Friday, April 27, 2007

Learn the difference between right and wrong.

You’ll probably choose wrong, but you should at least know which is which.

Get this – I saw the doc today for a refill on a prescription and I am told that she will no longer be providing birth control prescriptions due to a change in her practice. I am sorry – but what the?!? I was too stunned to ask why and I wanted to see if she covered why in the pamphlet, but she didn’t. It just says that if you take the pill for cycle control or acne, then she will continue to prescribe it, but if not, then no go. Why should my right to choose whether or not I assist in overpopulating this world be denied by my medical doctor? I mean, seriously, the only reason I can fathom is that due to her beliefs (religious or otherwise), she does not agree with the choice to remain childless. I mean, great, but your choice should not hinder my choice. So now, I have to see if my pharmacy was one of the wonderful ones that will write up prescriptions for me OR I need to start looking for another doctor, which in this market, is virtually impossible.

And goodness forbid, you get sick. Because she also isn’t taking any ‘fit ins,’ you just get the next available time she is available. I actually heard the receptionist tell someone that the next available time was Wednesday late at night or Thursday afternoon, but if the person gets sick, they should go to the hospital. What the heck happened to our medical service? Supposedly our appointments are only 10 minutes long, so you better hope your condition doesn’t require longer than that to explain or be examined. I am still stunned by the message given in this pamphlet. I certainly did not get the feeling that she cares about her clients. I understand that you are busy. Who isn’t? But to disregard your clients in such a manner is just... arrogant. You know, I go out of my way to chart my blood pressure and put in on a graph for her (cause she casually mentioned that it would help her) and she can’t take a minute to add my birth control pills to my prescription list once a year. Wow.

Speaking of busy, at 1:10 pm, I was still taking people who had arrived at the office prior to 9 am. Wanna talk about the definition of stress? We broke our previous record of number of people waiting. We were short staffed and I had to finish training one person in the morning and I had to leave early for my doctor’s appt. Talk about screwed. I did the best I could in the time I could. It’s never enough, but such is the economy.

D&D – we have survived the war, though there is one last skirmish we need to complete. I, the player, am exhausted for my character. It has been non-stop for over a month for my character and I think she is suffering from post-traumatic stress, except it is not post yet. We should be able to finish the module this week, hopefully allowing us some time to determine what our characters want to do in the future as we are taking some time off from this campaign to try out the Eberron world. The one thing I have noticed about D&D is that the longer you play, the weirder the character or situation is. I now want to expand my character’s background so there is something unique in it. For example, Caely has a daughter who has reached an age where she can learn by living with others of the family (the benefits of being an elf). It is not anything game-wise that really interferes, but there is someone back home to live for, or to try new things for, or just to relate tales of what you did. It could have play in the game (I don’t really want that, but it could), but more importantly it rounds out the character. She has a history and a life and there is more to her than one assumes by looking at her. My new character has a vibrant history as well. And some of the others are playing really unique races of characters (I have a love of half-elves and elves). Some people expand and take prestige classes, whereas when you started you tended to pick one class and stuck with it. I still do that for the most part, just because it is a lot easier to keep track of, but there are some prestige classes that I have shown an interest in or I have played some of the more unique classes, like Favored Soul (my first foray into a cleric-like class). I think D&D is a great opportunity for people to try something new without having to worry that in real life, they will be ridiculed or terrorized. And as we get older, the less we want to take chances in real life, but in gaming, we are there for the trying. Amazing. Heehee.

Anyway, I should go think about supper. Have lots of do tonight and have to fit some exercise in there as well.

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

For example, the most horrible farts can be used to inflate the most beautiful balloons.

And that is an apt description of this week. It has definitely been a happy bunny week. I am so tired of the shit that constitutes my work. And nobody understands why I want out of that office. Thankfully the beyotch is off again, sick for several days. Of course this is after a comment directed towards me on both Monday and Tuesday. D has a theory that she is threatened by me. It makes sense, I guess. I am so tired of taking the high road and getting slapped constantly for doing so. I mean really, if we want to play that game, let’s just state the obvious – I am younger, smarter, nicer and a hell of a lot more personable that you. I have ambitions that will leave you in the dust and honey, there is no way you can keep up.

