Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Authors say Brrrrr, Human beings say Fuckin’ Cold

Oh my goodness, this weather SUCKS! It is sooo cold in my house and even colder outside my house. Let me recount the wonders of my weekend and today to explain...

Friday morning – temperature is –17C, with the windchill, it was –32C. Arghhhh – Despite my overdressing, I froze walking to work. Fully fell this morning as I crossed the extremely ice road in front of a cabbie, however it was that ever so graceful fall onto one knee, with arms extended for perfect posture. Not hurt, but muscles do not appreciate being extended when they are frozen. Fortunately, pity was taken on me and I got a ride home.

Friday night was a wonderful night. The Hat took me out for dinner for my b-day and though I was nervous (I always worry that I won’t have anything to talk about), I think we both had a great time and there was rarely a time of awkwardness or uncomfortable silence, well, maybe when the waitress mentioned for the 3rd time that we were taking a long time to eat, but other than that it was good. We braved the roads for a quick bite at Royal Pizza and then back to my place to just chat.

Saturday, D and I braved the cold and did more Christmas shopping. We finished all but D’s family and one friend. Rockin! Saturday night, milady and I went over to L’s to watch YaYa! That was fun. The most interesting event was that their furnace blew its pilot light. Us girls tried 3 times to get it lit, but no such luck. A call was put in and L was told 24 hours to get someone to look at it. 24 hours when the weather outside was like –32 without windchill. Yikes! Luckily someone showed up at 1am and a small piece was fixed and they have heat again. Thank the lucky stars.

Sunday, D and I braved the cold again as we finally had D’s family’s want list. We got one gift, I think. Then we hunkered down all night, trying to pretend we weren’t freezing.

Monday morning – temperature is –23C, with windchill – 32C. Brrrrrrrrrr! More clothing on, still froze. Monday afternoon, still cold walking home and deep snow had to be shoveled. I gave up after doing half of the back yard and the entire front. Thanks whichever neighbor shoveled my walk that morning, as the snow was not as deep on the city sidewalks. D cheated and brought out the snow blower.

Tuesday morning, wake up, freeze while taking a shower, find out the house is sitting at 60F (which is 15C). Nicer than outside, but since my normal morning temperature is 70F (21C), oh my goodness. Find out the furnace pilot is out. Wondering at this point what higher being I pissed off that they had to have me experience this phenomenon twice within the last few days. Figure out how to start it and it works. Furnace blows for the entire 40 minutes left before I leave. Temperature outside is –40 with the windchill. I have now added a second scarf in addition to my arm warmers, an additional pair of pants, heavy duty ski gloves, long 3/4 length coat, toque and winter hiking boots. Glasses went into a carrying case so I could wear my scarf tight on my face. Eyelashes frosted over, blurring sight even more than the lack of eyeglasses. Frozen by the time I got to work. However, big thanks to the drivers who have graciously stopped for me. I totally appreciate not having to wait in that weather as you drive by in your warm vehicle.

Tuesday afternoon, no pity on me and I bundle up to walk home, enter house to find it at 66F, not the 70F it should be. Pilot light is out again. Once again I get it started and finally 3 hours after I set it up again, the house is finally at 70F. Please Mr furnace – don’t do this anymore. My poor body cannot handle this dreadful weather outside, if I cannot count on my home being warm and cozy. I know I have a spell to encourage the printer to work properly; there must be one for a furnace. If I wake up tomorrow and the furnace has chosen to not work again, I refuse to go to work. I will just have to brave the possible 24-hour wait and get the furnace fixed. I just hope it is an anomaly. Please, please, please.

Also Tuesday afternoon, 3 presents left to get. Then we are officially done our Christmas shopping. Next on the agenda – Christmas cards. Heehee

Currently it is –27C outside and with the windchill it feels like –38F. I don’t think it has been this bad for windchill in years and certainly not for this long. I do not want to find out the temperature for tomorrow. It is rather depressing. Maybe this headache I am fighting will win and I can call in sick and my furnace will work and thus I can hibernate for the day and just veg in warmth. Wouldn’t that be nice? Sighhhh.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Whew! Wasn't Freud.

