Monday, May 22, 2006

Just an update

The dandelion war is over for the moment. There were severe losses on their side as today was the physical warfare. 2 days and 2 huge orange garbage bags later, my yard begins to look like a yard.

As well, the garden is in! I was amazed that we got that much done. I figured maybe all the weeding and the rotor tilling would be done, but I never figured in 3 hours we would finish the weeding, the rotor tilling and planting the garden. Whew! Some new stuff has been planted. We are trying bush beans this year – my mom asked. And we are trying tomatoes from seed. Hey, what’s the worse that happens – it doesn’t grow? Eh, whatever. As long as the onions and the lettuce grow, I am happy.

Tomorrow, we need to get the weed preventing fabric to lie between the rows in the garden and then I need to plant some flowers in the front. Due to the neighbors not building the wooden retaining wall last fall and leaving the wood over the flowerbed, no flowers have started growing in that section. Sighhh. As much as I hate bees, the flowers were a nice filler between the two houses.

That is all for today. I promise to find those recipes soon and post them. Tonight we had chili and it was soooo yummy and filling after a hard day outside. We even watched Oprah's Legends Ball. That actually was quite nice. It is amazing what she did, not even considering the cost. The poem they read was perfect for the moment. Anyway, too much sun has done me in. I must retire before I fall asleep on the keyboard.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

can I rant too?

Since everyone is on a rant mood as of late, I thought I would add my two cents –

To the lady in Giant Tiger yelling into her cellphone – Shut up! No, Shut up! Shut up! – Next time, I hear you having this conversation, I am taking the cellphone from you, smashing it into little bits, then looking at you and saying “there you go, darling, she shut up now.”

To the guy in the truck who was pissed because I legally changed lanes With a signal light and then I had the nerve to use my signal light again when I was turning, you don’t get to honk if you can’t follow basic driving rules. Intersections are not the place to change lanes and then roar up a hill. Proceed as I did - once you have driven through the intersection, signal, check your mirrors and shoulder check and then smoothly move into the lane. Too sad, too bad if the speed limit is too slow for you – as you found out when you lane changed because I was turning, speeding will only get you closer to the cars in front and they all thought you were an asshole too and continued to do the speed limit blocking you in. Sometimes, Karma comes quickly.

Oh, and D thinks it would not be good if I became toned. Because then I would wear clothes that show that I am toned and I might be too sexually sensual for the world. I suppose there is a legitimate concern there. Heehee.

Other than that, my life is good at the moment. I will have to share a couple of new recipes I have tried soon. Nuuummy! I have been working at the war with the dandelions. In the front yard, the biological warfare seems to have temporarily stemmed the tide. In the back, we are still losing. We have dedicated our free time to full out physical assaults this week, so hopefully, this time next week, we will have won and the garden will have replaced the weeds. Though the pretty purple weeds we have are pretty.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother’s Day

To all women out there, I wish a Happy Mother's Day, because goodness knows we are a mother to someone or something – whether it be a significant other, a pet, a child, coworkers or even friends. At some point, we have all helped nurture another being. And for that, best wishes to you all. (And you men out there, don't get your knickers in a panic, you'll have your day next month - then we can discuss your nurturing!)

In other exciting news, the dandelions are gaining in the war. I am hoping that today will have a lot of casualties on the dandelion side, as we have had to proceed with biological warfare after the individual skirmishes resulted in a severe defeat for us. I hope the bunnies are not upset by the measures we have had to take and there are no disturbances with their force.

Speaking of bunnies, as D and I were walking around our neighborhood the other night, we found a little cul de sac area that had 8, yes, count them 8, bunnies settling down for a good munch. Around our block, I know we have a couple, but 8? My goodness. And today, the paper taught us that bunnies often desert their young for long hours before returning with some food. This is because they know that they are prey and so by keeping away, they are actually saving the bunnies from death, even though sometimes the young die of starvation. Huh – interesting.

I made a frittata one night. I have decided that while it is a visually appetizing dish, in fact, I do not like it. Maybe my recipe was just not a good one, but the veggies were hardly cooked and the eggs were undercooked. Not the resounding success I desired. Now, it could be because I have never had a frittata before and maybe it is supposed to be like that. If so, not interested. Indeed, I tossed the recipe into the recycling the next day. Sorry folks. The bonus out of making the frittata is that I bought a ham for the frittata and so on Wednesday I had the wonderful comfort food of leftover ham, scalloped potatoes and cream corn. Mmm-mmmm!