Other than that, the big big boss decided that I should go out to one of the new satellite offices to train. He told me Wednesday an hour before we close and wants it done for Monday or Tuesday. Thursday I looked into what I needed to do because things have changed a lot since the last time I did the training and by close I had a long list of things to do. Of course, Friday morning I got the surprise that the training I thought I was doing at my office on Monday was actually for today and there went all my plans for getting prepped for the satellite office. So Friday close leaves me with an even longer list and 3 little checkmarks for those that are done. I am taking the weekend off, I don’t care, mainly because I have plans for most of the weekend. So when shall I get everything done? I honestly don’t know. I mentioned my list to some of my coworkers and how I have to do it because no one else will and they were all “did you ask?” Of course I have asked. I have asked repeatedly for help and no one has the time to help. Of course, they didn’t offer to help.

It has just been one of those weeks and I am exhausted. I have been since last weekend. On Saturday there was the wake, which we stayed at for a few hours. It was… interesting. It was nice to see a lot of people who I don’t get to see. I had to turn down an opportunity to attend a birthday dinner for a friend because of the wake, so instead we went over to help A&J do some final packing. Despite the fun, that went way toooo late, especially considering we were up the next day at 8 am. D went to help them finish taking apart the bed, etc while I did some necessary chores around my house. Then I rushed over to help because their movers (Triple A movers) didn’t show. They had a lot of people helping out and it went fairly smoothly. The only casualty was at the beginning when I failed to catch the falling cat bowl (I so sorry). We had a fabulous dinner with the remaining people and then returned to help them unpack some more. Moving is exhausting – I did 11,250 steps on Sunday. WOW! Of course, I was tired and sore for the rest of this week. In fact, I would be in bed right now, except I am so frustrated with being tired that I decided to wash the bedding and it is still drying. Sighhhh. But there is nothing like the smell and feel of fresh bedding. Especially with my blanket being fresh from the dryer. I love that fresh linen smell. Now if only I could sleep in tomorrow. That would be optimal. But alas, another early morning tomorrow as my sweet car has an appointment for her spring check-up. Maybe they will wash her. That would be really nice. Heehee.

I don’t care about tomorrow; I have given up on yesterday.

I like that phrase. It is what I am feeling. I am just so tired and frustrated. I want to be optimistic, but I am just so tired of being so. I want to curl up and hibernate. I want to leave the world at the door and just ignore it all. I want to spend the day in my pjs, eat ice cream for breakfast, read a book or two, play some music, dance when I feel like it and laugh or cry as I feel, just an unscheduled day. Who knew I would miss that so much, eh? Anyway, I need to check how long til the bedding is done cause I really want to get some sleep.


Really?!? Huh... interesting

Dawn Summers

Dawn is a person driven by her love for her friends and her desire to make a difference. Perhaps you are, too. You're willing to do whatever is necessary to do what is right for those you care about, and sometimes this can get you in a little bit of trouble.
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Link: The 4-Variable Buffy Personality Test written by donathos on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Not that anyone would think this, but...

You scored as Romance.

You understand the components of a romance, and how they work together to make a whole piece that really works. With a readiness to play along just for the sheer fun of it, and the ability to talk about the materials of romance, you’re well-equipped to make a start (or carry on) with a bit of romance-based roleplaying.

If you’d like to put these skills to use right away, you can click and download Microcosm. It’s a free, introductory roleplaying game. If you decide to go for it, remember the awards on the left; those are ones your group may want to use.











What roleplaying genre would you be great at?
created with

Monday, April 09, 2007

A weekend of ups and downs…

Thursday rocked at work since it was the last day before the long weekend and everyone’s mood was up and morale was great and it was actually FUN at work again. It helped that the Beyotch was away still and the bosses noticed the morale difference. Then I came home to an email saying that my brother and his gf broke up so she would not be at Easter dinner.