You scored as C.G. Jung. You are more of a spiritualist than would be immediately apparent. Some of your notions are questioned by the cynical, but deep down you know the human consciousness is more than the flesh and tissue can account for. You tend to take a scientific observationist look on matters the average person wouldn't even begin to analyze. You personally are responsible for most of the ideas that are floating around in modern psychologist's/psychic's paltry little skulls. On the down side, you tend to be associated with that asshole Freud.

C.G. Jung


Dante Alighieri


Friedrich Nietzsche


Sigmund Freud


Adolf Hitler


Elvis Presley


Steven Morrissey


Miyamoto Musashi


Jesus Christ


Hugh Hefner


Stephen Hawking


O.J. Simpson


Mother Teresa


Charles Manson


What Pseudo Historical Figure Best Suits You?
created with QuizFarm.com

Monday, November 20, 2006

I wanna talk about me, wanna talk about I, about number one, oh me oh my...

So I realized that lately I have been using my blog as sort of weekend edition of my life. It’s like other than the odd (okay sometimes more than odd) complaint about work, I seem only to talk about Friday night through Sunday. Course, I think that is when my life tends to be slightly less ordinary. I mean seriously, what excitement do I expect will happen during the week – here’s my schedule:

Monday – get up, go to work, come home, prepare supper, eat while watching shows, experience higher heart rate during the excitement of heroes, do something to occupy time (such as blog), pretend I care about chores, go to bed.

Tuesday – get up, go to work, come home, prepare supper, eat while watching shows, debate on exercising, do a couple hours of chores, go to bed.

Wednesday – get up, go to work, come home, prepare supper, eat with N & D while watching massive number of shows, go to bed.

Thursday – get up, go to work, come home, prepare supper, eat while watching shows, experience higher heart rate during Supernatural, debate whether that constituted exercise, debate on catching up on purgatory, do a couple hours of chores, go to bed.

Friday – get up, go to work, come home, prepare supper, eat while watching show, start weekend life.

See what I mean. How can anything exciting happen? There is no time. Sometime in there, I also have to pay bills and upkeep the finances, tidy my office and do whatever the season dictates (eg – shovel, mow, weed, plan Christmas presents). And people wonder when I am supposed to fit Pole Dancing or Lap Dancing classes in there. Have to wait until summer, when tv is over. Heehee.

Alright, back to the excitement of the weekend – Friday was chore night, though I did make a wonderful dinner of pasta with meat sauce. Yum!

Saturday was an exciting day of hurry and wait. We did a marathon of shopping, hitting as far east as Giant Tiger and as far West as WEM. Got a couple more Christmas presents checked off. Whoohoo! However, I have not been to WEM in probably 8 months and wow, has that mall gone downhill. I mean really, if I wanted to, I could hit all those stores pretty much at Kingsway or Londonderry, in fact, the strip malls I usually shop at have better selection. The only shop I really go to WEM for anymore is Millenium, though man has that place become a low class Sanctuary with exorbitant prices. I got a few really cool cards that I tend to use as pictures, but other than that, the mall was horrible. It also didn’t help that according to my pedometer, from phase 2 to phase one and back to phase 4 (So 1.5 times the length of the mall +) was only 500 steps. I don’t have that big of steps. Kinda peeved me since that skewed my daily amount. Stupid pedometer. Then D and I went to Julio Barrio’s for dinner. It was nice. I haven’t been there in a few years (like 8-10 years) and the food was good, the fried ice cream was nummy and the service was pretty good. Good portions as well for the price. D wasn’t a fan, but it was my turn to pick.

Sunday was another marathon shopping day, however D & I had one mall and a time limit – 30 minutes in Londonderry – to shop separately and get what we could. D was shopping for me birfday, me was shopping for stocking stuffers. Instead of stocking stuffers, I ended up getting a couple more presents and only 2 stocking stuffers. Oh well. Finishing there, we popped by my parents for cake and ice cream and a wonderful catch up of news. You can sure tell when you get my family together. We can just talk ang talk and we bounce from person to person and topic to topic and it is very informative, though I pity anyone on the outside, like poor D, cause if you can’t keep up, you just got to sit back and keep quiet. It has got to be interesting watching us though. I know sometimes I pause and think wow, it’s like doubles tennis games. Heehee.

