Thursday, October 02, 2008

Will you please be my victim?

Yes, Harper, lay down and let me walk all over you, like the sludge that you are. In fact, that might give you too much credit. Perhaps you are the fungus that grows on the sludge at the bottom of the sewer tank. Still too much credit?!? Perhaps.

Y’all know my opinions on our illustrious leader, Mr Harper. I find myself constantly surprised no one has pied him the face yet. I mean, so many other politicians were pied, why not Harper? Perhaps all the people think pie is too good for him – then think mud pies people. Get creative.

What can I say that I haven’t already? One of the latest scandals is the fact that Harper plagiarized a speech given by an Australian politician. I thought this was old news though and really, does the average Canadian care? Really, which one of them hasn’t stolen someone else’s words and taken them as their own? Does it make Harper just an average citizen? Heck no! He’s our Prime Minister which means he is supposed to be above all the lowly standards. I expect him to come up with original thoughts and to speak with an intention that is his own. You want to borrow a line or two from someone’s speech, well, who am I to argue? But you know what, admit you are doing it – say he said it best – or… just shut up. You sacrificed a lowly poli-sci person below you. How egomaniacal of you? Why do you not take responsibility for the words that come out of your mouth? And when will people learn to listen to what he actually says?

How about the fact that 3 ministers stepped down before the vote was called? My first thought was why are they stepping down. What are they trying to tell voters by quitting? I believe they are telling us that they won’t work for Harper again, that maybe there is a reason not to vote for him and though they can’t say why, take the action for the suspicion it is.

The English debate is tonight. Thank goodness they let the green party in. Because as I have said before – if they can allow a party who only can only be represented in one province the right to debate with the 3 main parties, then why can’t they invite the Green party who actually won a bit of votes last time and are available across Canada?

And what will Harper do when Bush is out of office? Is he ready to suck up to Obama? Or perhaps he is hoping for McCain, he is used to ‘old white flesh’ already. Ooh – the images that brings to mind. Bet he was originally hoping for Ms Clinton – he probably wouldn’t mind doing both the president and the first man. Heehee.

You should have heard how depressed I was at the start of this election – my choices were:
- green party chick: been told by friends (and fave coworker’s friend confirmed) she is crazy. Plus at the last election, she did not impress me at all.
- current conservative – arse-hole supreme who was brought up (not officially charged) with hate crimes due to his hatred of non-heterosexual people. Wouldn’t vote for him if he was my only choice.
- Liberal – no news on this person, other than Dion does not impress me and if he thinks he can come in here and steal the money from Alberta’s oilsands, well, honey, pie will be the least of your worries.

No, really, those were my choices. I was actually contemplating voting liberal. OMG!!!! However, the good news is the NDP is represented in my area and he is a decent one. So I will not be contributing to the destruction of Harper in this election. I am voting for opposition as usual and I am voting with the hope to replace one idiot with someone who has a greater decency to him.

I have more rants, but it is coming 8 and I am starving for supper. Poor fave co-worker gets to hear all about my dislike for the PM. Thankfully, he agrees with me.

Please VOTE everyone. We can make a difference and voting gives us the right to complain about who everyone else voted for (and really – that is the most important reason of all).


Tell me none of this is happening.

What a life I lead! These last few weeks have been culminating in stress until this weekend I finally had it. Despite some feelers sent out here and there, I haven’t really talked about all that has been going on (of course, I am a scorpio and secrecy is my middle name). Most of my feelers have been ignored or at worst, responded to with flippancy and a lack of respect for the friendship. So I, being who I am, did what I am best at and put on a happy face and lived my life like all was good.

And then Friday night, after a stressful week at work and at home, after several tries to connect with people to talk about what I needed to speak, I went out with the original YaYa girls and it all came tumbling out. Poor L and D – I think they were a bit shocked at the depth of my feelings on what was going on. Maybe next time D won’t deny us dessert and I can fill the void with fattening oil substitutes instead of spilling my guts. Though truly, I appreciate the support and the listening and the love. Know I love you both back.

Drained, I slept not long enough, but an afternoon of shopping was a worthwhile activity (got myself 2 pairs of pants for work – yeah!) though the driving was a total pain. I hate 137th ave right now –sheesh! Then Saturday night, D and I had a looooooooong talk and what was truly amazing is that D actually knew what was going on. Now, will things get better? Eh, who knows, we can only hope for the best, right? Maybe, there will be less fighting at the very least. You know, if I had my harem, I doubt I would have half the problems I have. Heck, who would have time for problems? Heehee.

Sunday was a day of drywall, followed by 4 very late hours of working on a project for work. That was the start of a very tiring week. OMG! I am still so bloody exhausted. And Monday my throat started bothering me immensely. It seemed to have peaked yesterday when if I wasn’t sucking on candy or fruit or drinking juice, my throat hurt. After 2 days of Echinacea and vitamin C, I felt much better this morning, though still exhausted. Mind you, yesterday was also the first day in over a week I wasn’t working on the work project after hours. Tuesday was a wonderful night of clean up (goodness the house needed it) and I felt so much better afterwards. My desk in the office has blank spaces. The kitchen is so clean. Recycling was done (2 bags worth). I didn’t get enough sleep that night, but I did feel mentally refreshed.

However, tomorrow is the last day of work before holidays and I am finding I still have a lot of projects to do. Ikes! So tomorrow will be a day of working furiously to get reports updated and letters written. Then I am on holidays for two weeks. Two glorious weeks of no work, of house renos and appointments, of shopping and decorating, of prepping the yard for winter and the house for the Halloween party, of switching clothes around and of sleeping in and mostly, no work. At least for me. D has two work events he ‘has’ to go to. I have yoga 1 night, maybe a get together with the girls, Thanksgiving at the parents and hopefully a lot of catch up on shows – sheesh I need to clear some of the PVR and fast.

So wish me well for my holidays, and definitely to survive tomorrow. I will try to get more organized around here and write more.