Friday started off crappy with a huge ‘discussion’ with D about life, money and all that fun. Following that, there was a great Easter dinner with some good conversation and, as always, good food (my mom rocks in the kitchen!). Then it was over to the Fuj Memorial cribbage tournament where I had a load of fun. Didn’t win again this year, though the puzzle that was supplied was totally cool (I would have loved that puzzle – I love Alchemy Gothic!) And there were Happy Bunny cards – honestly, I cannot believe that I do not have those yet. Sighhh! Only a few more months til my b-day, so a girl can hope. Heehee. But there was lots of food, lots of laughs and a fairly late night.

Saturday was a day of boredom since I was alone all day pretty much. I did a bunch of stuff around the house, but by 9:30 I was going stir crazy. Saturday also turned out to be the day in which the awesome J fell down the stairs and sprained her ankle, thereby cementing a wonderful memory for the last weekend in her place. It also meant that she had to rest the foot for 48 hours and thus d&d was cancelled. Sighhhh. As well, I learned that the wife of a friend of mine had passed away that afternoon. I’ve talked about her before with her unique quirks and such, so I am not going to go into that. During the time that I knew her, I don’t remember a time when she was truly unconditionally happy, to the point where she shared her happiness with others just by being around her. So all I can wish now is that I hope she gets the chance to experience unconditional bliss with no pain, no worries, no preconceived expectations. And I hope her hubby and stepson get through this okay.

Sunday was okay. Went for a long walk, slowly prepped dinner, had some friends over to play some games. Nothing expansive. Stayed up way to late, but it was fun.

Monday has been okay for the most part. Wanted to pay off a big bill today but am not able to due to daily limits. Stupid banks. So hopefully, by Wednesday that will be done. Yeah! Went shopping and found some Awesome deals, as did milady. She got some terrific jackets that look stunning on her. I just got tanks and pants. I have to get used to the pants still though – the last pairs I bought and these are a smaller size and I think I got used to the ‘too big’ size because it feels weird to have the clothes fit so well.

Okay I give up today – it is just not going well, aside from the clothes. Can’t pay off the car. The company that I have been playing phone tag with (at my expense since I don’t have a long distance plan) just wanted to check on how we were doing with our product. Excuse me! I spent how much money for you to tell me that?!? Then my mother calls to let me know the dog died. I guess she was fine and then just collapsed. My mother can’t get a hold of the vet, so they can’t do anything until tomorrow. Mom is understandably upset, but I guess especially so since the dog was only 9. Personally I thought that was pretty good, but the last dog that passed was 14. All I know is that this dog had been having health problems and she was overweight and tired all the time and at least she had one last good weekend and then died at home. Jeezers.

Well, on that note, there is really nothing else to say. Sorry. Guess I’ll go make supper. Sighhhh.


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

My lovely lady lumps

If you haven’t seen it yet, you MUST go to MSN videos and see the latest Alanis Morissette – she covers Fergie’s My Humps and it is totally hilarious. I have the song stuck in my head now. The video is hilariously spoofy.

What is sad that I was just thinking of Fergie too. I was complaining, to myself of course, what a sad video Lady Sovereign has (Love me or hate me - I think). Anyway, I was thinking that if I wanted to watch bubblegum pop then I would much rather watch Fergie’s videos that Lady Sovereign’s. Especially after she pronounced breasts with 3 syllables – honestly it was breastises. That is how is sounded, honestly. Even the commentators on Video on Trail noticed that.