After a fabulous supper of pigs n blanket and salad, it was off to gaming. I have this whole speech in my head, that I have had for a few days, I never got to actually say it in character and I don’t know if I ever will get a chance (we are saving the world after all – save the cheerleader, save the world). It did come out a bit as players about what happened following the death of one of our team, but no one really pushed in character. Other than that catty paladin's comments. Heehee. The new character just sort of came in and is tagging along cause we are too busy to really care. Though there are a few trying to get to know him. I know his name, but that is all. Give me a couple of weeks after this week’s saving the world campaign and maybe my character will try a little harder. Right now, I just want to take out a few things, maybe find some plaything to take out these repressed emotions on and fight some more. And figure out how to get a wand of predigitation (spelling) that I can use so I don’t have to worry about being clean and pristine all the time. Saving the world is a dirty job you know. I think elves should just naturally be able to stay clean, like when legolas walks on snow. The snow doesn’t stick to him, therefore dirt should not stick to me. Seems fair to me.

Speaking of which, y’all hear about Peter Jackson possibly doing The Hobbit and then a second movie based on the footnotes that will tie The Hobbit into Lord of the Rings. I am actually excited about those, though I don’t think Legolas is in the movies and therefore, I don’t know if I want to see the movie. Without Orlando, or worse, without Dom/Billy/Orli, what kind of story could capture my interest? Heehee.

Oh and the TomKat wedding this weekend was all a farce, like a certain couple we know, the actual wedding happened earlier (the week before in America), and this wedding was just for show. Seriously, they have nothing better to spend their money on? Katie looked stunning, though, in her dress as she married a man old enough to be her father. I foresee long veils that act as trains being all the rage for the rest of the year. Really she is a very pretty girl and even in the photos of her ‘looking nervously’ out the window to see if Tom arrives, she still looked stunning. Unlike her husband who showed up looking like he had just arrived from his bachelor party, still hung over. Did no one tell him to style his hair before he drove up to the castle? It seriously looked like he had just gotten out of bed. Sighhh!

Awwww, I stole the jelly bellies out of the living room cause D was eating them all, but now all the pear ones are gone. Guess I can put them back in the living room. Sighhhh.

So what is exciting this week? Tomorrow is my b-day. I am always excited about my birthday. It’s supposedly the one day a year when the world is about me… what, you don’t believe me, pushaw, get with the program, it is supposed to be all about me. Heehee. Nothing really planned besides dinner. I am still unsure of where I want to go. It used to be that tradition was Olive Garden, but I am tired of it. Don’t get me wrong, I love Olive Garden and the all you can eat breadsticks, salad and soup special, I just need something different. I think I am looking for something a little more hearty – something a little meatier – stop reading for a second A, I think I want Steak! With a loaded baked potato and maybe some mushrooms on the side. Yummmmy! Okay you can read again A, I am done talking about… stuff. Heehee.

But back to grindstone. I have some chores to do and have to rev myself up to call and complain to a business Ideal with. I am really getting tired of having the charge on my bill before I get my product and the price does not match what I remember agreeing to. I think someone and I need to have a little talk. I need to work on some kneecaps, get what I want, instead of just giving in to what they say. Need to stand up for myself and tell the shysters to back off. Okay, enough cowboy talk. I am off. Think happy thoughts for me tomorrow y’all. :)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Legolas is my house elf...

My favorite author has introduced me to this site- I think all my friends will find something interesting here. Heehee. Please amuse yourself at leisure. There are so many that I laughed out loud at and so many that I would love to get. :)

---{100 Little Things You May Or May Not Know About Me}---

1. Full Name: Not Telling
2. Nickname(s): Bitch
3. Birthday: Nov 21
4. Place of Birth: AB
5. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, through and through
6. Male or Female: Female
7. Grade: University Degrees
8. School: U of A
9. Occupation: formerly Just the Receptionist, now Girl Friday (I do it all)
10. Residence: Alberta
11. Screen Name: Taryn

