light and the ornament hanging over the downstairs door. I removed some of the usual decorations and it is like the room is new. We needed a change (and the wreath hides the big booboo in the wall I made when I put up my main pic in the living room – don’t tell D – I haven’t yet. Heehee).

Sunday, I came downstairs to find the graters were doing our road – Yeah!!! Thank goodness, D and I had been planning on shoveling our front road since B said he almost got stuck Friday night, and Sunday morning I had a dream where I shoveled it all by myself. Of course, the neighbor hasn’t moved his van in weeks, so the grater had to work around him, so there was a nice tall ridge of snow blocking the street from the sidewalk. So I went out and proceeded to start shoveling a path through it and then helped our neighbor do his. Just as we were almost finished a path through his, another neighbor came by and said the bobcats were coming to help. So $20 and 20 minutes later, the rest of my front area was plowed as were two of my neighbors and it looks great. However, by that evening, my arms and shoulders were killing me.

Sunday afternoon, I went to pick up my book from the library and came out with a pile of books 2 feet tall. Hey, I know I will be alone a lot the next 2 weeks. Then the disappointing trip to Save On followed by the even more disappointing Taco bell for supper. Ick! I miss when Taco Bell was considered Haute Cuisine in my book. It is just not the same anymore. Sighhh. Though I did get an Eeyore dressed as Pooh ornament. Cool! Heehee.

Sunday night was the customary Christmas gaming night – suppose we should have told the new players. Oops! It went good, everyone seemed to like their gifts and we loved the ones we got. Heehee. A&J got some poker stuff, some wine stuff, and my favorite – the bunny from my fave video B&C got Songs from the Round Table and a 4D puzzle of a knight. Neil got 3 original Beverly Hillbillies videos – with 22 of the shows in black and white. The Hat got a Ravenloft set, which he liked, and some spices (we were so unsure of the set, but it was just too cool and while there are some horrible tales to go with our adventures in Ravenloft, it was also one of the best bits of storytelling I have ever been involved in.) I got a cool purse and drinks. D got popcorn and something else (I don’t remember). The Hat went creative with his gifts and while all were packaged the same, each person’s gift obviously held some thought about what that person would like – mine rocked! I love the dragon pendant and the spells. Heehee. And of course, I have moved all the candy to my office, so I can enjoy the gift for days. Heehee.

Monday, I guess everyone else figured out that I would be alone for the next couple weeks cause my friend at the bookstore lent me a book and my coworker lent me a book. So I now have a 2 feet + pile of books to read in the next few weeks. Whew! Good thing I like to read. Good thing I am almost done the book I read at work too, eh? Heehee. Now, just don’t mention the like 4-foot pile of books in the bedroom I still have to read. Heehee… oops!

Anyway, I am tired and supposedly D will be getting home relatively on time, so I should go start supper. Not that I am hungry, but I am sure I will be in an hour or so.

Only 6 more sleeps til Santa. Heeheehee.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The events of the future exist here…

That sounds so prophetic and yet…far too deep for me today. Yesterday was heck on wheels at work – we were extremely short staffed and extremely busy. However, by the time I got home, I was wired. I was soooo excited that it was the Social Event of the Season last night. D said I was annoying to the nth degree cause I kept talking so fast and asking why it was taking so long for us to go. I don’t understand what the problem was- I was ready and just because I was home first by an hour, that doesn’t mean anything. The party was excellent as usual. The fare was delish, the conversation witty and my squares went over quite well. Emmett enjoyed his Christmas gift, I&V did not open theirs, though I anticipate them enjoying theirs as well. Cards were handed out to many, though I forgot a couple at home and had a few left over at the end of the night.

I did something… new. I actually gave my blog address out to someone new. She seems quite nice and she wanted the recipes to my squares and my dip, both of which I have placed here. I had to confirm with A what exactly my address was, and I totally confused her – she thought I was giving her address out since I like never give mine out. I think she may still be unsettled that I did something so daring like that. Heehee.

This weekend otherwise was okay. Friday night alone so I did some little stuff around the house. Saturday I was… alone… so I took my sweet time getting ready to start the day (manicure, hair mask, nice long shower), then took my sweet time having breakfast (read the newpaper, watched a show, had a homemade milk shake and noodles) and then sewed a duvet cover. Seems so anticlimactic doesn’t it?

Sunday, I picked up something to close the duvet cover with (it turned out not too bad, if I say so myself, which I do. Heehee). Bought some more books (I know – I am sooooo bad – I just couldn’t resist – I put one book back – that should count). Then wrapped some more presents, made supper and then J came over with V for Vendetta. What an interesting movie. Definitely one of those that you need to digest and then discuss. How timely of a movie too with what is happening in the States as well as Canada (what with Harper becoming Bush’s close ‘buddy’.) I still don’t want to give up my freedom for a superficial sense of security, which is what the Americans are doing. We are not far behind. I just hope we can resist the slow absorption of Canadian heritage and uniqueness as our government takes us ever closer to being just like the Americans. And really – when has that ever been a good thing?