Have you ever had a friend that you didn’t want to share with anyone? You just get along with them so great that you don’t want to chance the possibility of ruining it by introducing them to your friends? I have a couple friends like that. I also have a couple blogs like that. Often when I am bored, I will blog surf. Especially fun in blogger cause they have that nifty next blog button just at the top right – go ahead and look – it has always been there. You can find some interesting blogs there. Same with their log in screen where they scroll recently updated blogs. I would love to eventually be on the blogs of note, but really, who looks at that stuff other than me? Heehee. Anyway, I have come across several blogs that I now visit on a regular basis. Sometimes, I pass info I learned from them on. I had a friend the other day ask where I got the info and I was totally hesitant from telling her. In fact, I didn’t tell her the specifics, just that I got it from someone's blog. I don’t know the person in the blog personally, but it is like the blogger and I have this intimate relationship because none of my other friends know of them, as far as I know. And I like that. I like that I don’t have to worry about others reading the blog and commenting on it. I can just enjoy it for what it is. I feel like if I share it, not only will I have to deal with the harsh opinions from my friends (the blogger likes Britney Spears as well), but someone might someday say something that will change the way I read the blog and that I do not want. So for now, me and the blogger have a nice intimate relationship that I hide from my friends – maybe it’s dirty, maybe it’s bad for me, but it is all mine, baby.

In other news, have I mentioned that I am a bad Edmontonian? I really don’t care if the Oilers win and if people continue the behavior they have been taking the last two times we have won, I will actually start hoping the Oilers lose. Ha, take that. But seriously, rioting and stabbing people because the Oilers are tied in a playoff match? It is not the most important game yet people. And for god’s sake, it is just a game. What is it with people lately that the only thing they seem to get excited about to excess is a hockey game? It is a game played by men who should have grown up by now, who get paid mega-money to hit a black puck. How does this help society? How does this even matter in the grand scheme of things? Our need for entertainment and our seemingly lack of ability to entertain ourselves is truly pathetic. Don’t get me wrong; I am certainly not advocating we get rid of all excess entertainment. Goodness knows I was upset when Buffy was cancelled. But I think the year off of hockey we had was the best year yet. People found other things to entertain themselves, whether it is junior hockey, soccer or even – hanging out with their friends and family – gasp! But to riot over a hockey game – not even a game that would have had in or out consequences – it just tied us 2-2 with the sharks. Come on. What are you going to do if they beat the sharks? What is bigger than rioting and injuring people? I really don’t want to find out. Go home people and celebrate any victory quietly in your house with your friends and family. Keep it off the streets and keep it violence free.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

April showers bring May flowers

So why are we getting torrential downpours in May? Doesn't mother nature know the poem? Can't we stick to the program? Especially since I had fabulous plans of mowing the lawns (back was done today, before rain), picking dandelions (oh, the rain certainly won't help them grow, eh?), washing my car (someone said it was orange in color - it's red, so I think I really need to wash it) and planting lettuce (cause the journal's gardening guy said I could).

So instead, I am inside, working on my computer and wasting some time. Needless to say, while I have on had 2 tiny batches of sugar (sugar!!! yum), I am all energy filled, wanting to do something. So tonight, when D gets home, I am sure I will be bouncing off the walls wanting to do SOMETHING. Course that is as bad as being so hungry that you want FOOD. Have you ever been at that state? I hate it, because that is when the brain just doesn't work. I can't decide what to eat, I just need food and I need it now, so please provide. Tonight will be the same - I don't know what I want to do - but I need to do something, so please provide.

I am rant-free today. I did that yesterday evening about work and now, I am rant-free. I could re-iterate the fun of working with people and the differing levels of ethics and common sense, but really, anyone who has worked with a group understands the dynamics that evolve. Sometimes, I am still amazed at what people will do and say. We all have lines that we won't cross and those lines do not match up amongst individuals. What I consider basic common sense of what not to do, certainly is not the same as what others believe. One of my co-facilitators said something in front of the trainees and when she told me, I was shocked. It was something I would say to my co-facilitators, but to the trainees?!? Whoa. I just hope it doesn't come back and bite us in the arse.

Oh, just thought of something - I don't know if any of you watch Ghost Whisperer. Yesterday's season finale was spectatular. I won't give away the ending, but it was so heartwrenching and so wonderfully done. I am glad that rumor states it will be returning next year.