__Your Appearance___

12. Hair Color: Reddish Brown
13. Hair Length: Shortish
14. Eye color: Hazel Green with a beauty mark in the right eye
15. Best Feature: I like my breasts and my eyes
16. Height: Average North American height
17. Braces?: No
18. Glasses?: Yep
19. Piercing: Just my ears
20. Tattoos: When they become less popular, maybe
21. Righty or Lefty: Depends on what I am doing

___Your 'Firsts'___

22. First best friend: Candy D.
23. First Award: Something hockey, I think or something scholastic
24. First Sport You Joined: Hockey (I played defense, my then bf played offense, course I was in grade 1)
25. First pet: The first whose name I remember – a dog named Sarge
26. First Real Vacation: Supposedly, when I was 3, I lived the high life and not only saw Fritz the Cat (I thought the cat was very pretty – who knew he was also naughty?!?), but also went to BC.
27. First Concert: Moxy Fruvous, with Jann Arden opening
28. First Love: Jamie

___ Favorites___

29. Movie: Princess Bride or Rocky Horror Picture Show or more recent Moulin Rouge
30. TV Show: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
31. Colors: Red/Black
32. Rapper: Eminem
33. Band: Evanescence
34. Song Right Now: Sexyback or Hips Don’t lie or U & UR hand
35. Friend: depends on my moods
36. Candy: Soft toffee
37. Sport to Play: Shopping – hey shopping is a sport!
38. Restaurant: the Keg – I looooove steak
39. Favorite brand to wear: I am not loyal to one brand, fit is more important (right Stacy and Clinton?)
40. Store: Chapters/Coles
41. School Subject: Math, English – really anything except Social Studies and Gym, oh and typing – who knew you could actually get worse in grades as the semester went along?
42. Animal: Cat – in particular a black panther
43. Book: Anything Laurell K Hamilton or Where the Wild Things Are
44. Magazine: Style at Home (decorating) or Romantic Times (book reviews)
45. Shoes: black boots


46. Feeling: Frustrated, Lonely, Undecided
47. Single or Taken?: Open for discussion
48. Have a crush: Nathaniel, or DomBillyOrli
49. Eating: Nothing, it is after 9 pm
50. Drinking: Crystal Lite Pink Lemonade – my favorite
51. Typing: this meme
52. Online?: Not until I finish this
53. Listening To: Britney at this very moment, though I have my music on random
54. Thinking About: How silly I was to do this meme
55. Wanting To: Sleep, perchance to dream
56. Watching: Nothing on at this time on a Tuesday
57. Wearing: Clothes, but no socks


58. Want Kids?: Depends on my mood
59. Want to be Married?: Checked off already
61. Where do you want to live: In the middle of a forest in a cozy little cabin with limited access – well, that’s the dream – reality, right in this house with all the renos done
62. Car: Something that flies – no, I mean literally flies- like a bird

__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___

63. Hair color: Dark
64. Hair length: Depends on the face
65. Eye color: Prefer blue, though ones that change color are really hot too
66. Measurements: As long as his chest is smaller than mine and larger than his stomach
67. Cute or Sexy: Sexy
68. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
69. Hugs or Kisses: Kisses
70. Short or Tall: Same height preferred
71. Easygoing or serious: Both
73. Fatty or Skinny: More towards skinny, though not enough that I can break him
74. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitively loud
75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship – preferably friendship with perks
76. Sweet or Caring: Both
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: Both – I want it all.

___Have you ever______

78. Kissed a Stranger: Yes
79. Had Alcohol: Yes, but only sips.
80. Smoked: Yes, my grandfather made me and successfully encouraged me to never smoke again
81. Ran Away From Home: No
82. Broken a bone: Yes
83. Got an X-ray: Yes, every year with the dentist – though not this year, and yet no cavities.
84. Been with someone: Define ‘been’
85. Broken Someone’s Heart: I honestly don’t know
86. Broke Up With Someone: Yes
87. Cried When Someone Died: Yes
88. Cried At School: No, I rarely cried outside of my room

___Do You Believe In___

89. God: Undecided
90. Miracles: Yes
91. Love At First sight: Love, no – Lust- hell ya!
92. Ghosts: Ah man, did you have to bring them up?
93. Aliens: We really can’t be all the universe has to offer, can we?
94. Soul Mates: Yes, though I believe we can have more than one and sometimes they can be platonic
95. Heaven: The optimist in me says yes
96. Hell: The pessimist says that is what we have made earth – though there is that theory that hell froze over and that is where Harper came from. Heehee
97. Angels: beings of good, yes.
98. Kissing on The First Date: Just kissing? - sure :)
99. Horoscopes: When I need to

___Answer Truthfully___

100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't have?: Of course.