Today, I was coaching someone at another office. What an interesting experience. My best part of the day was that I got to go to PD for lunch and have my favorite #73 and I did it all in 30 minutes. They even gave me an interesting coffee desert with my jello. I love jello, though I almost left without it. She had to remind me. I mean sheesh. Tomorrow I do more coaching. Our fingers are crossed that I am getting through and keeping the person positive.

Other than that, it is really hard to believe that it is less than 2 weeks until Christmas. Friday is our potluck at work. I really should make something for dessert as I promised them. I also have a couple more gifts to wrap and deliver. Need to find big boxes. Hmmmm.

Anyway, I should go find some boxes and maybe do some more wrapping. Should also decorate. (Notice how I did little of what I said I wanted to do this weekend. Heehee) I will leave you with this bit of trivia knowledge.
The female cichlid fish are called ‘mouth breeders’ because they incubate eggs in their mouth. The females swallow stray eggs and store them safely between the cheeks. The male know this, so he’s developed his fins to look exactly like an egg. The lady cichlid spies one of these so-called eggs and tries to swallow it up. But as soon as she opens her mouth, bam, the male sprays her with sperm. Just like that.”

Friday, December 08, 2006


Did y'all miss me? Heehee.

What a hellish week. Seriously, I am so addicted to being online, that this week has felt horrible, not knowing what is happening with my friends, not being able to read my online comics, my fave blogs, but most of all, pay bills!!! Talk about stress! Bills were due today and we have not had internet since Saturday. Needless to say when I heard the message saying that everything has been fixed, I was ecstatic. I did the happy dance. Then I quickly made a snack and propped myself on the computer where I have spent the last hour paying bills, reading blogs and comics and now, I am ready to write about my life. So many times I almost wrote an entry, but held back because I was sure that would curse the fixing of my internet.

And what an expensive week this has been. Besides paying bills (Sighhhh), Saturday I came down at noon to find the house at 59F. That is really cold. We got the pilot going again, but decided it was too scary to keep going through this – what if the pipes burst? What if my poor pet died of hypothermia (and no making fun of her considerable girth protecting her – she is just a tiny pet)? So I called Direct Energy – what a joke. To come out would be $199. I called the people who installed the furnace just 8 years ago, but they weren’t open (Christmas party for two days), so we called their recommended company who not only could come out in 30 minutes, but would also only be $160 to show up. So after cleaning the heater units, he figured out it was actually the kill switch – it would stick and thus not recognize that the furnace had to go on or off. So that was fixed. More than $300 later, we supposedly have a functioning furnace. Then D and I ran out and finished some shopping and finished the Christmas cards.

Oh but wait, I forgot to tell you about Friday – we ordered Chinese food from a 3rd favorite place (#1 can’t take credit cards anymore, #2 always overcharged us) Hong Kong Express. This is a very affordable place with good food. And now… look at this:

Yes! Just like in the American tv shows, they serve their food in those COOOL containers. Rockin’. I was totally in heaven when I saw that. Supposedly the lady even recognized our house, though according to the bill attached to the menu we chose off of, we had called them 364 days ago. Impressive.

Sunday was spent doing more shopping – I was elated as I was done shopping for Christmas. Then gaming with the gang – my speech was easily ignored, so all that stress my poor character went through was for naught. We fought a bunch of stuff and realized that we suck as sailors, let alone fighting in the water.

Monday I wrapped 75% of the presents and prepped those that needed to go for traveling.

Then I found out my brother was bringing his girlfriend to Christmas (+1 present) and D’s dad called to say what to buy one of the grannies (+1 present) and suddenly I needed 2 more presents. I can say that I am DONE Christmas shopping and the presents that needed to be shipped are out. Whew! Now just to figure out how to wrap my bro’s and D’s presents. They both need really big boxes. I am sure I will figure something out.

Then of course, Telus couldn’t fix our internet – it went down sometime after 4 on Saturday cause that was the last time we remember being on it. Monday they came to say – hmmm, I’ll call the cabling department, call Wednesday if you haven’t heard anything. Called Wednesday to find out that supposedly the cabling dept looked at it on Tuesday and left a note on file saying that they needed to know our availability – what happened to a phone call? Then supposedly an agent would come today at 5, but the answering machine had that delightful message on it. Yeah.

I had more to talk about – like the fact that the vote to revisit gay marriages was denied. Supposedly some conservatives broke form and voted against what their leader wanted. I mean really, did Harper honestly think that all conservatives are straight? I am sure there may be a large percentage of white straight males in the conservative branch, but really… And I was going to discuss the environmental minister, but really what is the point? I could discuss work, but besides being extremely short staffed, it is going okay. Though sometimes, I really like the one-on-one client interaction, cause sometimes that look of relief, that expression of thanks, that ‘it was so nice to meet you’ is just the greatest thing around. Makes the heart grow 3 sizes larger.

Oh, and supposedly everyone is having an exciting weekend except me this weekend. D has work and a project that he is involved with. Milady has a full weekend planned. I am underscheduled – I have maybe some decorating to do, finish wrapping gifts, and maybe some chores. Then I suppose I can… surf the internet some more. Need to satisfy my fix, you know. Heehee.

Anyway, I actually have a couple things I wanted to do tonight, including wrapping a few more presents, so I should go. Should figure out what’s for dinner tonight too.