And talk about cliffhangers this year - Supernatural - wonderful finale - OMG it was the perfect stop. They could not come back and you'd know what happened. If they come back, it will be perfect the season opening. Whoo - shivers.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I pay $59 and leave PEI

Ever feel like you are moving along a different path from everyone and then wonder if your path will ever intersect with someone else’s ever again?

My life has calmed again. D’s parents decided on Friday to mention that they would be in town on Saturday and would like to go to lunch with us. Saturday - as in the very next day. And they have never seen the new house. Needless to say, while D was off playing games, I spent Friday night and then Saturday morning cleaning the house to a standard that is suitable for parents. Couldn’t do anything about my own figure, but the house looked damn hot!

I was reminded tonight as I did the laundry and the dishes, just how nice the house looks and how wonderful I feel walking through it when it is clean. I just feel so relaxed. So… accomplished. That is a nice feeling. Course D has already made a mark. I swear D thinks that I am the only one who lives in the house, cause everywhere I go, there is this little pile to remind me that D lives here too. Like I didn’t know. Weirdo. Heehee.

Work is chaotic and then not so much. I have so much I want to do and right now, no time to get heavily involved with it. I need a good couple of hours and unfortunately, or would it be fortunately, I cannot do anymore from home. The rest all involves a site on our intranet, and there is no access outside of work. Sucky.

Lots of rumors in the air as well. People are still talking about how great I am – still very weird to hear. The big boss mentioned that I am such a keener, that if he had his choice I would be involved in another project right now. Thanks. But my calendar is quite full right now. Heh heh. Whew. That project involves a lot of travel, and while I don’t knock traveling, I hate the whole driving to the middle of nowhere’s ville where there is nothing to do. I suppose I would get a lot of reading done. And maybe, if I got a room with a Jacuzzi tub… nah, I doubt the company would spring for that.

Tomorrow is my last day in my usual job until June 19. While I will miss it, goodness, it is so nice not to have to be up front all the time. Not to have to deal with people all the time. Not to be interrupted in the middle of a task all the time. Hmmm, sounding a little bitter there, eh? Most of the people are so nice that I deal with. And most of them like me. There is just soooo many changes that happened in the last 1.5 months that I have been gone and no one let me know about them, I just got thrown back into my job, without so much as a “oh yeah, while we were gone, we did this.” Okay not true, I did get a “while you were gone, we broke your computer.” It didn’t get fixed until the day before I took over the seat and they broke it 4 weeks prior to that date. But today, 3 weeks after I returned, and I find out that over a month ago, they changed the procedure for something that I deal with a few times a month. Oops. The funny thing was that the supervisor looks at me and says “we discussed in a meeting about 4 or 5 weeks ago.” I added to his statement that I wasn’t here and I don’t remember it being in the minutes. He just shrugged and smiled. I did wait until I turned around before I rolled my eyes.

We had A&J over for supper the other night and they brought PEI monopoly. I personally hate monopoly. Never understood the point of playing once you had bought all the properties. Capitalism just isn’t in my genes, I guess, plus in my family, we generally played to have fun, not just to screw everyone over which is most people’s ideas of game play. So we played PEI monopoly and it was interesting and we had some good laughs, but I said at the beginning, that I only wanted to play if we agreed no houses, no hotels. Then D bought houses, and then everyone but me bought houses, and then D bought a third set of houses and since I was going to be going past go again, I decided to pay $59 to leave PEI (which is what it really costs to leave PEI). It took everyone a few moments to get what I was saying, but then they all laughed and we adjourned to the living room to talk and enjoy tea and lemon meringue pie. Hey, no one can complain, cause I at least tried the game. While it is funny, because of all the little jokes we had, it still monopoly and once the properties are bought, the rest is just trying to screw everyone over.

Though I will admit some of my properties were good buys. It seems everyone lands on the ice cream shop – so I was guaranteed $6 from everyone, several times. Otherwise, they were perfectly placed so I tended to land on my own property and therefore did not have to pay. Heehee. By the end of the game, I owned a costume shop (very appropriate for me), the ice cream shop, the power company, the telephone company (though why I had to pay for internet when I owned the telephone company, I don't know), the sanitation department and the environmental company. I like the whole spread. It's nice and very connected. (I can't help but do the cheesy, big arse grin of a salesperson with that last sentence, I can even imagine my teeth with that twinkle of perfection.)