Stole from milady cause I know y'all want to know about me... :)

Monday, November 13, 2006

What Not to Wear flyers

What ever did we do to deserve this weather? I understand we were totally spoiled the last few years and I missed the snow at Christmas time and I know the environment and us need the moisture – but enough already! We can take a few weeks of a break from snow, really, I wouldn’t mind. Heh heh. I have shoveled twice today and the snow is still coming down. And I am reminded again (as I am every winter) that I hate the people who put in our front walk. Oh during spring through fall, it is lovely with the stonework and sometimes the grass grows in between and it gives the front yard some character. Then the snow begins to fall…and I hate the grass that grew between the stones, as now it is an obstacle to the shovel and I hate the intricate stonework because the snow just doesn’t come off so easily. And we need to buy another shovel as with all the cracks and unevenness to the sidewalks and driveways, the shovel end is slowly being torn away. Why couldn’t I have noticed this in Spring when all shovels are on sale? Sighhhh.

Other than that, I spent some of my day with my good friend milady (hi milady!). We went out for a brief lunch at Kelsey’s. The service was slow (to be expected with the shortage of workers), but I guess we should have complained A LOT more. The ladies who came in after us whined and complained and were outright rude to the server and they got lunch for free (well, it sounded like that is what the server said). I wanted to make a remark about the fact that they obviously need more to keep them occupied as they had obviously ran out of topics to talk about, but what is the point? I just hate that such rude behavior is rewarded. I understand what they are complaining about, after all, silly us ordered from BPs on Friday. That is a mistake that I don’t think I will be repeating anytime soon. We are warned that it would be 60 to 90 minutes. Fine, we had a movie to watch and food will show up in the middle. At 90 minutes, we call to see where we are in line for food, we are told we will get a call from the store letting us know the timeframe. No call. At 140 minutes (2 hour and 20 minute mark), we call again, asking what is up. The person says they will definitely get the manager to call us. No call. We are just about to call and cancel everything, when, at 2 hours and 45 minutes, the food shows up. Still no call, no explanation, nothing. To me, that is the worst service one can get. I can understand that things happen, but let me know. You got backed up, the driver was in an accident, you ran out of onions, whatever, let me know what has happened so I am aware of what is going on and I am not thinking “What assholes BPs are as usual.” Instead they do nothing and so in return I am using my right to free speech, and if you are one of those rare people who still eats from BPs occasionally, I say DON'T. Don’t eat there, don’t order there, and don’t even consider them. I am sure someplace else will satisfy you in a better and timelier fashion.

Anyway, milady and I had a wonderful time and then very naughtily stopped at Pier One. We were just supposed to window shop and I made sure milady bought nothing. Unfortunately, I walked out with three candles. Mmmm, they smell so nice – there is icy citrus, blackstone and downpour. A very fruity one, a woodsy one and then the smell of the earth after a cleansing rain – I was quite eclectic with my smells today. Interesting. Heehee.

This weekend has been okay for a long weekend. On Friday was the BP fiasco, but we did get to see Aeon Flux which was pretty good. I have no background to the show other than knowing it was supposedly a comic book, so for me, it was good (mind you, the BPs fiasco might have distracted me enough to make it seem good, but I am going with the movie was good). Saturday was a day of shopping (another Christmas present down), and then I went to the Roost with A&J, B&C, DG and D. That was a study in human behavior. What is it with people’s shoes lately? There are some of the most awful shoes on people lately. And they don’t match the outfits at all. There was the eighties dressed chick – black leggings, dark blue tunic shirt and then metallic purple flats. Ewwww! There was the guy whose sneakers looked like he was wearing socks with sandals. There was the librarian with horrible flats – it looked like they were once heeled shoes, but the heels broke off and she kept wearing them. And then there was the guy with the hat – he looked like any normal guy off the street in jeans and a hoodie. Then he added the sparkle toque. It was just bad and it was all I could look at when he walked by. I really couldn’t tell you what his face looked like cause all I could see was the sparkle of sequins that made up his hat. I really want to make up some flyers that say (pretend the copyright is where needed)
“CONGRADS! You are a candidate for What Not to Wear. Please visit the website at tlc.discovery.com to enter your name.”
The music was really good though, very danceable for the most part, though the mixes were a little odd – the 80’s in 5 minutes song or the ABBA in 5 minutes song. And A missed her favorite karaoke song - it played just after D and I arrived. And there was one slow dance song – that was odd. Though I did enjoy them playing Pink’s U & UR Hand. I love that song. Heehee.