I had the BESTEST supper today. It totally hit the spot. If you have been reading for awhile or know me, then you know how much lately I have been hating grocery days. I refuse to cook on these days since I just bought all the food, I certainly don’t want to cook it. But finding something for me that is healthy and low in sodium, etc. is really difficult. Usually I settle with something bad that I justify – like spinach dip and bread cause spinach is good for you. Or potato salad from the deli with an apple for dessert cause the apple balances it all out. I never said I justified well. Heehee. Anyway, today I was staring at the salads, trying to find one that wouldn’t expire by Saturday, when out of my peripheral vision I noticed the shredded lettuce and I immediately thought of tacos. And that is what I had – tacos with fresh tomatoes, shredded lettuce, soft tortillas, fat free sour cream, nacho shredded cheese and nummy ground beef. Despite the breaking of the no cooking rule, the meal just rocked. Who knew it was just what I wanted?

Note – disgusting topic coming up. I have to mention something just cause it was an interesting revelation that I never noticed before. I have mentioned before that we have new people at work now. This means new people using the restroom, which means new smells to get used to. Cause you do – you get used to smells after you have to smell them for so long. However it was the first time I ever noticed that someone’s bathroom smells (ie –#2) could actually smell like cigarettes. I mean really, does she eat them? Holy carp! It was awful. I totally understood why someone would bring in an air freshener. Of course, our office is ‘Scent-sitive’ so no smelling fresheners allowed. Thankfully, the people who I am 99% sure are the culprits are off sick (sure, uh-huh) and the bathrooms haven’t been too bad. I am not looking forward to that smell again.

Anyway, back to life – the last two days have been awesome at work. We have slowed down this week (knock on wood) and it has been nice to leisurely do our jobs and actually remember what it feels like to breathe every so often. I actually got off on time today (mind you, that was also because it was shopping day and I was getting a ride from a co-worker who is a big believer in getting off on time). Plus the beyotch has been away - sighhh - can you hear the office breath a sigh of relief? I am sure that is a contributing factor in the more relaxed atmosphere at work.

My back is finally feeling a bit better today. Somehow when I woke up Sunday, my back was just killing me. I went about my business and then silly me, put on some dancing music and did some impromptu dancing. Ow – lots of hip movements and sore back do not mix. Needless to say Monday it was still bad and this morning I was debating taking some pain relief, but it seems to have worked itself out (I haven’t danced a lot in the last couple of days). Hopefully, tomorrow it will be great and I can go back to listening to great music. Heehee.

Watched Happy Feet on the weekend. That movie was awesome! D didn’t realize it was an environmental movie, so wasn’t as pleased as I was. It is a very fun movie, just near the end was some blatant ‘environmental’ talk that didn’t really flow in the movie and then it ended well. There are a couple of really good extras – the tribute to Steve Irwin (he was an elephant seal in the movie, but was originally an albatross) and there is another little animated show in it that just makes you laugh out loud. I won’t describe it cause seeing it is 100 times better.

Another week of d&d went by, we are still in the war, though it sounds like one of the big wigs for the good side has gone down. We are off to hopefully save him now, though none of us have a resurrection spell, so who knows what we are going to do. We are playing again this week as we are sorta really involved in the storyline – it is like a really good book that you are almost at the end of and you know you need to put it down, but you just can’t, you just want to read just a little more… exactly the same thing here. Plus I am looking forward to some downtime where our characters can decide some very important issues like is the new guy actually evil, will the paladin sleep with the new guy, will the carpet survive another fight? Very important questions, I tell you.

Also went shopping this weekend for some work pants for D and myself. D’s were on a rockin’ great sale – regular 49.99, on for 9.99. I know! We grabbed 3 pairs just to be safe. I have a feeling they are discontinuing the style, which sucks cause the new pairs they have totally hold on to dust and debris. Ew! Mine were also a great deal but only because of my membership card. Still it was nice to get a smaller size. Heehee.

I am so looking forward to this weekend. Our office is closed both Friday and Monday, so it is a four day weekend for me. Yes! I am very happy, in case you didn’t guess.

Anyway, I should go. Lots to do and I am getting tired. Side note- my office is still really clean (that’s the good thing of parents coming over, they inspire you to clean – fear is a wonderful motivator – and I didn’t even just chuck everything in the closet – aren’t you proud of me?) heehee

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