Sunday was pretty slow. A little bit of shopping – I broke down and bought some space heaters. They have to be cheaper than turning up the heat. And I finally made the shelf to go behind the bed. I was not impressed Sunday morning at 9:30 am when I grabbed my second pillow and when I laid my head down, the pillow was freezing. I got out of bed about 15 minutes later as I could no longer sleep. So now there is a headboard and my pillow no longer has to touch the cold outer wall. (Yes, I am ignoring the fact that I really need to put more insulation in the walls.) The bad thing is that now I can easily see all the books I bought that I need to read. Oops!

Tomorrow is back to work and a wonderful trudge through all that snow to get there. I hope I don’t have to shovel after work again.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Always look on the bright side of life...

What Type of Eyes Does Your Soul Have? (girls)(pics)

Eyes of Innocence - Your soul posesses Eyes of Innocence. These eyes are often held by young children and those who have a tendency to look at the world sunny side up. You are a rather serious person, though are capable of having fun. You are most likely highly religious and take pride in refusing to join the rest of the world in what you percieve to be evil deeds. You have a tendency to ignore that which is dark in the world and only focus upon that which is beautiful and good. Though most would consider this a good philosophy to live by, someday it will get you into trouble. You believe in giving everyone a hundred chances over and trust very easily. You've been taken advantage of by those who love to prey on the kind of heart, like yourself, but you have not let it get you down just yet. You know some people are bad, but you like to believe that no soul is completely black, and you believe in befriending even the most undesirable people.
Take this quiz!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So beautiful to look at, so easy to annoy

What a weird weekend. D was home for the whole time. It was odd. Saturday morning, someone rang the bell at 10 and all I heard was the elephant (D) running downstairs to open the door and find out who it was. Supposedly, the sun blocked the view and D just took the religious pamphlet. About an hour later, someone rang the bell again and D again ran down to open it, only to find boy scouts selling chocolate. See when I am home, I don’t answer the door before noon unless I know about it. If the doorbell rings twice, I will go to the closest window and see who it might be, but unless it is someone I know (my parents used to be horrible for coming by at 10:30 am), too bad, so sad. However, in the ensuing mess, I have decided to work on a sign for the front door. I think it should read
Occupants may sleep in the nude. Ring this doorbell before noon and you’ll find out for sure.
I think it has a nice vibe to it, eh?

Saturday afternoon was spent in a flurry of shopping for Dawali. It is custom to buy something new for Dawali to help usher in the fortune of the coming year (as far as I understand) so D and I hit several stores in several strip malls/malls. I bought 3 new jackets (in a smaller size!!!) that are really cool and D bought a new pair of jeans (they are actually blue jeans, not black jeans, but blue. Shocking, I know.)

Dawali was its ever entertaining evening, spent with good food (LOVE gilabi and the other addicts weren’t there, so there was tons) and great company. The gift turned out awesome (I think) and the pics of Ganesh were fabulous.

Sunday was a flurry of activity as well as D and I headed over to the usual mall for the usual treats (mmmm, slush float), usual haunts (books, magazines and more books) and usual grumblings of lack of stores in the mall.

Sunday night was spent gaming – we lost a character and he rolled a dice to determine if his character was willing to come back. Part of me is appalled that he rolled the dice to make that decision, and the other part of me thinks that if you think so little of your character that you base his life on a dice roll, then it is probably good that he died. And what a waste of charges from what could have been a really cool staff. My only concern is that the player will start power gaming his new character and that the new character isn’t going to fit into the group and the vision we originally had for the group. Whatever. I now have to figure out in the game how to return something of his to his family so they are aware of what happened and such. I have concerns about pillaging a former player character’s stuff as well. It’s like pillaging someone’s stuff when they die. You want something to remember them by, but people get so caught up in take, take, taking. But that is just my own memories of what happened to the family when either of my grandmothers died.

Had a disagreement with the other players about what a ‘good’ person would do in a crisis. I have actually had this argument before, and I still stand by my thinking. The situation is something is attacking a town full of people you don’t know. You rush out to help, almost die, retreat. You heal, return to the fight and get beat up again, nearing death. Do you: (a) fight to the death cause that is what a ‘good’ person does, (b) retreat, heal and figure out another way to fight, or (c) retreat to live another day. There are endless possibilities, but those are the basics. According to several people, a ‘good’ person would fight to the death to save those few they can. I don’t think that is entirely true. Both other options are viable for ‘good’ people. I play chaotic good, which means that I generally lean towards good. However, I don’t play stupid good. It is better for me and the town to do either (b) or (c). I think it goes down to the thought of - is it okay to sacrifice one for the good of many. I have rarely agreed with most people on these thoughts. Partly because I am not altogether altruistic and partly because I don’t think anyone should be sacrificed if possible. I believe that I am generally a good person and thus I generally play good characters. I don’t play evil, because I just cannot play someone who is that selfish. But if I was in a situation where I had to choose (a), (b) or (c), I can pretty much assure you, (a) will not be my choice. I don’t think the others are wrong in their thinking, I just think that each of us believe in good in their own way and we each have to accept that. In the character situation, the character died, so did several other town members and the attacker got away to live another day. Did he actually save anyone? Did he do ‘good’ by dying before the attacker was neutralized? The attacker can return another day and kill another bunch of people. So really, what was the point of his sacrifice? That he did the sacrifice? Is that what makes him ‘good’? If he killed the attacker and died, would that be a worthwhile sacrifice? Would that make his death more worthy? Ahhhh - the spiritual questions of D&D. Heehee.

Other than that, work has been it’s usual childish self. The big difference is my direct boss is backing me more and is totally peeved at the others. The latest as of yesterday – I am not useful enough to do my new job. Supposedly I don’t see enough clients. The funny thing about this is that the person doing the loudest complaining is the person who, prior to Friday, was the person everyone else complained about not seeing enough clients. Of course, what happened on Friday was that I had other things to do in the morning and seeing as how we are slowest then, I chose to do them at the time. I let the person at reception know what I was doing and my boss knew what I had to do, but no one else did. And so when two of them had to take the whole 4 clients who came in that hour, and they didn’t know where I was, they immediately decided that I was worthless. According to them, I should let them know what I am doing. It is amazing how many bosses I suddenly have. That led to someone going above my boss’s head to complain to me (big mistake since all the bosses above my boss are completely okay with what I do and know what ‘other’ duties I am responsible for). That led to a talking to on Monday from both my boss and my boss’s boss to at least one person, perhaps two. And still, I have the bosses’ support to do what I must do. Has anything changed? Hard to say since I was doing my previous job today and thus was back ‘in my place’ according to the other coworkers. Sighhhh.

Had a dream this morning that this town, where I was visiting relatives, was overtaken by these zombie/vampires type things. They kept changing everyone into these things, but they could only stay in the dark/shadows. Light caused them to go to ash. It was very disturbing as the group of survivors I was with dwindled to a mom and her two kids, a handyman and myself. The mother sacrificed herself to help us get away with the kids. The handyman was attacked when returning from a mission to obtain a drill and long screws. He threw us the long screws and the drill as he was being taken down and because of the sun streaming into the building where we were, we managed to install locks, deadbolts, etc on the doors with these really long screws. The dream ended with the kids and I in this one room, in the dark, the zombies banging on the door and the ‘military’ showing up with bright lights to save us. Thank goodness for alarms. However, the dream has stayed with me in vivid detail for the entire day. I know I have had part of the dream before, but I think I managed to wake up and dismiss it last time.

Anyway, those are my thoughts for today.